The rebellion of the characters and Kinostudio "New Albania" | Fejton!


Fejton This satirical article, which we are making publicly, exposes the flaws and weaknesses in the life and activity of some directors, people of the performing arts who had the great fortune to once work in the service of the people, in Kinostudio and in VAT, while today some of them claim the authorship rights as their own, completely unclaimed, manipulating and distorting the truth as the property of the state and the Albanian people "under public domain"! It is universally known that Albania was governed by a communist system and real socialism, a system in which private property did not exist and even its exercise was punished by law. Today it might sound absurd, but in truth everything was common socialist property, and here the seventh art was no exception, as the property of the Albanian state and its sovereign. I. Walking on the boulevard of this city, my eyes caught a big advertisement, right next to the center, next to a park, or right at the main flower garden of the city, where everyone gathered and that there was no one it had been rare once or not to pass by that place. I approached the stand that held the poster and continued to read: "On Monday, at 1:30 p.m., in the Kinostudio building "Alhqiperia e Re", all the characters embodied in the film will meet after more than 30 years. Albanian film. Free participation". That's it! No further explanation! Yes, Kinostudio was closed and how would they gather there in a place that was intended for something else? And why would they grow there? What was the purpose? Curiosity and at the same time the great desire to meet those characters with whom entire generations had grown up tempted me and so I decided to participate. Monday I am not late, and here I was on the road to that building where Kinostudio had once been, the biggest house of the Albanian film, the success of which, for the time, was unimaginable, in proportion to the population, the number of films produced in the year was a record! From a distance I could see a large crowd right in front of the building. I approached, joining the crowd. II. Oh, what nostalgia, what emotions went through me when I saw all those types that were interpreted by our wonderful actresses. Yes, everyone had come there, the positives and the negatives. Here is uncle Suloja, the famous captain, I changed places because he had that mayor by his side, he went further and met Beqo, his best friend. "Where are you, Beqo", he was heard saying. "You dried our eyes, Captain Sulo", Beqo answered with his hoarse voice. Meanwhile, everyone else could be heard as they met each other: "Sotir Bakerxhiu, or Tirka for short, the most charming teacher in the area"! "Hey, lieutenant Gurabardhi"! "Mazllem, what do we have"? "Bartolomeo Peliceli, Pela for short" – that Italian soldier continued to introduce himself "O Lilo labja ore hejjjj! O Lilo" – yelled Jaho! And Mirjami, that subtle announcer at "Radiostationi", met that writer: "I have often talked about all these types on the radio"; "Naturally, as long as it was the royal radio station"; "Why do you still talk like that? You were also part of that station, you had your column"; "Unfortunately, yes" – their dialogue could be heard! And that fanatic of the "Happy Couple" had come there together with his wife, his brigadier and, of course, his aunt, who at that moment was having hiccups… "? Then he turned to his wife: "You know that I get angry when you cough"? "Yes"! "Then why do you do it?" "I'm cold bro"! "Majee, majeee"! "I will get up to speak and I will hit them! O buttish habits, I will kick them, I will kick them" and tries to step on his wife's foot…. Then when he sees that his son has just arrived, he turns to him: "Hey, you're late here too"? "Let the youth have fun. Let's not lock the youth like chickens in a basket…" the brigadier immediately intervened "Uh! Did you notice how beautifully he said it?" "Ok, that time is gone when youth was locked under a chicken like a basket…" My friend laughed louder and then sneezed…. "Keep"! "I think I'm doing something… but his eyes went to the girl's father, the future bride of his son "Zevzek"! "I continue to be angry with you, because you eat the word like a sausage, twist the word as if it were a wire, I took it." Everyone around started laughing and someone said: "Oh, we agree"!!! I agree, I heard what Pelivan Mizkali said too! Yes, yes he was, even though the years had taken their toll…. The fanatic stared at him and was surprised as if he was asking "I don't know you… do you seem out of the script as a character"? "Yes, I'm new curd, sorry director" said friend Pelivan, biting his lip, and continued to explain "Meanwhile based on an agreement "under the counter with the democratic government" and the propaganda partner of the party in power, Acromax , to Comrade Alderr Pini, together with a group of friends we have simultaneously become your masters and masters, in order to fully protect the "rights" from now on, those rights that were taken away by the communist regime" concluded Mizkali, wiping with his hand the cold sweats that had covered his insincere face at that moment and that let him mean exactly by erasing something…. "Who? How? Since when? At? reacted the Fanatic, remaining stunned and completely surprised because he had not understood anything. In fact, who was able to understand what was happening with the fate of Albanian characters and films, after the arrival of the so-called democracy and especially the closing of the cinematographic house?! Maybe this is the reason for gathering here, I thought… "Now in the 19th century… he became the 21st father (corrected