(VIDEO) The movie "Hope"!


ALBANIAN FILM OF THE CINEMA STUDIO "SHQIPERIA E RE" "Shpresa" is a film produced by Kinostudio "Sxqiperia e Re" in 1989. Director: Eduart Makri, Screenplay: Dhimitër Xhuvani, Cinematographer : Saim Kokona Painter: Fisnik Pulaj Composer: Zef Coba Film director: Teodor Siliqi Sound operator : Koco Tollko Editing director: Mimoza Nano Editor : Ndoc Papleka Costume designer : Durim Neziri Makeup: Durim Neziri and Gazmend Jasa As/director: Armand Xhuli and Andon Koja As/operator : Artan Lipivjani and Reis Cico Nen film director: N. Distafa Administrator : A. Halilaj Decor : I. Shehu Executive painter : M. Muca and S. Basha Editing: Sh. Kapoli Sound: E. Budini Lighting Brigadier: H. Milla Costume Designer: F. Zeqo Props Designer : A. Kllojka Consultant : A. Duci Underwater Shooting: Xhemal Mato Palombar: Xh. Handcuffs

The content of the film Hope has an unfortunate love story. Her boyfriend left her and she had an abortion. She is very depressed. She shuns people and has lost faith in her future. But then she meets and falls in love with the young engineer Piron. The new love awakens Spresa's interest in life, but at the same time there are problems with Piro's family.

INTERPRETING: Matilda Makoçi Eduart Makri Drita Pelingu Qenan Toro Myzafer Ziflaj Albana Mici Pirro Malaveci Mina Koxhaku Pandi Siku Margarita Makri Emond Budina Spresa Miluka Jetmira Dusha

In episodic roles: M. Poka / B. Kasmi / M. Shehi / K. Jakova / A. Kenaj S. Zajmi / M. Bregu / A. Llazani / E. Paskali / A. Collaku I. Gega / E. Qipo

For the filming of this film, the employees of the Naval Shipyard – Durres helped

Performed by the Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra Conductor: Eno Koco (AM)

_____________________ Albanian cinematography was active in 2013

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