The film “Kapedani”
produced in 1972 by Kinostudio “Shqiperia e Re”
Director : Muharrem Fejzo and Fehmi Hoshafi,
Screenplay: Skënder Plasari,
(C) Copyright / Producer: Kinostudio “Shqiperia e Re”
Music: Tahsim Hoshafi.
Albert Vëria……Uncle Sulo
Nikolin Xhoja……Uncle Beqoja
Flora Mërtiri……”Kryetarka”
Zagorka Shuke……Uncle Sulo’s wife
Ismail Zhabjaku….. Secretary of the Party
Lazër Filipi – Comrade Ropi
Robert Ndrenika…… Uncle Sulo’s son
Hyrije Ahmeti……..Balerina;
Ferit Gjevori……a cooperative;
Haxhi Sejko……a cooperative
Melpomeni Çobani… Bus biller
Dario Lukaçi… Taxi driver
In episodes: Meropi Xhoja; Reshat Arbana; Fatbardha Lalo; Rauf Pojani; Tefta Hamzaraj; Valbona Simixhiu….
For more detailed information about the film, see the tab below:
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