Vangjel Heba (1933 – 2007) | Commemorative!


Vangjel Heba (1933 – 2007)
Merited artist.
Prominent actor of Durres Theater as well as of Albanian Cinematography. An integral part of the golden generation of our actors who made a valuable contribution to the performing arts.

Heba was born on March 11, 1933 in the city of Durrës. We can find his artistic beginnings during the Artistic Lyceum of Durrës in 1950, when he was in the third year of the Lyceum, in the interpretation of the Russian drama “Under the Chestnuts of Prague”. The warm reception from the public makes him continue on the path of art. Thus, during the time of the mandatory military service that began in December 1952 in the Army Ensemble, together with other well-known actors such as Avni Resuli, Esat Oktrova, Piro Mani will establish the Army Theater.

He will also be one of the founders of the “Aleksandër Moisiu” Theater in the city of Durrës on January 11, 1952, performing the role of Petrit in the first drama staged by this Theater, “The Fisherman’s Family” by Sulejman Pitarka (People’s Artist).

In 1953 he returned from the army and started working near this Theater, where he, together with the People’s Artist, Nikolin Xhoja, would become one of the pillars of this theater. In 1975, after finishing his directing studies and after a two-year specialization period at the People’s Theater (today the National Theater) as a director, he will also be the director of the “Aleksandër Moisiu” Theater for 5 years, staging about 15 dramas and comedies of different. Here we can mention the dramas “The Flight of the Turtle”, “People on the Rock”, “A Classmate” etc. There will be many roles, about 80, that he will perform with this Theater. Here we can mention the role of Adem Reka in the drama “Flag in the Storm”, Anjucki in Gogol’s “Marriage”, Berti in “Deep Roots”, etc.

He retired in 1988.

In cinematography, his first role will be that of Vasili in the film “Furtuna” in 1959, then he will about 22 other roles continued, such as the role of Murrash in the film “Our Land” in 1964, the role of Lieutenant Petros in the film “Guerrilla Unit” in 1969, the role of Dom Gjon in the film “The Call” in 1976, the role of the Director of the school in the film “Girls with red ribbons” in 1978, the role of Peshkop Jakov in the film “Second November” in 1982, the role of Fane Mërtir in the film “The stones of my house”, etc.

In cinematography, the actor’s contribution is made with a considerable number of films during the 30-year period, from 1959 in “Fortuna” and until the last film of v. 1989 “Ballad of Kurbin”. He will leave his life and his beloved family on October 17, 2007. To honor his memory, the Municipality of Durrës will give him the title of “Honorary Citizen”. For his artistic merits, Vangjel Heba in 1968 will be awarded the title “Honored Artist”.

1959 — Furtuna……Vasili
1964 — Our Land…..Murrash
1969 — Guerrilla Unit…..Lieutenant Petro
1971 — Mountains Clad in Green….Ali Bey
1975 – – Zani Partizani (TV Movie)…..
1976 — The Call….Dom John
1976 — Sounds of war…Questor
1977 — Illegals…Questor
1977 — A difficult journey…. …..
1978 — Girls with red ribbons…..School principal
1979 — We came from the war…..Andoni
1979 — Dorina (TV Movie) …..Victor’s father
1980 — An incident at the port……Head of the internal department
1982 — Second November…..Bishop Jakovi
1983 — The Trap……Kurti
1983 — Flame of the Mountains (TV)……Luigj Gurakuqi
1984 — The First Voyage…….Mihali
1985 — The Stones of my House……Fane Mërtiri
1986 — Three days from a life… .Veteran
1987 — Phone of One Morning……Editor-in-Chief
1987 — The Kill in the Hunting……..
1987 — Invisible World….Doctor Socrates
1988 — Mission Beyond the Sea…..Capedani
1989 — Ballad of Kurbin……Temal Berati, iconography

THEATER (some of which are shown)
“Votra e huaj” by Ndrek Luce (People’s Artist)
“Servant of the devil”
“Roots of deep”………… Gogol’s
“Beyond Love”
“A Classmate”
“Such Love”
“Under the Chestnuts of Prague”
“Albanian Nights”
“The Last Stop”
“Stormy night”
“Over the ruins” by Fadil Pachrami
“Marriage” by Nikolai Gogol………….
“Invasion” by Leonid Leonov
“Story of a night”
“Braid of wars”
“Fear and misery in the Third Reich” by Bertold Breht
“The Fisherman’s Family” by Sulejman Pitarka (People’s Artist)….Petriti “Seagull”
“Beslidhja” etc.

Theater director
“Flight of the turtle”
“People on the rock”
“A classmate of mine”

Previously published on the “Albanian Cinematography” Facebook page in 2015 and revised in the following years.


Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013

Reference: Encyclopedia of Albanian Cinema & Newspapers and online Albanian forums.

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