Theater "Petro Marko", Vlora | 60th anniversary of the establishment!


Theater "Petro Marko", Vlora! The premiere marking the inauguration of this theater was the drama "Fundosjo e skudare", by the Russian writer Korneicuk, which was staged by the director Kujtim Spahivogli, on November 16, 1962, exactly 60 years ago. 1962 – 2022 Professional theater institution of the city of Vlorés, which staged plays such as dramas and tragedies. comedy etc. It is located in "Skénderbeu" square. There is a hall with 450 seats, with a slope of Iehté; Iozhén, the balcony. The stage, the lobby where the show posters and photos are placed, the actors and management areas on the second floor, and from the back, the decor warehouse, etc. Traces of the theater in Vlora can be seen since ancient times with the construction of the theater of Orik and the stadium of Amantia. A long period, unlike that of the Middle Ages, almost destroyed the theater by taking its breath away from folklore forms. Folkloric folk toys, which preserved genuine theatrical structures, in the surroundings of Vlora, in the province of Labérisé and in the Coast, have existed and still exist to this day, even though in the rural and deeper part of it. Although the Albanian National Renaissance started late due to the well-known reasons of the occupation, it was nevertheless the one that started a new period for the nation, the culture, and also for the theater of Vlora. Voluntary patriots and amateur artists valued the theater more strongly as an Iirie tribune than as a form of entertainment. Within the framework of this historical circumstance in the city of Vlore, as written in the newspaper "Liria" of Thessaloniki, on February 14, 1909, the patriotic club "Laberia" was established. His aim was, first of all, to awaken the national conscience of the Albanians abroad. The founders of this club, feeling and understanding that culture and art were the ideals where the ideas of liberation and national emancipation were embraced in a massive way and with the active presence of a wide public, gave it from the very beginning an importance of the hand before the organization of mixed performances with music, songs, folk dances, recitations of patriotic verses by renaissance writers, with musical choirs and bands, with dramatic texts, etc., which, from a broad perspective, can be examined and evaluated as theatrical performances. But, in order to build good theater performances with the parts written in person, a special theater group with young and old people was established near the "Labéria" club. The first actresses were both patriots and intellectuals, as well as its director, teacher Thanas Floqi, who also created the city's musical orchestra. Since the conception of this first nucleus of the dramatic theater of Vlorë, it was aimed towards the national drama, which would touch on the acute political problems of the time. This is the reason why the first performance of this group was precisely the drama "The Death of Pyrrhus" by Mihal Gramenos. The press of the time announced the success of the show. Spectators deeply moved by the subject of the drama did not stop applauding the actress and the author himself. Even today, the words said by the director of the Muradies School, Mr. Leonidha Nagi, seem meaningful: "The theater will awaken in your soul those dormant national feelings, which the country needs for progress and defense…". As Marigo Posio also writes in her chronicle in the Rrufeia newspaper: "The actors play with great skill and great knowledge. The show was organized in the premises of "Shkollés sé Muradies" and was shown in the house of Qurem bej Vlorés. The show was also welcomed by the Albanian colonies in Bucharest, Thessaloniki, Cairo, Boston and elsewhere. In 1920, a group of young people from the city, under the direction of Kolé Kamési and Dom Mark Vasé, staged the drama "Besa" by Sami Frashér, which was prepared by teachers Kolé Kamési and Dom Mark Vasa. The performance of the drama "Blood" by Milo Dugi, on the occasion of the release of Vlora, had a special resonance. In the fall of 1921, the theater company "Fillodramatika" was created in Vlorë, with Panajot Papingji as its president, and in September 1922, this troupe presented the drama "Fe e Kombesi" by Kristo Flloqi. This show was also attended by Avni Rustemi. After that, the companies "Ismail Qemali" and "Vlora" were created. In 1924, with the arrival of Fan Noli in Vlora, the theater troupe of the society "Bashkimi" performed the drama "Korlo Topia" by Kristo Flloqi*. Such well-known actors of the beginning of the theater movement in the area of Vlora as: Kolë Kamësi, Muhamet Çobo, Hajri Kreshpa, Hamza lsai, Lluka Papzorgji became an expression of the culture and art of the time. Until 1924, when it was forced to disband, it showed a considerable number of dramas and comedies by Albanian and foreign authors. The performances "Fe e kombësi" (1924), "Korlo Topia" (1922), "Besa" etc. had a special effect. In 1922, the society "Djelmeria e Kanina" was organized. In 1926, the society "Sinema pradag" was established, while in 1927, the sports association "Vlora" operated in this city; as well as the "lsmail Qemali" extracurricular society. In the 1930s-1940s, in addition to the above-mentioned pieces, Haki Stërmilli's "Misery Dibrania", Foqion Postoli's "The Flower of Memory", Skender Luarasi's "Agimi i Lirisi" and the echoes of the theater of this city were also staged. , despite the difficult conditions, was also felt in Elbasan, Berat, Tirana, Gjirokaster, Durrës, and in the fall of 1936, he also performed in Prizren with the drama "Besa" by S. Frashër. One of the hotbeds of the theater movement in the 1940s was the commercial high school of Coldwater, from which many future actors emerged. It is worth mentioning the staging in this city of the tragedy "Shakespeare's Othello", in 1927. In the 30s, several one-act comedies by Kristo Floqi were staged, such as "The banker's daughter", "Vllazni and interest", "Krohinor's granddaughter" etc. Among the well-received performances of 1937 was the staging of the poem "Hanko Halla" by Ali Asllani, where for the first time the girls of the city were also active. It should be noted that until then women's roles were played by male actors. This sign of emancipation was welcomed by the intellectual opinion of the city. A great role in the progress of the theater of the city of Vlora has been played by its directors and managers, such as: Panajot Papingji, Sami Kobo, Skënder Luarasi, Kolë Lakuriqi, Ibrahim Kushta, Shefqet Resuli, Jani Minga, etc. On the stage of this theater were prepared the most famous actors of the time, who served the stage art for a whole life, such as: Gaqi Visha, Liza Laska, Ahmet Butja, Qemal Gorishova, Ilia Peso, Fan Dëma, Mustafa Belshi, Ndrek Beltoja, Nuri Arapi, Nazmi Batalli, Skënder Cupishti, etc. After the liberation, there is a great revival of the Amateur Theater Movement in the city of Vlora. A series of works by Moliere, Schiller, Ibsen, by Soviet authors, as well as pieces by Albanian playwrights, such as: "The Prefect", "The Fisherman's Family", "Dom Gjoni", "Syleshi", "Trimi i good with many friends", "Lottery ticket", "Girl from the village" etc. The aim of expanding the network of professional theaters on a national scale naturally included this city as well. The theater group of the House of Culture of the city, established after the liberation of the country, became the core of the professional theater. The troupe of actors started the preparatory work for the realization of a musical-literary tableau in June 1962. The premiere that actually marks the inauguration of this theater was the drama "Fundosjo e skudare", by the Russian writer Korneicuk, which was staged by the director Kujtim Spahivogli, on November 16, 1962.

