Sulejman Pitarka (1924-2007) | The colossus of Albanian acting!


#KinematografiaShqiptare #SulejmanPitarka
Sulejman Pitarka (1924-2007)
Actor, director, screenwriter, playwright.
People’s Artist / Grand Master.

Born on February 2, 1924, in Dibër (Macedonia). His family moved to Durrës when he was three years old, for economic reasons he had to work from an early age to help the family. The end of the war finds him assistant accountant in a small enterprise but his love for art would make him break away from this work and after his activation with the amateur troops at the time of compulsory military service his final choice will be The Durrës Theater where he began work in 1947.

Pitarka will become known to the public for his performances in the dramas “Invadimi” and “Ishulli i paqes”. In 1951, he will start working at the People’s Theater (today the National Theatre).

Here he would reveal his artistic skills by interpreting over 70 roles of national or international dramaturgy. His roles in the dramas “Arturo Ui”, “Besa e Madhe”, “Doctor Aleksi”, as the People’s Hero, Sulejman Vokshi, in the drama “Epoka para gjyqit” by Ekrem Kryeziu, “Familja e peshkatarit” written by himself, in the role of Paige in the play “The Merry Wives of Windsor” by Shakespeare, in the role of Guildenstern in the play “Hamlet” by Shakespeare, in the role of Turhan in the play “Keshtu te dua”, “The Brave good with many friends”, in the role of Faik in the drama “Karavidhet”, “A bride for Stasi”, in the role of Hysen Aga in the comedy “The Prefect” by Besim Lëvonja, in the role of Bako in the comedy “Lady from the City” by Ruzhdi Pulaha, ending with his last role in the drama “Wooden plate” by Edmond Morris staged by the director Gëzim Kame in 2004 in the role of the abandoned old man. A role for which at the “Apollon 2005” Festival he will be declared the “Best Actor” of the festival, a title that will also be given to him at the Festival of Theaters in “Dibër e Madhe” in 2006.

His first role in cinematography will be be that of Eshref in the movie “Fortuna”. His interpretation would leave many other roles in the public’s memory, such as the role of Comrade Socrates in the movie “Open Horizons”, the role of Mr. Galip in “Sounds of War”, the role of the General in “Coats over the wire fence”, the role of uncle Avdiu in “General Gramophone”, the role of Zheleznov the commander of the base in the movie “Face to Face”, the role of Ali Bey in the TV movie “Dawns of Great Season” and many others.

His last role in the cinematography will be that of Selman in the film “Larg barbarëve/Loin des barbares” in 2004, for which there were many positive reviews from both national and international critics.

Pitarka would also write several plays where, in addition to the well-known “Fisherman’s Family” on which the director Hysen Hakani based the film “Oshetime ne bregdet” with a script by Sulejman himself, we can mention the comedy “The Man in the Apron” and the dramas “The Brave One with Many Friends” in 1957, “The Heroes of Linasi” in 1967, “The Tower of Linasi”.

Sulejman Pitarka passed away from life and his beloved family in Tirana on March 24, 2007. In his honor, the “Grand Prize” of the Festival of Theaters in Dibër e Madhe, starting from 2007, would be re-titled the “Prize of Great Sulejman Pitarka”. For his artistic merits Sulejman Pitarka has been awarded the high titles “People’s Artist” and “Great Master”.

Interpretations in Cinematography
1994 — Far from the barbarians/Loin des barbares (.Selmani)
1991 — Death of a Man (The Diplomat)
1989 – – The historian and the chameleon (Zenel Bey)
1986 — The small encirclement (Llambi)
1984 — The pupils of my class (Celo Kasapi)
1984 — The bridge and the castle (Salo Ura)
1984 — The first night of freedom (Suloja, the baker)
1981 — Dawns of the Great Season (TV movie). Ali Bey
1981 — On the verge of freedom
1981 — Our common house (Kozma Selita)
1980 — “Goditja”  (TV movie)
1979 — Face to face ( Zheleznov, the Russian base commander)
1979 — The Gramaphone General (Avdi Mamani)
1978 — After the traces (Lipja)
1977 — Coats on the wire fence (The General)
1977 — New shelter (Gano)
1976 — Sounds of war (Galip Shkëmbi)
1975 — General of the dead army
1968 — Open horizons (Sokrat Dhëmbi)
1961 – Debatik (Teacher)
1959 – “Fortuna” (Eshrefi)

