Theater of the Estrada of Fier | 67th anniversary of the foundation!


Professional Estrada of the city of Fier! 1957 – 2024 67 years since May 25, the date of establishment of this institution. The theater is known to be one of the public institutions with a strong impact on the development of national consciousness. In the types of theater, especially the variety show, it communicates with the broad mass of spectators, as rarely does any other art come close to it. The variety theater of Fier was exactly such. Not only has it already created a tradition like few of the country's professional bodies, but it has continued to follow the achievements noted in time, becoming an example for creating new values, for artistic survival, for elegance, finesse and beauty. Professional variety theater institution. It was established as a professional troupe on May 25, 1957, acquiring the best traditions in the field of humor, which came from the amateur music of the city. In its beginnings, the troupe had a total of 14 actors, singers and instrumentalists, who were appointed as professionals after a selection from the most talented elements of the city's amateur groups. The first premiere was entitled "Satire, humor, music", based on the original creativity written by the humorist writers Spiro Comora*, Polikron Kotini and Dionis Bubani*. The director of the show was Llazar Verria. The characteristic of the first premieres of Estradés sé Fieri was the creation of two comic characters of the popular type. such as "Cfurku" and "Bodeci", where all their literary ideas were built and supported. This interesting scheme was partially used even later, with other pairs of characters, to later pass into the characteristic form of the variety show. From the shows that had an impression on the public during the first 25 years of its activity, there were: "Thumbojmé e pastrojmé", "Népér fletét e historimé", "Gaz ververor". The latter was evaluated with the First Prize at the "Meeting of professional variety shows" in 1963. There are several other successful shows, such as: "Zha LIazi between us", "Gatishméria". "Vigilant work", "Objektivi", "Among you", "I can't remain indifferent", the tendency to stigmatize negative phenomena in work relationships, those in the family, from life in the village and the attempt for emancipation was noticeable. also topics and arguments from military preparation, defense, "unmasking" of superpowers, etc. Among the great achievements of Estradés sé Fieri in the 80s, the show "Cobo Rrapushi me shoké" (I980), supported by the creativity of Shefqet Musaraj, where the interpretation of the character of Cobo by the well-known comedian Luftar Paja* stood out. This is the case in the performances "Spring" (I98I). "Buzagaz né siocó" (I983), "Rrufe dhe rrufepritésit" (I984), "Popular humor" (I985), etc., many humorous literary materials of a quality of Iarté's were presented, where the creation of comic situations, elaborate language stood out , original characters, directorial findings and many wits. The transformation of Estradés sé Fieri into a model troupe came as a result of the direct influence of the humorous creativity offered by renowned companies, especially the directorial work of PéIIumb Kullés, with its outstanding culture, taste and originality. Estrada e Fieri gained fame mainly with the rich literary repertoire that dealt with acute social issues of the time, avoiding as much as possible vulgarizations and banal views of life, schematic conceptions as well as (as much as possible) extreme internal politicization that was expressed by this repertoire. She drew attention to the types and original ways of constructing performances. especially with the talented group of actors, such as: L. Pajo (People's Artist), Fuat Boci*; Arqile Lipe*; Todi LIupi, who held the title of Merited Artist, as well as Xuljeta Ku||a*, Vasil Vaso*, Hasan Bregu, Sotir Stefa, Fatmir Xhelili*, etc. A distinguishing feature of EF has been the use of long skits, in the format of short comedies, as well as the experience of artistic acting figures with strict theatrical requirements. The merit is also the perseverance to use with skill and culture the pieces chosen by the Albanian humorous literature, including the most famous satirical writers of the country, such as: Dritéro Agolli*, Pellumb Kulla, Dionis Bubani, Tasim Aliaf", Shefqet Musarai, Niko NikoIIa *, Fatmir Lama] etc. In the 80s, it was completed as a troupe: there were a total of 26 people, of which 10 actors, 7 instrumentalists, 3 singers, 1 director, 1 scenographer, 1 conductor, 3 background assistants. Although after the 90s, the number of artists and premieres was significantly reduced, this variety show continued its activity with variety shows, but also with comedies, unlike the comedy "A half-fool" by the Greek writer Dhimitér Psathas, in I99I, while 4 years later the comedy "Zgjohu Vasillaq". In both of these troupes, achievements were noted in terms of different ways of conceiving performances, especially in the application of the model with one character in the center, as well as the staging of comedies with one or many acts. In these two periods, the premieres had well-deserved success: "Me raft towards Europe" (I994), "Bértet the thief" (I995), "Né muze" (I996), "Té keshim né déboré" (I999). After the year 2000, some of the premieres that were welcomed by the audience were: "Koha Luks" (2001), the comedy "Kérkohet njé' génjeshtar" (200I) by Dh. Psathas, "Té plakesh me hallet e worldés" (2004), the comedy of Kristo Floqi* "Véllazéri d interes" (2004). In 2006, Estrada e Fier won the First Prize at the Variety Theater Festival in Vloré with the play "Porto e pérrallave", author and director Ilir Bezhani*. In addition to PélIumb Kullés, as the most prominent director who influenced the creation of artistic physiognomy, the directors Kogo Papadhopulli, Roland Roshi, Roland Carka, Klaidi Marku*, Ilir Bezhani* etc. worked with dedication in different periods of time. Bunilda Hoxha is mentioned as the singer of this show. Lefteri Sillo, Sofika Hodo; as scenographers: Pano Kondo and Gézim Hajdini. Until 2009, the theater and variety together consisted of 22 people with all the support staff. Estrada e Fieri had 6 people, of which 3 actors, 1 conductor, 2 instrumentalists; It is shared with the theater 1 set designer, 1 stage inspector, 3 assistant personnel, administration and director. In 50 years of theatrical activity. Estrada e Fieri has performed over 150 premieres. _________________________ Previously published in May 2020 on Facebook – Albanian Cinema. Reference: Albanian Encyclopedia, Theater and Cinematography – Toena 2009 / J. Papagjoni / p. 110-111-112.

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