In the context of the anniversary of the establishment of the professional theater “Migjeni” in Shkoder, we are bringing an article from 2009 about the history of the theater in this city.
It is dedicated to the amateur and professional theater movement 1879-1990 in the city of Shkodra. The age of the theater movement.
The age of the theater movement in the city of Shkodra is still undefined to this day. In this indeterminacy, the first to come to mind are a considerable number of questions on a plane both real and unreal, comparisons (some of them resemble mutilated limbs), eyewitnesses with a nebulous credibility, belated spectators, chronicles that they were not written or they were written and buried as treasures, remaining diaries that still do not dare to come out of the family archives, witnesses of generations that are still living and that history requires the honest word from their identity, the registers, whose sheets they are yellowed by time and corrosion…
If all these were “alive” they would form a much-desired encyclopedia. We would not need to search and shed light, where they are missing, they have lost their tracks. And the traces that we know date little information in a year or a century… And then?! … Silence … Silence that we don’t like.
And in order to “break” this silence a little, during our research we collected some crumbs from this variety as even more complete arguments to prove even more deeply the existence of this amateur theater movement as the oldest. We are looking for its origin.
Even before the establishment of the Catholic seminary that ceased to live on 4.6.1856; there are records (I believe they will be documented later) that there was a diocesan seminar led by the secular Catholic clergy of Shkodran, where a small number of sermons in the Albanian language were given for the first time, the subject matter of which does not go outside the walls of the seminar. Then, from 1865, where the seminary space was entrusted to the Jesuits, the play “The Wandering Jew” (in Italian) was shown.
The chronicle of the documentation is enriched further and more convincingly, when the theatrical performance speaks with the voice of the Albanian language. In the personal archive of the researcher Gjush Sheldia we read: “From the book “Shqipnija” by Dede Pas, vol. I (1874-1914), first chapter, p. 37, lines 7-14, the following is written: “…to I am allowed to note that for this purpose, as early as 20.2.1879, the second year of the Institute, the show began, in a hall of the College, with the presentation of a farce (gas play) by P. Çezar, in the Albanian language, – which had – as the diary says – an extraordinary echo.” We can find more complete information about this show in the article: “The extent of the amateur theater movement in Shkodër (1879-1930)” authored by Gjon Karma, Merited Artist (rev. “Scene and Screen”, 4/1983. We read: “Mako”, translated and adapted according to the country’s customs.
The second performance (unknown title) was given in 1880 Saverian College”. While in the personal archive of the researcher Sheldia, another play is mentioned, but two years later: “…in February 1882, the play “The Jew’s Son” was performed by Pashko Bari, a priest from Shkodran. From the memorial book “College Saverjane around 50 years” and from the oral testimonies of the former students of the school, it appears that the first actors to appear were: Gjon Midha, Bep Muzhani, Cin Pema, Filip Parruca, etc.
This custom was followed until late, starting on Fat Thursday, Sunday and Tuesday of carnivals. Another show, which is also the third, is reflected in the materials of the two researchers, although the date has changed by one day. And the play is Leonardo de Martino’s “Night of Sparkles” on 24.12.1880. The drama was performed in the Albanian language by the students of the Popular School (that was the name of the school run by the Franciscans at that time). Regarding this show, in the book “Harp of an Italo-Albanian”, pp. 309-328, Venice, Press. of Spriranca, year 1881; we find reflected: “…Nata e Këşndellave-Nieri Hy-the real savior of the peoples.
Pastoral drama, performed by the children of folk schools, in the chapel of the little friars, in Shkodër, on the night of Christmas 1880. pg. 311 – Shepherds’ walk in Bethlehem. pg. 321 – The gift of the shepherds. This drama can be changed – names, words and endings that belong to the female gender. I will also present it to you again during future candlelight celebrations – from the Stigmatine Sisters of Shkodër.
The impression you made on that population, as if the superior of the central hospice described it to me with the following words : “I love you very much, I’m A. Leonard (Troshan) The soulful drama that you have prepared for the cave, it was amazingly good. How many people! Too much humanity! We saw a lot of tears from soaking in that sweet and touching scene! In the church of our hospice, here is what happened in the morning of Kşhëndellave, before dawn; to the sisters in the evening of the same day.
In order to satisfy as much as possible the good wishes of these good Christians, it was necessary to repeat the first day of the year and the day of Epiphany. All be for the glory…etc.etc… (The letter is dated January 8, 1881 and is signed by A. Gjampero from Bergamo).”
