Sait Boshnjaku (1914 – 1985), veteran actor Commemorative!


Sait Boshnjaku (1914 – 1985) Veteran actor of the Albanian Theater and Cinematography He was born on August 1, 1914 in Shkodër. He is one of those "forgotten or unknown actors", although he has an excellent career as an actor, although more in Theater than in Film. Thus, in the 1930s, there was a dense theater activity in Shkodër first and in Tirana with the cultural societies "Vllaznia", "Shkëndia", etc.. First it entered the Army Theater and then in 1949, the People's Theater. The first central role, after two small roles in the comedy "The Prefect" (policeman) and "Conspiracy of the Convicts" (Colonel Mill), played by Seiti is the role of Pasha in the drama "Halili and Hajria", a role that was very successful. even though he had performed Andon Pano before. His father, who was a wise and prudent man, made sacrifices for the boy to continue his studies at school. With great difficulty, Seiti was able to finish six grades of school, but he was forced to stop after his father passed away. In this way, Seiti enters as an apprentice in a shoemaker in the old bazaar. But he was very eager to learn, even acting was in his blood. In addition to daily work, together with other peers such as Tefik Cango, Hajrullah Kastrati, Isa Kadria, Tofik Duka, Hasan Reçi, Muhamet grimçi, etc., he is engaged in a theater troupe. That's how they formed the "Free Atmja" theater company with about 20 people, which was supported by their own contribution, with which they paid the rent of the hall. It should be noted that their artistic activity began by performing skits, humor and small theatrical pieces. At the beginning of their activity, we can mention the drama "Filja" by Hilë Mosi, where the main role of this drama was played by Teofik Duka. In this drama, Seiti plays a significant role, that of Cubi, who was successful. This role is considered Seiti's first role with amateurs. After this drama, they started staging several other dramas, such as "Mysterious Testament", where Seiti plays the role of Sherli. This part was translated by Muhesin Serezi. One of the most beautiful pieces staged at that time was the "Battle of Silistres", where Seiti, already experienced, played one of the best roles, that of Kajmekan. It must be said that in this period, amateur theater groups were born in several cities of Albania. This was a good omen for young Albanian playwrights and actors. In 1935, there were several theater companies in Shkodër, such as "Atmja e sira", "Agimi", "Taraboshi", "Malet tona", etc… Thanks to the common language, for a better quality of interpretation, all theater companies were merged into one, forming the joint company with the beautiful name "Vllaznia". After this union, where Seiti had his own role, the artistic quality of the society increased a lot. This was evident from the very difficult parts performed on stage, dominated by the help and concretization of Socrates Mio. At this time, "The Count of Saint Germain", the drama, "The War of Ali Pasha", the first under the direction of Sokrat Mio and the second directed by Andrea Skanjeti, were staged. In these two parts, Seiti was an indisputable participant, where and why with two small roles, Seiti's confidence, professionalism and stage attention came to the fore. What should be noted is that the "Vllaznia" Society, with the formation of the sound theater group, with the pieces it staged, began to gain great popularity and its good name went outside of Shkodra as well. Its actors had already passed the first obstacles and the level of being called an amateur. The roles played with the "Vllaznia" Society made Seiti one of the most popular amateur actors. But he also worked individually to make progress in acting. He already wanted to leave Shkodra, aiming for Tirana, which was a bigger city and the employment opportunities were greater. It was 1936 when he came to Tirana with a hostage in his heart, leaving behind Shkodra, for which he never lost his longing. Upon arriving in Tirana, he became involved with the "Shkëndija" company, where he helped stage the theatrical piece "Prisoners" with complete success. This part caused a great stir in Tirana in all intellectual and acting circles. For this reason, this part is forbidden to be staged by the Zog regime. But even though the desire for acting was great, the economic needs were great. Those were the years when poverty everywhere in Albania was great. For these reasons, Seiti abandons acting and starts working in the army band. So he becomes an instrumentalist to cope with the economic needs of the time. With the beginning of the work in the Army gang, Seiti had the good fortune to know many friends, intellectuals and patriots from all parts of the country. Seiti was very attached to his friends. The invasion of Italy also found him in this job. At the time of the invasion he goes to Italy with most of the Banda. From here he, as a patriot who was together with other