(VIDEO) “Small Encirclement” Movie!


The film “Small Encirclement” production of 1986.

Screenplay: Ruzhdi Pulaha Cinematographer: Gavrosh Haxhihyseni Film Director: Kreshnik Hashorva, Film Director: Leon Qafzezi & Agron Halili,
Producer: Kinostudio “Shqipëria e re”
Music: Ardit Gjebrea.

Agroni, a veterinarian who is appointed as the chairman of the executive committee of the district. With his appointment as a leader, he feels surrounded by the influence of individuals both in the family and in society.

Frosa, his mother-in-law, starts causing trouble at work, asking to help some of her friends, who even offer her bribes. On the other hand, Max asks him to help for his sister, for whom he also holds a grudge. It is at a crossroads when Drita, the wife, wants to keep her brother’s job, as the director of the district’s culture palace.

Aunt Zenuni reminds him of the possibility of influence from relatives. Agroni did not compromise, but is more determined to act in accordance with his conscience. The film clearly shows that in every state body, working people were appointed who contributed to the economy of the state, among them was the veterinarian Agroni. The film also shows the problem of favoritism, the villagers of Agron and his social circle tried to benefit from his position. Timo Flloko has made many films where the main themes were corruption, favoritism and love for the country. The reason for the title was his uncle’s advice “Those who are greedy for work and power are your relatives”, that’s why the film got the title “The Small Encirclement”.


 Timo Flloko ……..Chairman Agron Beshiri / Sulejman Pitarka …Lambi Guri / Violeta Manushi ….Frosa Guri  / Kadri Roshi ……..Zenun Boriga  / Albert Verria ……friend Kopi Minella Borova ….Berti, Agron’s brother-in-law / Sotiraq Bratko …..Maxi, Agron’s friend Jani Riza ………Besoja, Agron’s friend  / Pandi Raidhi ……. Meti, Llambi’s friend / Marjeta Ljarja ….. Drita, Agron’s wife  / Mimika Luca ……. Shega, cleaner /  Agim Shuke ……. .Comrade Faik  / Xhevair Zeneli …. Gimi  / Vasillaq Vangjeli …. Xhemili 
Kiço Kërri …. Comrade Ligor /  Ilir Shukurti …. Xhevo


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