by his son), yes, 21 fathers, the satellite came anyway and what you just said, I neither heard nor I read it somewhere". "Dear family and dear friend Pelivan the director. I, as a fanatic, together with the other characters in the movie "The Happy Couple" are the creation of the well-known Shkodran comedian Bik Pepa, first in the form of a sketch, and then it was made into a comedy film by Kinostudio "Alhqiperia e Re". common property of the state and the Albanian people , completely free without any master or god as you are claiming. Aunt, pulling him from behind by the bottom of his jacket, says: "Sit down, you're disrupting our work" "Dio mio quando sei un bell….. imbroglione" said the Italian soldier who was nearby. "O wheel, call me" – continued Shabani from the film "Paths of War", after he had heard everything and apparently the words of the well-known director, the new boss, had irritated him! "Leri blafet Shabano" "Medemek tina na qenke…… the owner of our film"? said the characters in "Path of War"! "Don't put your nose in here"! Everyone started laughing louder "No, no. We were created for the people, we were created to be free, we were not sold to the Turks, nor to the Italians, nor to the captain, and we will no longer give ourselves to ACROMAX", the five brave voices were heard in the film "Red Faith". . It sounded to me as if they were saying: "…we are surrounded and from moment to moment we expect to be pierced by the bullets of traitors" A little further on, a call was heard: "Take us here, only in Paris do you buy flowers with money, here flowers eat asses." It makes you wonder who it was, Mr. Under Prefect, Fotaqi who was staying with Shazivar and the mayor Xhevo! The latter just asked him: "Did you choose the job of "Hartman"?" The gendarme who was standing behind them, waited: "Yes, she is already Mr. President"! "No… what… you were", Shazivari returned, taking his mouth, "but we have to tell you pi..pi..pi..piano"! Laughter was heard again. "What is this garrumbull ktuna mer ti cun"? Someone asked me from behind. I brought the head and what do I see, Qazim Mulleti, the hand itself. "I'm sorry, your lordship" – I said, "actually I don't know, but maybe someone will explain it to us a little later….. ". I couldn't finish the word when the prefect continues: "Shife, shife! Who are you, do you think I don't know you?" "By the way", replied his wife Hajria, – the katnar grain remained. What are you begging for?" "No, no" I intervened. No problem. I'm not one of the characters", I continued, "but I'm just part of the people, the old friend who grew up following you all, and I just read the advertisement in the city center, driven by curiosity to participate here. I missed you a lot" I finished and felt that my eyes were filled with tears from nostalgia. "Mr. Hajrie"? "E shof ere Qazimo e shof"! Then Mr. Qazim ended by telling me: "Katnaria is innocent! It was our duty to explain to them what…democracy is" III. When two men appeared in front of everyone, two characters that immediately awakened my memory. The first was him, yes, I know that noble man, he was Dhaskal Todri himself, the respected teacher of the Albanian language. Apparently, he had stood up once more and had come here to this rally from the other side. Behind him walked Sefedini, the wise old man of the "Gramophone General". It was precisely the honored teacher of the Albanian language, Mr. Dhaskal, who was honored for opening this gathering. This is how I begin: "Dear friends, this building where we are gathered here was built in 1952, out of the need of the people to have a movie house, it was built by the people for the people. Also, you all know that it was our home, of all of you, here I was born and through the projector at the beginning and the screen after, we went to every Albanian, to their homeland, and over time, I saw how they loved us very much, they greeted us on the street with our jokes and for some reason they still continue today even though many years have passed. Times have changed, and not only have we remained the same number of characters until the end of the 90s, without creating anything like our hand, but they also took away our building, our house, what the people had intended for us. The governments that came to power and the politicians, exploiting the efforts and sacrifices of this people, their dream to build a pure Western democracy, invent laws and regulations to implement their evil intentions, abusing and exploiting to the maximum every something that brings them profit, power and wealth, hidden behind the cloak of democracy, just like that wolf in sheep's clothing. Not only are they throwing us out on the street where we have been wandering for 30 years, but they still consider us dangerous, allegedly spreading communist ideology and propaganda. It was even proposed by some filmmakers to give us distinguishing marks just like the Nazis did with the Jews in the concentration camps! "Oh, Mr. Dhaskal, the commissioner's job is a game," Captain Ramiu said to him! "I knew from the beginning! Precisely these filmmakers mean something else with that proposal, because they immediately rushed to privatize us as their production and creation, blocking our showing to the public" – concluded the captain, who was known by everyone as an anti-communist who that system! "That's how it really is" – continued the respected teacher of the people. One thing you should know, brothers and sisters, is just a pretext to censor us, that in fact they are trying to take away our public rights. With the closure of the movie house "New Albania" as the indisputable public property of the Albanian people, made and created by this people, for this