Currently, the most reliable opinion remains that the first performance was given on February 20, 1879 and It was titled “Mako”. This play is presented in the Albanian language and performed by amateur actors from Shkodra. Despite our searches, we have not yet clarified a problem: P. Çezar’s name is not listed anywhere in the list of teachers of the Saverian College Ours is attached to the researcher Gj. Sheldi)

Theater companies Shkodra has a rich, enviable and radiant tradition in the theater movement. Thus, in the space of time, until the establishment of the professional theater, many societies were born and showed their amateur artistic portrait, such as: “Fretnore School” (1861), Saverian College (1905) with the deputy groups: “Unemployed Seminary”, “Congregation of Our Lady Nunciate”, “Oratory of the Heart of Christ”, “Charitable Circle of St. Joseph”, “Orphanage of the Heart of Christ”; and later societies: “Leka”, “Iliria” (1931), School of Stigmatine Sisters (1878), Society “Rozafat” (18.02.1918), “Societies: “Mustafa Pasha” with chairman Ibrahim Gjyrezi of “Vaso Pasha” headed by Hilë Mosin, which merged and took the name “Vllaznia” (1919-1935); “Gëzimorja” (Shirokë, 1922), “Populli” was later called “Shkodra” (1923), “Grupi i Gjon Krajni” (1923), “Free Atmja” (1932), “Djelmnia Antoniane” (1933) which later included: “Circle of Don Bosco” and “Scuola Cantorum” (1935); “Malet tona” (1934), “Shkodra Group” (1936), “Besa” (1937), “Muslim Charitable Community” (1938), “Carnivals” (1861, perhaps even earlier), as well as auxiliary and worker societies, etc., were developed among the seven theaters that were erected from time to time: the Hall of the Saverian College had 450 seats, of the Franciscan school with 300 seats, of the Stigmatine school with 250 seats, the hall of the Parruca school (built as a cinema-theatre by the Austro-Hungarian armies during the First World War) with 400 seats, the salon of the “Bogdani” society with 350 seats, the salon of the “Vllaznia” society with 400 seats. On November 23, 1919, the “Bogdani” society was established. For 20 years it became the beacon of the theater movement in Shkodër and at the same time the main core of professional actors of the theater “Migjeni”.
Memories of the director Andrea Skanjeti His childhood dream for the theater was developed and realized by working for it for more than half a century as a director and writer, devoting a life to the theater, a life People’s Artist, Andrea Skanjeti. Artistic balance: 190 dramas, 86 comedies, 53 farces, 16 melodramas, 7 operettas, 7 ballets, 4 monologues, 3 skits, 1 poetic-musical entertainment, 1 idyll and 1 vaudeville. And his memories…
– Vitore Nino (Ujka), Merited Artist
“She is one of the actresses who immediately acquired directorial data and studied her role in depth. She embodied these data by developing new creations according to the nature of the character he played. Since “Portreti” (1946) and during the period of more than 30 years, he was distinguished for the most natural realism of the role. He prepared these with love and was closely related with the theater that she didn’t leave it even when she retired.”
– Ndrekë Prela, Merited Artist
“Equipped with a strongly developed memory. He immediately mastered the text and every directorial data. He interpreted the roles entrusted to him in an excellent way. He speaks Spanish and Italian.”
– Ndoc Vasija
“One of the founders of the society “Bogdani”, secretary of the chairmanship. As a comedy writer in close cooperation with the playwright Zef M. Harapin, they were the main suppliers of this society with dramas, comedies, translations and adaptations.
More specifically: in 1921 edited and adapted the comedy “Dy gungaçat”, which appeared on 6.2.1921. Then in the years 1927, 1939, 1942… he performed in the drama “Çilc per çilc” by Zef M. Harapi and staged by Saverian College, on 16.2.1915. The year 1920 marks the culminating point in the number of performances in Shkodran.