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 1 - Photo gallery from the performances of the "Petro Marko" Theater

Throughout its activity, the "Petro Marko" theater has staged over 126 plays by Albanian and foreign authors. Some of the works of Albanian authors are: "The Fisherman's Family" by Sulejman Pitarka" (1964), "In the Name of Happiness" by lsmail Hoxha" (1964), "Doctor Alexi" by Ibrahim Uruçi" (1966), "The Face of second" by Dritëro Agolli" (1968), "Wedding without a bride" by Naum Prifti (1969), "On the road to life" by S. Pitarka (1969), "The Invincibles" and "The End of a Drama" by Ninush Jeros (1970, 1972), Bashkim Kozel's "Red Signal" (197I), one of the most successful shows, which was given 196 times in public, as well as broadcast 47 times by VATS; "The house on the boulevard" and "On the rubble" by Fadil Paçrami (1970, 1971), "Four from the army" by Serafin Fanko (1974), "Crawfish" by Thoma Frashëri (1976), "Linked like a necklace of bullets" by B. Kozelit (1978), with the subject of the war of Vlora, in which the epic and dramatic character of the event and characters drew attention; the drama "Jatagani" by A. Osman and Z. Kapaj (1979), which stood out for its epic spirit, pathos, mythic and legendary overlays, as well as war scenes with conflicts permeated by patriotic feelings.

