(VIDEO) 1978! The 17th Song Festival at RTSH!


The 17th Festival at RTSH Theater of Opera and Ballet, TIRANA Presenters: Zerina Barbullushi and Ndriçim Xhepa TV/Radio: TVSH / Radio Tirana The 17th Song Festival at RTSH took place in December 1978 in Tirana.

______________________________ THE CONTENTS OF THIS VIDEO: 1.VATER BUJARE – Aferdita Laci and Petrit Lulo Music: Spartak Tili Text: Photo Malo

2. I LOVE A FRIEND – Pellumb Elmazi Music : Alfons Balliqi Lyrics : Koçi Petriti

3. THE CRADLE OF TRIMERISE – Adriana Ceko and Muharrem Herri Music : Kujtim Laro Lyrics : Demokrat Anastasi

4. ALBANIA O MY COUNTRY – Avni Mula Music : Avni Mula Lyrics Hysni Miloshi

5. THE FIRST TRACTOR – Fatma Zyberi Music: Naim Gjoshi Lyrics : Kastriot Mahilaj

6. CASTLE OF THE FESTIVAL – Liliana Kondakci Music: Tish Daija Lyrics : Fatmir Alimani

7. CEL THIS EARTH LIKE A ROSE – Irma Libohova Music : Agim Krajka Lyrics: Arben Duka

8. WHEAT AND SONGS – Elida Shehu Music : Aleksandër Lalo Lyrics : Met Dervishi

9. SHOES A LAUREL LEAVE – Ema Qazimi and L. Kondakci Music : Limoz Dizdari Text: Xhevahir Spahiu

10. GENERATIONS IN THE SOUTH – Enerieta Cela Music: Klement Marku Lyrics: Niko Kacalidha

11. SHOKE TE PANDARE – Ylli Ciftja Music : Gaqo Avrazi Lyrics : Valdete Andoni

12. WEDDING ON FREEDOM DAY – A. Ceko and Kozma Dushi Music: Tasim Oshafi Text: Zhuliana Jorganxhi

13. HAPET DANCE – Bashkim Alibali Music: Enver Shëngjergji Lyrics: Isuf Nelaj

14. ACROSS THE SEAS AND OCEANS – Kastriot Ago and Bahri Rustja Music: Agron Xhunga Lyrics: Petraq Risto

15. MARTYRS OF FREEDOM – Tonin Tershana Music: Kujtim Këndro Lyrics: Hysni Miloshi

16 – THE FIRST TRACTOR – Zeliha Sina Music: Naim Gjoshi. Text: Kastriot Mahilaj.

********************************************* First prize: "Kept a leaf dafine", music Limos Dizdari, lyrics Xhevahir Spahiu, sung by Gaqo Cako and duet Liliana Kondakçi – Ema Qazimi.

Second prize: "Grure dhe kenge", music by Aleksander Lalo, lyrics by Met Dervishi sung by Fatma Zyberi and Elida Shehu. "Albania, my country", music by Avni Mula, lyrics by Hysni Milloshi, sung by Avni Mula and Ema Qazimi.

Third prize: "Cel ki toke si trandafil", music Agim Krajka, text Arben Duka, sung by Irma Libohova and Eduard Jubani. "Djepi i trimerise", music Kujtim Laro, text Demokrat Anastasi, sung by the duet Adriana Ceko – Muharrem Herri and the duet Luan Zhegu – Tonin Tershana. "Te forte e kemi Shqiperine", music by Pjeter Gaci, lyrics by Sali Mani, sung by Ramiz Kovaçi and Gjergj Suljoti.

Video created by "Albanian Cinema", in September 2016 and published on Youtube The exclusivity on this page is dated January 21, 2024

The 17th festival took place from 26 to 28.12.1978. It was presented by Zerina Barbullushi and Ndriçim Xhepa. The winning song was "Këputa în teto dafîn" with music by Limos Dizdar (his third win), such special lyrics by Xhevahir Spahi and in two equally different and equally wonderful interpretations by Gaqo Çako (his third win ) and from the duet Liliana Kondakçi (her second victory) – Ema Qazimi (her third victory). It is one of the most beautiful songs of all festivals. The theme is like all the festivals of those years: about the Party, the successes of socialism, etc. The Adriana Ceko – Muharrem Herri duet that beautifully interprets two songs stands out. There are some songs with a love theme, such as: "Grain and wheat" with a musical motif and lyrics close to popular creations and interpreted so beautifully by Fatma Zyberi. The song "E dua une a shok" (like my eyes) is also on the theme of love, performed by Afërdita Laçi. But, in the other interpretation of Pëllumb Elmaz, this theme of love goes away and goes to "society". He participates again with a rhythmic song Agim Krajka, with lyrics by Arben Duka, who has this participation in festivals for the first time. Singer Irma Libohova begins her career at festivals. Vaçe Zela does not participate in this festival. (According to J. Zamputi in Wikipedia) _____________________ Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013

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