The film "In every season" was produced by Kinostudio "Sxqipëria e Re" in 1980. Director: Viktor Gjika, Screenplay: Bashkim Hoxha, Viktor Gjika, Producer: Albania e re , Music: Aleksandër Peçi.
The content of the film Zana and Bardhyli are two students who fall in love. Through the spiritual amplitudes of their love, the film reveals their dreams, desires and preferences. With characters who are more or less the same age but also different from each other, the film gives a portrait of the young student.
INTERPRETING Anisa Markarian…….. Zana Arben Imami…….. Bardhyli Pavlina Leka…….. Mira Spiro Duni…….. Astriti Ermira Bahidi… ….. Ela Adrian Cerga…….. Leka Karafil Shena…….. Fotaqi Tomorr Nushi…….. Ylli Demneri…….. Ylli Ema State……..
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