 2 - Photo gallery from the performances of the "Petro Marko" Theater


In 1978, the dramatization of the novel "Rruga Budi 723" by Ruzhdi Pulaha* appeared on the stage of this theater, a play with rhythm, youthful optimism, light, humor, which gave the process of embracing new civilizational habits in the father- sons as well as in those within the couple. Other shows followed, such as: "The end of a comedy" by Fadil Kraje (1979), "November of the flag" by Miliano Stefa (1980), which gracefully brought the time and the historical figure of Ismail Qemalit, interpreted by Arcile Nasho, "Midis dy khaorivi" and "Kristali blu" by Mihallaq Qilleri (1984, 1986), "Shoku Zylo" by Dritëro Agolli and Ferdinand Hysit (1985), "Three minds at auction" by F. Hysit (1994), a tragico-comic approach to the anarchic and confusing reality of the transition in Albania, which also won the First Prize at the National Theater Festival, "Far from Otranto" (1998), etc. Many dramas and comedies have been staged by foreign authors, such as: "An Such Love" by Pavel Kohu (1963), "For Those Who Are in the Sea" by Boris Llavrenjev (1966), "The Auditor" by N. Gogol (1973), "8erberi i Sevilie" by Bomarshesa, (1985), "Much Ado About Nothing" by Shakespeare, "The Bear and the Jubilee" by Chekhov, "The Terrorist of a City" by Azis Nesim, "Out of the Door" by Borhet, " Farsa" and "Ce Ce" by Luigi Pirandelo, "Rinoqeronti" by E. Ionesco, "With closed doors" by Zh. Paul Sartre. With the comedy "Ah veshkat e mia" (2004) by Babis Cikliropulosic, the noble spirit, love, kindness and morality of the zealous and abandoned were brought, while with "The Importance of Being Ernesto" by Oscar Wilde (2007), thanks to its elegant style the baroque type of the work, which appeared especially in the decor and stage setting, as well as the paradoxical situation with the counterpoint and the "game" of fate, the irony towards "irreprehensible" Chinese vices, "sold" marriages and snobbery was also noted of the barren English nobility and so on. Among the dominant features of this theater, embodied in its most successful productions, were the ideo-artistic tendencies and preferences towards dramas with strong epic tones, which sought to bring important moments of the people's history, as well as the frequent presence of comedies or the farces that approached everyday life as arguments. After 1990, interesting pieces from world dramaturgy, but especially those from Albanian dramaturgy, have appeared on the theater stage. In some plays by Ferdinand Hys, the dramatist closest to this theater, one can see the sharpness in dealing with sharp social conflicts of the time, usually through the language of the grotesque, where the dramatic and not infrequently, among them, also the tragic sides of people's lives are shown across time, as in the dramas "Three Minds at Auction" (1994), "Aziloidi" (1996), "Sos in the Hotel" (1998), "Before the Traffic Light" (1999) and "Spirit of the Wolf" (2002). In 60 years of its creativity, between artistic and professional efforts, the theater "Petro Marko" came to create more and more its own artistic physiognomy. Many of his achievements are related to the great creative work of directors: Nazmi Bonjaku*, Kuitim Spahivogli*, Pirro Sava*, Leka Bungo*. Besnik Aliaj*, Fabit Beqiri, Jorgaq Tushe* and even younger Armando Bora* and Roland Minga*. Playwrights Miliano Stefa*, Bashkim Kozeli*, Nevzat Seferi, Hiqmet Nefaj, Ferdinand Hysi*, Gafur Shameti" and librettist Flamur Laro* occupy an important place in the values of this theater. actors Vangjel Panozaqi, Astrit Hasho, Ali Roshi, Myqerem Ferra", Dudi Hasho, Haxhire Myrto, Arqile Nasho*, Albert Verria*, Liza Laska", Agim Shuke*, Andon Qesari*, Adem Gjyzeli", Vasil Beqari, Vasillaq Godo" , Llambi Kasani, Kristo Shkurti, Resmie Ruci, Besnik Aliaj*, Bujar Asqeriu*, Kristaq Skrami*, Efterpi Kisi, Hatiqet Bendo, etc. One of the important components of the beauty of theater premieres has been and remains the scenography. Set designers Pandeli Shamo, Behar Leskoviku, Sabaudin Xhaferri*, Agron Jakupi* and Bashkim Zahaj*, with their creativity full of fantasy, have brought to the stage the atmosphere of the time, interwoven with the skill of the fruitful use of convention, the illusion of stage magic. The theater, together with the variety show, as a unified troupe, has a total of 33 people. The drama theater, on its own, consists of 19 people, of which 10 are actors, the director, 2 directors, the scenographer, 5 behind the scenes. Its most complete personnel as a dramatic theater, achieved before 1991, resulted in a total of 32 people, of these 23 actors, 2 directors, the director, the scenographer, 5 background • The article was first published on Facebook on the page with the same name as in October 2015, and was revised in the following years. _____________ Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013. Reference: "History of the Vlore Theater" / Dh. Furrxhi & J. Papagjoni / Toena 2012 | "Albanian Encyclopedia, Theater and Cinematography" – Toena 2009 / J. Papagjoni. Photos: "History of the Vlore Theater" Special thanks to our friend Mr. Mitat Rapushi who gave a great help in finding this material.

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