All genres of theater come on stage: drama, melodrama, comedy, Vaudeville, we see Vasina as a director in these parts: “Batakçija i rrejtun”, staged by Saverian College, on 3.12.1920; “Corba e Nastradinit”, staged by Saverian College, 3, 6.2.1921; “Rikardi Kumblebery” (drama), staged by the “Bogdani” Society, 28, 29.3.1921; “Master Tofli” (comedy), staged by Saverian College, on 3.12.1921; “Skopje and Shkodër” (comedy), staged by Saverian College, on 3.3.1922; “Two monkeys on a shelf” (gas play), staged by the “Bogdani” Society, on 3.3.1922, 28.11.1922, 21.4.1924, 25.12.1932; “Ciko Pistolja” or “Hospital of Fools” (comedy), staged by Saverian College, on 20.2.1923; “Mihajl Shliva, lugat” (gas play), staged by Saverian College, on 20.2.1923; “Two gentlemen without pants” (comedy), staged by the “Bogdani” Society on 9.2.1923; “Adalgjizi” (drama), staged by the Marjan Congregation on 25.12.1924; “The Duke of Norfolk” (drama), staged by the “Bogdani” Society, 1931. In collaboration with Gjon Pentalina, they staged the following pieces: “Ferdinand Cortez” (drama), staged by the Saverian and Uratoria College, on 15, 17, 20.2.1920; “Sejani” (drama), staged by the Saverian College and the Congregation of Our Lady of the Annunciation”, on 8.12.1920; “Bylbyli” (comedy), staged by the Saverian College, on, 3, 8.2.1921; “Zotnija i dispruem ” (gas play), staged by Saverian College, on, 15.2.1931. In collaboration with Ndoc Deda, they staged the following pieces: “Ciko Pistolja” or “Hospital of Fools” (comedy), staged by the Antoniane Society , on 20.2.1944; “Kasheta e Koprracit” (comedy), staged by “Bogdani” Society, on, 25.4.1943; “Gjokë Pulaci”. ), staged by the “Kangtors” School, on 3.5.1942. In collaboration with Shuk Radoja, they staged parts: “Detective” (comedy), staged by the “Bogdani” Society, on 28.11.1931 In collaboration with Tef Krroq, they staged this piece: “Kasem Aga’s shoes (gas play), staged by Don Bosco. Ndoci, at first, was a teacher at the Saverian College and later at the “Skënderbeg” state school, all being devoted to the theater as a writer and director. In 1929 he left Shkodra and became the editor of the newspaper “Sekulli i ri” of Durrës, after 6 months in Tirana in “Gazetan e re”, “Besa”, “Drita” etc., where he stood out as a humorist.”
– Ndoc Mëshkalla “For a regular and laid-back breathing, I mean the actor Ndoc Mëshkalla, who from dilettantism managed to become a professional actor among the most distinguished at that time in the popular theater of Tirana. Although with affected lungs, he knew how to exercise breathing well enough to successfully perform leading roles with long texts. He was very skilled at laughing and crying in a completely artistic way. His resounding laughter, with different colors according to the occasions of nature, lit up his whole face, where the spiritual interior was so clearly reflected. With the greatest ease when he had to burst into tears. The actor Ndoc Meshkalla was a very intelligent self-taught, he did not have much schooling, but he got his schooling and education on stage. With his simplicity, his great passion for theater and his spontaneous tendency to develop me, he has taught me a lot. When he got dressed, in the costume of the role and did the make-up, which he always tried to do himself during the time he had left to go on stage, he used it by preparing the lines and entering the life of the character. In those moments, he was no longer Ndoc Meshkalla, but the character of the work he was performing. Performed: “Trimnija en provo” (gas play), directors: Gjon Qeraxhija and Gjon Pentalija, staged by Saverian College, on 3,8.12.1920; 4.2.1921; “Besa” by S. Frashër, directors: Kristo Floqi and Karl Gurakuqi, staged by the “Vllaznia” Society, on 27, 28.11.1919; 26.11.1921; Goldoni’s “Servant of Two Lords”, directors: H. Mosi, Gj. Pentalija and K. Kakarriqi, staged by the “Vllaznia” Society, on, 1936; “Stork in Shkodër” (gas play), made by A. Xanoni and Z. Harapi, director: Tush kakarriqi, staged by Saverian College, on, 16.1.1929; staged by the Association “Leka”, on 16.1.1931; “Ferdinadn Kortez” (drama), directors: Nd.Vasia, Gj.Pentalia, staged by Saverian and Uratorja College, on, 15, 17, 20.2.1920; “Shkola e katunt” (gas play), worked by A. Xanoni, director: Gj. Pentalia, staged by Uratorja, on 15, 17.2.1920; “Batakçija i rrejtun” (comedy), director: Nd. Vasia, T. Kakarriqi, staged by “Leka” Society, on 17.1.1932; “The mattress flew” (gas game), worked by A. Xanoni, directors: Gj. Pentalia and T. Kakarriqi, staged by the “Leka” Society, on 12.2.1931; “Shkup e Shkodër” (comedy), director: Nd. Vasia, staged by Saverian College, on 3.3.1922; “Gjin Bue Shpata” (drama), directed by Filip Fishta and Gjush Sheldia, staged by the “Shkodra” Society, in 1924; “Djemnit hajna” (drama), staged by the Marjan Congregation, on 28.2.1924; “The night of the extravaganzas” (comedy), director: A. Skanjati, staged by the Society “Populli”, on, 27.9.1924; “Kont Kaciku” (vaudeville), director: T. Kakarriqi, staged by the Society ” Leka”, on 12.2.1931; “Vešet me piru” (comedy), director: Gj. Pentalia, staged by Saverian College, on, 12.2.1931; Don Bosco district, on, 7.5.1935; “Ali saw Tepelena and Suljotët”, author A.Skanjeti, staged by the “Vllaznia” Society, on, 27,28.11.1936; “Prince Stromokos” or “An assassination in Lodërtuna” (comedy), director: A.Skanjeti, staged from the “Vllaznia” Society, on, 1941.