people, we remain orphans, like Suloja and Jace of the poppies, we remain at the mercy of fate , we remain in the hands of some irresponsible person, of the one who will supposedly protect the Albanian film, of the person who will use the name, who was once assigned to work as a director at Kinostudio, and today claims that we are his private property, as if I produce us in his garden. We remain at the mercy of fate, of a piracy market, and maybe even the network of a mafia group connected to politics that uses all forms of seizure and exploitation to extract monetary benefits in every area of Albanian life, as well as in art. Time itself is revealing such insidious bandit tactics. The entire Albanian life is involved in unprecedented corruption. That's why we gathered today for the people to listen to us, only they enjoy the rights over us. Without his help we will not be able to continue our existence". Then Sefedini spoke: "O people, how many things are done in your name, even the greatness speaks in your name. One person can deceive another for a time, you can deceive a people for a while, but you can never deceive an entire people, for the whole life". Someone from the crowd called "down with the satraps". Then everyone applauded! "With permission, with permission" – heard the bully, the girl's father to the happy couple! "Do you know how it is? And he started to wiggle his two fingers….. "I completely agree with myself"! Meanwhile, that fanatic addressed the crowd: "What about you there, do you agree"? Pooh! – heard the crowd! "Oh, if only we had some pijavica" Beqoja intervened. "Don't hide your scabby head behind the rock, you bastard of the proto-popes…" – Arifi, the honest villager who had been lied to before, but now felt more deceived than ever! "What about Kinostudio?" Tell me, what harm did the flag bearer do…. said the old man who "was still at that bridge"…. and Shahini, who had taken a seat next to him, left angrily. "Oh, to find a place to stay, it will be found that we don't do it, but the job is to find a real house. Don't listen to Shahini, because he has always been like that and there are still plenty of them today" – replied uncle Loni from the triptych "When it dawned a day". "We're done, friends, we're done" – continued Shahini. "Close the clock, Qurravec" – intervened the partisan commissar, still with his hand bandaged! IV. Just at that time, the antipathetic saboteur, the one with the big moustache, Curr Peje's right hand, under his breath, winking at him, turned to Dhaskal Todri: "We have the people with us"! Those of his aspirations, however, could not escape the ears of other characters. It was that culminating moment when they all felt the same thing. They wanted to sever ties with their fathers so that their children yesterday, after being sold to them without any regrets, today, boasting and bragging, beat their chests for that father! The characters who survived yesterday's censorship, did not want to coexist with the directors anymore, that the knowledge of school with friends, had been abandoned and their only talent was the spy, the characters wanted independence from people, role characters and colleagues, they wanted independence, from their unfair sale while they came to life to give free art to the people, they demanded independence from the black pages of Facebook where every ignorant person called himself an administrator and the only knowledge about art was "Copy" / "Paste" ” / “Save” and “Upload”. It could not be a common request to have a deserved place somewhere where they would not be sold or bought! Where no one would speak on their behalf, on the contrary, they would only be spoken of with respect and gratitude. Where actresses but also singers and other artists' birthdays would be celebrated and tributes would be paid to them in commemorative and annual commemorations! The hall caught fire! Uncle Sulo, was leaning hard against his chair and with scared eyes he was looking left and right that, during this euphoria, maybe some dwarf appeared out of nowhere with a pair of scissors in his hands! Mato Grude's eyes were bright and his face was shining. He was about to shout louder "Cough Hoffman!" At that moment, behind me, Fahredinmunaliu, the great grandson of old Mere, stood up and, still without speaking, silenced the room to listen. That man with the long body, rough manly face carved by the pains and endless winters of the Harun village, filled with respect and humility for his grandfather, the God of his life, addressed the immortal Mere Fizi "O great grandfather! Who better than you can give direction to this work? Stand up, great grandfather, look at how many others who are so small in front of you are here and are not in a hurry to express themselves in front of you. Tell us what is the right thing to do, grandfather"? Mere Fizi, with a long beard and a weak body, got up with the help of his great grandson. He threw his fearful and foxy gaze at all the others. Silence! "I see that you are all here, my dear ones. You, too, with the devil in your stomach, he he he….. here you are too. In this little world of mine, I see that the devil has taken over the minds of the jezithers and makes fun of them, and they abandon them and then sell them! And behind them, stretching out, shimber jezit shimberllari, during the day he comes around to spit in my coffee and at night to turn off my candle. Listen here, evlater and cuperlina, listen also you unfaithful jesters who have sold your soul to the devil: We, we will give it all to "Albanian cinema"! There we will have what belongs to us Merenjohjen! We will neither sell nor be sold there and no one will make fun of Fize's name"! Pointing the