Theater Performances
“Island of Peace”
2004 – “Wooden plate” by E.Morris (as The abandoned old man) 24/04/1982 – “Keshtu te dua” by P.Kulla (as Turhani)
14/12/1980 – “Epoka para gjyqi” by E.Kryeziu (as S. Vokshi)
12/06/1978 – “Besa e madhe” by M.Markaj
13/04/1976 – “Karavidhet” by Sh.Musaraji (as Faiku)
28/11/1975 – “Lady from the City” by R.Pulaha (Bako)
10 /05/1972 – “General of the Dead Army” by P. Mani
04/03/1971 – “Arturo Ui” by B.Brecht
04/02/1971 – “A Bride for Stasi” by Teodor Laços
19/06/1970 – “The irreplaceable” by Q.Buxheli
06/04/1969 – “The Prefect” by Besim Lëvonja (as Hysen Aga) 21/01/1968 – “The Heroes of Linas” by Sulejman Pitarka
28/05 /1964 – “Doctor Alexi” by I.Uruci
27/02/1963 – “Noble Bourgeoisie” by Moliere
27/11/1961 – “The Good Brave with Many Friends” by S.Pitarka 10/03/1961 – ” Ambicja” by Besim Lëvonja
29/10/1960 – “Votra e Huej” by Ndreke Luca
24/06/1960 – “Hamlet” by Shakespeare (Gildeserni)
06/02/1959 – “The Merry Wives of Windsor” by Shakespeare (as Page) 07/08/1958 – “Syleshi” by S. Atomoras
30/03/1958 — “Shtate shaljanët” by Ndrek Luca
03/11/1957 — “Clocks of the Kremlin” by Pogodin
24/04/1957 — “The Stranger” by N.Hikmet
26/11/1956 — “Family Matters” by Ezhi Ljutovskij
01/02/1956 — “The Fisherman’s Family” by Sulejman Pitarka
31 /05/1955 — “Servant of two lords” by Carlo Goldoni
05/03/1955 — “Girl with gray hair” 
30/04/1954 — “Girl from the village” by Fatmir Gjata
16/04/1954 — “Our Land” by Kola Jakova (as Halili)
21/03/1953 — “Othello” by Shakespeare (Otello)
04/03/1952 — “Revizori” by Gogol (Lapkin Topline)
11 /11/1950 — “Halili and Hajria” by Kol Jakova
01/06/1947 — “Invasion” by Leonid Leonov

Author in the Artistic Film
1966 — Oshetime ne bregdet (co/screenwriter)

Author in the Theater
“Man with an Apron”
02/04/1980 — “The Tower of Linasi”
— /– /1967 — “The Heroes of Linasi”
27 /11/1961 — “The good brave with many friends”
01/02/1956 — “The Fisherman’s Family”

Theater director
09/11/1974 — “The smoke that clears” by Zija Cikuli

Awards and Titles
“People’s Artist” / “Grand Master” 2006
“Best Actor” Award for the role of the abandoned old man in the play “Wooden Plate” by Edmond Morris at the Festival of Theaters in Dibër te Madhe in 2006.

2005 “Best Actor” Award for the role of The abandoned old man in the drama “Wooden Plate” by Edmond Morris at the “Apollon 2005” Festival in 2005.

2004 “Great Career Award”

3/2/2002 Honorary Citizen of Dibra

April 26, 1981 Festival Cup for playing the role of Admiral Zeleznov, the Russian base commander in the movie “Face to Face” and the role of Halit in the TV movie “The Hit” at the 4th Albanian Film Festival held in Tirana from April 20 to 26, 1981.

Published for the first time in February 2014 and revised in the following years….

Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013
Reference: Encyclopedia of Theatre, Albanian Cinema, Toena 2009 /J. Papagjoni as well as “Encyclopedia of Albanian Cinematography, Toena 2002 / A. T Hoxha | Selection of online news, Albanian newspapers.

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