Teacher Gëzim Sulaj | Film sound operator at Kinostudio!


Gezim Sulaj Operator Zeri / Teacher of the Academy of Arts / Producer / Founder of "Teater Tv Studio" Born in Tirana on February 1, 1954. He graduated in 1978 from the Faculty of Engineering, Radio Electronics branch. In September of the same year, he started working at the Repair Services company as the manager of the radio-television repair department (near the Agimi cinema). In May 1979, he became part of Kinostudio "New Albania" with the task of "Sound Operator", successfully performing the soundtracks of 16 feature films and several documentary and cartoon films, among which we can mention: "Mesonjetorja" (1979) / "Sketerre 43'" (1980) / "When a movie was born" (1981) / "The first day of the nomination" (1981) / "The second of November" (1982) / "The warm hand" (1983) / " A name among people" (1983) / "Red field, blue field" (1984) / "Stones of my home" (first film with direct synchronization, 1985) / "Hard start" (1986) / "One live more" (1986) / "Come" (1987) / "A Boy and a Girl" (1990) / "The Waiting Years" (1990) / "Enigma" (1991) / "Mother's Heart" (1993) . In 1990-91, he worked as the head of the sound department at Kinostudio. In October 1994, he will leave Kinostudio to start working at the Academy of Arts, Faculty of Performing Arts as a stage technique lecturer and head of the Technical Section in the Management Department. A year later, precisely in May 1995, he went for a 1-month training course at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London (RADA), in the framework of the project for the establishment of an experimental theater, at the Faculty of Performing Arts. After three years in October of v. 1998 completes the installation of the electrical network and the installation of digital lighting devices on the main stage of the Academy of Arts. It should be noted that this was the first theater stage in the country where this advanced technology was introduced. In December 1999, he completed the installation of the electrical network and the assembly of the digital lighting equipment, this time in the experimental theater studio-Black Box, near the Faculty of Performing Arts, as well as the assembly of the audio equipment in this hall. In May 2000, he carried out the project and installation of the lighting system in the public television of Korçë. In 2006, it will be licensed by the National Center of Cinematography (CNK) as a Film Production House and with the logo "GED Film Production" it has successfully realized as a producer (with funding from the CKK) several short feature films as well as documentaries. In the summer of 2006, he will leave the Academy of Arts to start his own private business called "Teater TV Studio"! It will continue like this until 2019, when he retires. During this period, the company was engaged in the realization of many projects in the field of installation and assembly of lighting and audio equipment, as well as the assembly of equipment in private facilities (clubs or discotheques) and in various theater halls, university lecture halls and auditoriums throughout the country. . FILE Feature films Production of Kinostudio "New Albania" 1979 – "THE TEACHER" Directed by: Muharrem Fejzo; Screenplay: Natasha Lako; Music: Limos Dizdari; Operator: Ilia Terpini, Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj; Painter: Shyqyri Sako; Editing director: Krisanthi Kotmilo. 1980 – "HELL 43'" Director: Rikard Ljarja; Screenplay: Bashkim Shehu; Music: Zef Çoba; Operator: Saim Kokona Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj ; Painter: Namik Prizereni. 1981 – "WHEN A FILM WAS SHOT" Director: Xhanfise Keko; Screenplay: Xhanfise Keko & Shpresa Vreto; Music: Aleksandër Peçi; Operator: Petraq Lubonja; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj ; Painter: Cleo Nini; Editing director: Spresa Papapavllo. 1981 – "FIRST APPOINTMENT DAY" Director: Rikard Ljarja; Screenplay: Kiço Blushi; Music: Robert Radoja; Operator: Saim Kokona; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj ; Painter: Arben Basha. 1982 – "THE SECOND OF NOVEMBER" Directed by: Viktor Gjika; Screenplay: Dh. Shuteriqi & Kiço Blushi; Music: Kujtim Laro; Operator: Lionel Konomi; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj; Painter: Arben Basha, 1983 – "WARM HAND" Screenplay: Neshat Tozaj; Music: Hajg Zaharjan; Operator: Bardhyl Martiniani; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj ; Painter: Sali Allmuça. 