members of the gang, made a propaganda against the invasion of Albania. Everywhere they talked about a disaster that had found Albania. Their activity stood out. They were preparing to return to Albania, an event they were looking forward to. And the lucky chance comes, in the middle of 1943, all the gang members return by ship to their homeland. Seiti was overjoyed, as he knew very well that his family was also associated with the anti-fascist resistance. The agencies knew his and his family's activities. Against Nazi-fascism, but he never retreated from his ideal. At this time, when the German Nazis were very careful in identifying the people who were propagandizing and fighting the invaders, Seiti, regardless of anything, increased his patriotic activity. He spoke everywhere against the occupation, took part in various actions, distributed tracts. In Shkodër, he was among the first in every anti-fascist action and action. He knew that one day he would be arrested, but he fought as always. At the end of 1943, Seiti was suddenly arrested. Someone had spied on him. He was initially imprisoned in Shkodër. In prison he experienced various tortures. Inhuman torture. For his very character, for his manliness, showing nothing, he is exiled to the Pristina camp. The most dangerous were sent to this camp, where it was said that you could hardly get out of there alive. Together with him in this prison was Llazar Siliqi, Sejfulla Boriçi, Xheladin Fishta, and many, many other prominent Albanian intellectuals and patriots. Just like in Shkodër and Prishtina, you were not separated by torture. It was October 23, 1944. On this black day, the Germans shot a total of 104 Albanian patriots. It was the day of the shooting of the Albanians. When the German troops were shooting, Seiti, along with 4 other friends, escaped from the camp in the middle of the day. The Nazis understood and started to open fire. Machine gun fire and rifle bullets had no effect. But they were already far from the target and the effect of the bullets. They didn't even know how they had escaped. The left run towards the west of Pristina. After calming down, they start moving to the Drenica highlands, where they joined the forces of the 7th Kosmet Brigade, which was operating in Kosovo. With this Brigade he fought alongside his Kosovar brothers until the liberation of Albania and further until the departure of the Nazis from Kosovo, in January 1945. At this time he was also engaged in his spiritual profession, putting on improvised partisan scenes plays and small theatrical pieces when the fighting was over. At the end of January 1945, he returned to his homeland. Albania enjoyed the great victory over the invaders. In the beginning, Seiti was included in the ranks of the XVIII Assault Brigade in Kukës and after two weeks he was transferred to Shkodër, his hometown. Here he stayed until April 1945. Already his work was recognized both as a patriot and as an artist. At the request of the General Staff, he was transferred to Agitprop, of the IV Division, as an organizer of theater troupes, where he also formed the new theater group. In this group he had two functions, that of the director and that of the actor. At the time when he had performed many theatrical pieces in this military formation, the Army Artistic Ensemble was created, where Gaqo Avrazi was appointed its director. This ensemble had many functions and Seiti together with some other friends transfer to this ensemble in the new theater group. Now the conditions were different. There were halls, there was order, facilities, there was food and rooms. A professional theater was being created. The first show of this group was a tableau with parts by the writer Fatmir Gjata. So there were three short parts with themes from the partisan war "Mill", "Partisan Suffering", "Prison". These parts were staged and directed by Pandi Stillo. In this part, Seiti's work also stands out. He plays the main role of Sotir's part. In this part he excelled. At this time, the actress Violeta Mnaushi, who would later become a diva of the Albanian stage, came to this Ensemble. She plays the role of a mother in this part. It should be noted that these performances were given on the stage of the People's Theatre, which was highly regarded at the time. The show was very successful. A new, more beautiful, wider road had already been opened for Seiti. With this troupe, he played more than 7 roles, where his acting skills and role plasticity increased significantly. Seiti's successes were evident. His roles are difficult, but he skillfully performs them with high professionalism, receiving great appreciation. There was a time when the People's Theater operated independently, as a more professional troupe. In 1950, Seiti was invited as part of the staff of the People's Theater for his acting skills. This was his greatest success. The actors who worked on this stage, which had in its bosom the luminaries of Albanian acting and directing, were