circled stick at Dhaskal Todri, he continued: "Your words will be sung and understood by all the Albanians"! "Your photo with Kanan, my daughter of the war paths, will always remain a memory and people will look at it with respect"! "No one will make fun of your language that comes and goes, you dumb Operation "Fire". Did you hear Skender Guri? Nebi Surreli? Sulo the machine gunner? Did you listen, you Mesonjese and you Presidente? You lady from the city with eight daughters Melin? You too, Robert Camcakezi, Bepin e Islam, did you hear me? Pjeter Mustakuqi, Mato Gruda son of Zigur, Curr Peja son of plague, did you hear me? They all stood up, enthusiastic and fully agreed to continue their lives at "Albanian Cinema". Before he felt the careful hands of his grandson on his shoulders, the immortal Mere Fizi addressed Hali Berat, "Take that cup once, O children, and relax my soul, tired of the burden of this world"… V. A little further on, I noticed four separate people, there on the other side, who were listening more attentively! Yes, they were not characters, they were real people. Yes, yes, now he clearly recognized them. They were the ones who had sold their souls to the devil, and they had been staging the Jude Iscariot of modern times with their director. They were Kudret Chasti; Saim Kumbulla; the friend of Comrade Manush "Gershera", the member of the board, Mevlut Shashka, who walks around the television panels witnessing "the deeds of Belul Gjeraqina. Meanwhile, the 4th person was the hand of Pelivan Pilo Mizkali himself… oh god, unbelievable!" you ore Brutus" the great Caesar of ancient Rome would say in this case about this man. Once the Party had sent him to study in Czechoslovakia, to become a worthy cadre, just like the others, they taught him to they were obedient, educated with the teachings of the Party, guided by the revolutionary spirit, and to implement every directive that came from above to Kinostudio! Such unscrupulous people, with rotten hearts, were trained to shake it, They adapted to the situation at all times, like chameleons, "Do you hear what's going on? It's like in the Tower of Babylon," Kudreti said to his colleague, Pelivan he returned immediately: "The tower of sat'em"! "Come out brother" – said Mizkali, who was actually known as a sober person. But mother Mrika, that brave mountaineer who was already connected to the red band, addressed those 5 boys killed in treachery: "O Ukakeqe"! Remove the expectation of the film, give up that evil action, remove the censorship, because you are dealing not only with Mirdita but with our Shqipni! If you really wanted to protect the film and all of us, then you would never allow Kinostudio, our beloved home, to be closed"!!! Kudreti wanted to say something, but left it completely when he saw that no one was listening to him anymore! "Do you have a hat, Pelivan"? – Jokingly intervened the great joy of humor, that character of the port worker who came from the movie "Difficult Journey". "Buy it, so that every time "Albanian cinematography" appears in front of you, you take off your hat with respect in front of those gentlemen!!! I didn't know what I was saying! A question arose by itself: How is it possible that Kinostudio was closed without the slightest obstacle or any resistance, similar to what was done to protect the National Theatre? Why wasn't an actress-director alliance created for the protection of Kinostudio? I was somewhere between two worlds, between two lives. I was inside a movie theater that, although I fully understood that its dark room was full of emotions, I was there in front of the computer where a profile named "Bunker", without feelings in a devilish way, was selling you if you clicked on a movie or a portrait. "Bunker" (from father to son), as if to ironize the bad luck of the Albanians once, the victims of this infamous bunker, the censorship, the stain in the biography, the class war…. It took my breath away. The voice of the "fatorino" was heard as he said to uncle Sulo: "Come here. Turn off that cigarette", that took the boy's breath away! "I didn't even turn it on at all…! Yh c`old zevzek"! I left that room and entered the page "Albanian Cinema", a public page born from the passion of a group of friends for Albanian scenic art, especially Cinema, with the good desire to present it and pass it on to future generations, to all the Albanian artists, the undeniable work and creations of our stage art, of the artists and actresses whom this page remembers with honor and respect in order to keep alive what was created with strength, sweat and sacrifice. Now they were all there, in that long film, in the role of their lives. I was thinking that, at least, I have my old cinema here. I was reminded of the words of the great actor Agim Qirjaqi in the drama "Shadow of the Night": "I am trying to disperse the black mud that has covered your soul. To teach you the truth. Here we live in a dirty pond and it is not it is possible to find it. We are clinging to the bottom of a ship that takes us to complete destruction. It takes a great power to break away from there and find the TRUTH behind us a child's voice: "Uncle! Please, will you take me to the cinema to see the movie?" I turned my head. Nobody… By Pjerin Bj & Arian Muraj (C) Reserved material | Reviewed on August 3, 2023 __________________________ Created by the administrators of the page "K.Sh "which holds the true authorship. Started in November 2019 and finished in March 2020. We invite you to share and spread as much as possible on different pages , mentioning the source from which it was taken. " on line", for the sake of a pure, crystal truth!

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