1983 – "A NAME AMONG PEOPLE" Directed by: Muharrem Fejzo; Screenplay: Natasha Lako; Music: Aleksandër Lalo; Operator: Bashkim Asllani; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj; Painter: Ilia Xhokaxhi. 1984- "RED FIELD GREEN FIELD" Director: Gëzim Erebara; Screenplay: Skifter Kelliçi & G.Erebara; Music: Aleksandër Lalo; Operator: Gavrosh Haxhihyseni & Mihal Rama; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj; Painter: Astrit Tota; Editing director: Atalanta Pasko. 1985 – "THE STONES OF MY HOUSE" Director: Dhimitër Anagnosti; Screenplay: Dhimitër Anagnosti; Music: Kujtim Laro; Operator: Pëllumb Kallfa; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj ; Painter: Kleo Nini; Editing director: Shpresa Papapavllo. 1986 – "THE BEGINNING OF HARD" Directed by: Albert Joli; Screenplay: Spresa Vreto; Music: Aleksandër Peçi; Operator: Faruk Basha; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj ; Painter: Cleo Nini; Editing director: Marika Kallamata. 1986 – "ONE MORE LIFE" Directed by: Gëzim Erebara & Gavrosh Haxhihyseni; Screenplay: Luan Rama; Music: Thoma Simaku; Operator: Spartak Papadhimitri ; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj ; Painter: Cleo Nini. 1987 – "EJA" Screenplay: Petrit Ruka; Music: Ardit Gjebrea; Operator: Saim Kokona; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj; Painter: Ilia Xhokaxhi. 1990 – "A BOY AND A GIRL" Directed by: Kristaq Mitro & Ibrahim Muçaj; Screenplay: Petrit Ruka & Shpresa Vreto; Music: John Simoni; Operator: Pigeon Panariti; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj. 1990 – "YEARS OF WAITING" Directed by: Esat Musliu; Screenplay: Teodor Laço & Esat Musliu; Music: Limos Dizdari; Operator: Pigeon Kallfa; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj; Painter: Ilia Xhokaxhi. 1991 – "ENIGMA" according to the story of I.Kadarese "The Brushed" Director: Spartak Pecani; Screenplay: Nexhati Tafa; Operator: Gavrosh Haxhihyseni; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj. 1993 – "MOTHER'S HEART" Director: Besnik Bisha; Screenplay: Nexhat Tafa; Operator: Leonard Qendro; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj. Animated films – cartoons 1980 – "Cow and wolf" Director: Tonini Vuksani, Screenplay: Luan Rama, Gëzim Sulaj. Director : Boris Ikonomi. Editing: Gëzim Sulaj. 1983. Director : Vlash Dobroniku. Operator: Gëzim Sulaj , Director: Robert Qafëzezi , Operator: Gëzim Sulaj and rescuers" Director : Bardhyl Fico; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj ; Director: Vllasova Diamanti; voice: Gëzim Sulaj. 1990 – "Daddy's talent" Director: Esperanca Konomi; Screenplay: Robert Qafëzezi; Operator: Jovan Kondakci & Leonard Dori; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj. Documentary film 1982 – "Eposi i Kreshnik" Screenplay: Luan Rama; Directed by: Gavrosh Haxhihyseni; Sound operator: Gëzim Sulaj. 1988 – "Albania" Director: Pol Zheji Canada and his team; Voice: Gëzim Sulaj. Film House Teater TV Studio & GED Film Production 2007 – Documentary "Iso Polyphony", financed by KKK, Director Ibrahim Mucaj; Producer Gezim Sulaj . Completed in June 2008. 2007 – Series of documentary films "Exile in paradiso " of the English company "Lear Production", executive producer for Albania Gezim Sulaj. 2007 – Irish State Television RTE documentary series "No place like home" , executive producer for Albania Gezim Sulaj. 2008 – Short feature film "On the wedding anniversary" , financed by KKK. Director Artan Malaj; Producer Gezim Sulaj . Completed in November 2008. 2008 – Funded short feature film "Events on the Ferry" , Director Keldi Karuni; Producer Gezim Sulaj . Completed in February 2009. 2008 – Development of the feature film project "The End of an Illusion" , financed by KKK. Screenwriter Ibrahim & Irvin Mucaj; Producer Gezim Sulaj . 9 The documents for the completion of this phase of this project were submitted to the KKK in April 2009).

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© Material reserved with the rights protected by Mr. Gezim Sulaj and Albanian cinematography The exclusivity on this page is dated November 6, 2023 __________________________________________ Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013 Reference in the construction of the text: According to an information (together with the photos) sent to the editors of the page by Mr. Gezim Sulaj, whom we sincerely thank.

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