The film "A night without light" produced by Kinostudio "Alshqiperia e Re" in 1981.

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Directed by: Gëzim Erebara.

Screenplay : Kiço Blushi.

Producer: New Albania.

Music : Hajg Zaharjan.

The content of the film A new pen appears in the literary circles of Shkodra in the 30s – that of the revolutionary poet Milosh Gjergj Nikolla known as Migjeni. The dark reality revolts the poet deeply. Shkodër, the 1930s, during the reign of King Zog I. Where the Albanian people, especially the north, suffer from hunger, scarcity and insecurity for a good life. The event begins in Shkodër, where it is based on the life of the Albanian poet Migjeni. Miloshi is a teacher in a village in Shkodra. He was known for his literary works. His students had not gone to school for some time, this worries teacher Miloš. He goes to complain to the village headman, but as always, the headman's words were: "where there is poverty, people don't think about school". Miloš looks at the eternal life of the people around him, the poor, where the poor wait for a better life, a life they didn't have, where they believe in God, where they pray to Christ and Allah, where church bells wake up children at night and day, where masses and fasts fill people with the mind that God will not leave them in want and hunger. After the students of Miloš come to school full of joy, the head elder and the priest of the village address him with anger that he should let the children carry out the lesson of God. Teacher Miloshi moves to Puka to open a school for the children of Puka. After opening the school, many children come to be educated. After the school inspector comes, he accuses Miloš and for his actions, of teaching the children with Bolshevik ideas. After those difficulties and obstacles, in order to educate the children, teacher Miloshi fell ill with tuberculosis. After getting on the ship to Italy, he dies at the age of 27.

Actors in roles Vangjel Toçe …….. Mijeni Rabie Hyka …….. Alfred Bualoti …….. Pasqualina Gruda …….. Ndrek Luca …. …. Eduart Makri …….. Agron Dizdari …….. Bruno Shllaku …….. Bep Shiroka …….. Bruna Borova …. …. Salvador Gjeçi …….. Ramiz Rama …….. Tonin Ujka …….. Viktor Bruçeti …….. Nefail Piraniqi …. …. Esat Kola …….. Luijhina Leka …….. Adrian Devole ……… Genti Gazheli ……..

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