Why don't we still have an encyclopedia for the stars of the Albanian scene?


Why don't we still have an encyclopedia for the stars of the Albanian scene? We do not have a complete and official documentation for Albanian artists, it is difficult to find it, especially for a special number of those artists before the 90s. The reason for this article was a number of requests from the readers and followers of our page, who rightly want to have more extensive and complete information about some Albanian actresses/artists, whether they are secondary roles, but who left indelible impressions on the spectator. There is a considerable number of Albanian actresses and artists who have been left in the "dust" of oblivion, or with a package and truncated information at worst. It is strange that many of these artists, even today, have not been able to escape the censorship of the first government system, but even after the 90s, ironically, it seems that the saying: "A wolf changes hair because of habit, does not forget it" ". This problem has been cited several times and continues to be mentioned….then what is the obstacle, and where is the evil in not rehabilitating the figures of our artists of the past? Before the 1990s, the reason for censorship was a "stain in the biography", while now after the 1990s, with the advent of democracy in Albania, the reasons and causes are different but with the same result, the censorship and obscuration of the figures of the performing arts. Some other artists have been neglected for the sole reason of the lack of professional journalism, from the lack of skill of the incompetent and amateur leaders of the Art Institutions, during the years of transition to even some unscrupulous person who appropriated the archive of these institutions . There is no other way to explain it, when from time to time the names of "unknown" artists appear without the relevant information, and from where it is extremely difficult or impossible to find even a single thread of information about these actresses/artists. "stained biography" "reactionary" before 90 and sometimes "collaborator of the communist system" after 90! It even seems deliberate that not only do we not have information about a group of artists, but also the existing information about others, or what was created before the 90s, is tried to be censored, to be forgotten until then, even in the destruction of the archives and institutions of art such as the closing of Kinostudio "New Albania" or until the last case the demolition of the National Theater of the Albanian people (and not only in Tirana as some sources quote). Do the archives really exist and if they are being worked on, even at the district level? The answer can be quite simple: "No. We don't work like before" and that's it!!! We agree that we must move with the times in art as well, but without forgetting the past, and precisely without forgetting and without denying the names that created the Albanian Cinematography Theater, Variety and Humor, Pure Music with soles, singers, composers… ..that's the only way we will have a future in art. However, no matter how hard the governing systems and political classes in Albania try to erase the past, a history of performing arts, they will never be able to erase the memory of a people! _________________ Albanian Cinematography July 25, 2021 Adm. P. Bj.

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