(Continuation of theater as below)
“Twelfth Night”, a comedy by the world-renowned author William Shakespeare.
Translated from the original by Vedat Kokona
Director : Piro Mani (AP) Set designer : Agim Zajmi (PP)
Makeup: Eleni Toroveci
Wigs : Mimoza Gjoni
Television direction : Ilir Bega Music: Rikard Jorganxhi
Performers: Duka Orsini………Ahmet Pasha / Viola and Sebastiani…….Roza Anagnosti (AM) Countess Olivia…….Pavlina Mani / Sir Tobi……….Fadil Kujovsa / Sir Andrew…….Agim Qirjaqi Malvolio……….Robert Ndrenika ( AM) / Gaztori ……..Shkelqim Bsha / Captain of the 1st ship ………Fitim Makashi / Fabiani…………….Pandi Siku / Maria…………Yllka Mujo Valentini………….Vasjan Lami / Kurioja………Gjergji Gjika / Captain of the 2nd ship………..Tomorr Guce
Other actors: Andon Koco / Leka Sefla
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