(VIDEO) The movie "Nothing is forgotten"!


The film “Nothing is forgotten”

produced in 1985 by Kinostudio “Shqiperia e Re”.

Director : Esat Ibro, Screenplay: Teodor Laço,
(COPYRIGHT) Producer: Kinostudio “Shqiperia e Re”,
Music : Aleksandër Lalo.

Llazi Serbo……..Andi Rama, Investigator
Thimi Filipi……..Gramozi, Head of the investigation group
Jani Riza……..Lame Kurrizi
Stavri Shkurti… …..Manol Gjinaj, Translator
Perika Gjezi……..Elmazi, the powerful of the village
Mario Ashiku……..Professor Kallmi
Marko Bitraku……..Selmani Hivziu
Ilia Shyti……….Comrade Ziber, war veteran
Gjergj Melo………
Dhimitër Orgocka village party secretary……..Uncle Fanja
Guljelm Radoja.. ……Fisherman
Zhani Ziçishti……..Uncle Kozi, retired teacher

in episodes Spiro Urumi……..Abdurrahman Harizi  / Marjeta Ljarja……..Sara, wife of Andi Enver Plaku……..Chief of Police / Shkëlqim Jaupi…… ..Viron Mersini, waiter
Vangjel Grabocka……Uncle Gorja / Redi Radoja……..Son of fisherman
Dhorkë Orgocka……..Mother Xhikoja  / Ferdinand Radi……. .Taxi driver
Merita Çoçoli……..Granddaughter of the old witness

The shooting of this film was done in Pogradec and Berat.

The events of the film take place in the present day, but events from the past are also brought in to shed light on various facts and characters. A repatriate is killed in a small town. No one knows who the killer is. The chief investigator takes over this event and succeeds in discovering the causes of the crime.


Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013

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