Teodor Rupi (1923 – 1990) | The actors of the "A. Moisiu" Theater, Durrës!


Teodor Rupi (1923 – 1990) Actor of the Durres drama theater as well as Albanian cinematography. He was born on March 26, 1923. Originally from Erseka, he settled in Durrës with his family. At the age of 23, in 1946 he started to become active with art and culture and for a short time covered the duties of the secretary for culture in the prefecture as well as the director of the cinema. But his true vocation remained the theater. He gave his first tests as an amateur actor in 1947 in "Chestnuts of Prague" where he played Frantisek Prohaska, while later he also played the role of Veli Juba in "The Big Wedding". Teodor Rupi will be alongside the founding actors of the "Aleksandër Moisiu" theater on January 11, 1953, when they start working as professionals with the comedy "Vajza na the village" of playwright Fatmir Gjata. From that time the list of roles performed with the theater troupe would continue to grow. The actor stood out for his sonorous voice, for his seriousness and demandingness in the difficult profession of an actor. He brought to the stages of the whole country prominent roles in both the drama and comedy genres. They excelled in the premiere of the drama "Mulliri ii Kostë Bardhit", written by Naum Prifti. Embodying the main role of the work, which carried strong dramatic notes, it seemed strange to see him in a comic role alongside the great artist Nikolin Xhoja in Gogol's comedy "Marriage". Ivan Ivanovich Truvich was one of Teodor Rup's best creations." In the archive of the "Aleksander Moisiu" theater in Durres, there will be over 50 premiere titles, along with the roles performed by Teodor Rupi. Impressive interpretations have also been in the plays: Gogol's "Martesa" or Kola Jakov's "Lugajans". Under his very serious appearance, a very communicative man was hidden, which was very important for young actresses. Often times he did this without speaking, but through seriousness and care in breaking down the role. Appreciation of Teodor Rupi's activity would arrive late, in 1991, a few years after he retired, and unfortunately when he was no longer alive. Teodor Rupi passed away on December 28, 1991 at the age of 67. In addition to numerous roles in the theater, he also acts in several Albanian films such as: "Trace" – 1970; "Paths of war" – 1974; "Partisan grandfather" – 1978; "Mistress" – 1979; "City Lights" – 1983; "A name among people" – 1983; "Time does not wait" – 1984; "Bitter Spring" – 1985. Previously published on Facebook on the page with the same name in February 2018 and revised in the following years. ________________________ Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013 Reference: "durreslajm"

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