Professional Theater, 24.11.1949
The Theater of Shkodra, which bears the name of the famous poet Migjeni, as one of the best theaters of our country, preserves the soundest tradition of theater societies approved: Andrea Skanjeti (director and director), actors: Adem Kastrati, Antoneta Fishta, Ndrekë Prela, Çezarina Çiftja, Ndoc Deda, Paulin LAcaj, Vitore Ujka (Nino), Tef Krroqi; in administration: Zef Jubani (accountant), Palok Kurti (prompter), Pjetër Deda (set designer), Ejëll Gjusi (tailor), Lec Prendi (carpenter); semi-professional actors with a monthly salary were approved: Zef Jubani, Tinka Kurti, Česk Vuksani, Qazim Lila, Lin Gjonej, Gjovalin Çarkaxhia, Cin Lufi, Mark Bushati, Muhamet Ulqinaku, Halim Kali, Zef Maka, Zef Mirashi, Marie Buçi, Ndoc Harapi , Rrok Sheldia.
Amateur dramatic theater
In 1952, there were two amateur theater groups in the House of Culture. With these groups, the pieces were staged: “Replacement” (one act), “Dear Guest” (one act), “Sow well, reap well” (one act), “Joint Family” (one act), “Dispute” (an act). Ton Shoshi’s comedy “A chicken sang like a rooster” was also staged. Poor comedy. It contains some aspects of the life of the highlanders of Dukagjin in the period 1940-50 and deals with the development of the consciousness of these people. The theater group “Vasil Shanto” staged the drama “Love at dawn” by A.Gallan. Performed: Ndoc Çikliqi presented the role of Stefani with truth and sentiment. Violeta Pali in the role of Varvara presented it well. This same group staged the comedy “Fanatics” by Goldoni, translated and staged by A.Skanjeti.
The premiere was given in Tirana, on February 15, 1955. Performed by: F. Martini, Domenika Veli, Violeta Pali, Diamanta Pema, Ndoc Çikliqi, Rrok Ashta, Rrok Sheldia, Shyqyri Bakalli, Česk Vuksani, Gjovalin Vjerdha. The scenes were worked by Franc Ashiku. Cesk Vuksani worked with him. The comedy “Fejesa” (written and staged by A.Skanjeti) was staged. Performed by: Ndoc Çikliqi, Kolec Tafrruku, Julka Kakarriqi, Veronika Prela, Domenika Veli, Rrok Sheldia, Rrok Dajçi, Ferdinand Bushati, Gjovalin Çarkaxhia, Gjina Paskali. With the theater group of the House of Culture, director Skanjeti staged Boris Gorbatov’s drama “The Time of Fathers’ Youth”.
Paulin Preka stood out in the role of Anton for his temperament, Ana Ujka in the difficult role of Natasha. It created quite an emotional moment. Rrok Ashta in the role of Stefan, Rrok Dajçi in the role of Ocari, student Fahri Doraci in the role of Jefimoik, Kolë Jubani in the role of Gjega, Vera Prela in the role of Dasha, Terezina Preka in the role of Madam Olupina, Domenika Veli in the role of Mariuse etc. Scenography Lec Fishta, assisted by Franc Ashiku and Česk Vuksani, the seamstress Zina Ashta contributed.
The first variety shows
In 1954, the director Skanjeti staged a variety show entitled “Estrada ne penjhere”, the songs were by Tonin Harapi and Deto Haxhi, the orchestra was conducted by Zef Leka. then he put the next number titled: “U cua man e tha”. The preparation of humorous and literary parts by A.Skanjeti, the choice of popular songs by deto Haxhi, while Zef Leka conducted the orchestra. In 1955, the director Skanjeti put on two variety shows, namely: “E now you will listen” and “Estrada pa perçe”. Writers contributed: Tonin Miloti, Jonuz Dini, Ton Shoshi, Frano Gjelaj, Ludovik Pepa. Performed by amateur actors (at that time) Hasan Smaja, Tano Banushi, Paulin Preka, professional actors: Adem Kastrati, Tinka Kurti, Prekë Lëkunda, Lec Ndreka, Pistol Soja, etc. The orchestra under the direction of Tonin Zadeja. In 1958, professional variety show was created. Director: Paulin Sekuj. In addition to talent, he was also a tireless worker, a sniffer and a consistent researcher. He was a modest and silent man, one would think. Maybe a little slow, but systematic at work.
The writing belongs to v. 2009
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