rare. When he started working in this theater, he played two small roles, the role of the policeman in the comedy "The Prefect", and the role of Mill in "Conspiracy of the Convicted". . But after these two roles, which he played with that artistic skill as if they were big roles, he was entrusted with the role of Pasha in the drama "Halili and Hajrija". In this role, he stood out significantly as an actor and why this subtle role had been played by the well-known actor Andon Pano before. Here, after this role, Sei Boshnjak's most active activity begins, in the People's Theater. From 1950 to 1970 (after he played and why he retired in 1966) in this giant theater he played more than 50 different roles. He has already become more mature, more correct, more disciplined with himself and the stage. It must be said that in general, his roles are character roles, not the main role, but with his interpretation he gave it the same color. He made the characters alive, believable, concrete, with all their characteristics. His performance was vital and multifaceted, with a finesse that not every actor can convey. Not only in the National Theatre, but also in the artistic speech, in many radio dramatizations for young people, adults and pioneers, Seiti has given his help, his true art. At the same time, you saw him helping and participating in the amateur movement of the capital. They should emphasize that in the communist regime this movement was very active and extensive. His theatrical productions made him attract the attention of film directors as well. So in Cinematografi Seiti has performed a total of 7 roles in different films. In these roles he has been special for the way of interpretation and elegant play in episodic roles and character roles. Here we will single out the film "Skenderbeu" where he played the role of the prince, the Janissary, but also dubbing the voice of another character. But he performed the most beautiful film role in the film "Furtuna", the role of the colonel, which is remembered by all viewers for the high artistic level of interpretation. He has received many medals and orders, where the "Naim Frashëri" Medal stands out. He passed away in 1985, leaving behind an unforgettable work. He remained among the pioneers of professional Albanian theater and as among the rare models of interpretation in character roles. Simple, loving, correct, in love with art, communicative, this is how Seit Boshnjaku will be remembered, this born artist and man of values. SPEAK ABOUT THE SITE: Margarita Xhepa (People's Artist – Honor of the Nation) Those were the years of great passions. Then it was the time of the greats. He embroidered his characters. He was a great parent and had great relationships with actors. I can talk a lot about them, as I found simple people who came from all the districts of Albania to make the National Theatre. They came from Shkodra, Vlora, Gjirokastra, Korça with the desire to make a theater with a name and they did it thanks to their work, their study sacrifices and their great desire for work. These actors greatly increased the level of the Albanian corporal, so they still have a name today. His spicy roles have their origin in the great love he had for the theater, for acting in all its dimensions. When I was with them, I couldn't get enough of hearing incredible life stories, as those stories made them aware of the historical mission they had at the National Theatre. Without them, the theater would not have the fame it enjoys today. Lazer Filipi (Honored Artist) Since Bosnjaku has been at the Army Theater in the beginning. Seiti was a very loving man, but on the surface he seemed very serious. In roles he was tragic and dramatic, but in life he was very humorous. He told us many stories with Gjon Karma in Pristina prison. It was a terrible prison, he told us. His stories about this camp were very interesting and we were very fascinated by his stories, even confused. His drama in this camp and his friends surprised us. John Karma of the humorous plan, when he told us the same event we laughed, because he had a different story color. These are two main details of an actor who is of a dramatic plane and one of a humorous plane. For me, he was a very dear man. Xhevat Çerezi has a lot of friends, and when we did a big tour around Albania, Seiti always participated in our evening jokes. Seiti was a loving man who accepted every joke. I played with Seiti in several parts. He was an actor of episodic roles and character roles. He created the image of a very serious character, as both his facial portrait and appearance spoke so. His voice, his body height, have made him very successful in his episodic roles. Birçe Hasko (Honored Artist) I was a student for a year and a half, when I met Seit Boshnjak. It was the period when all the actors of the National Theater were devoted to creativity. They had absolute discipline. Even with small roles, you couldn't find great roles at the artistic level. He has also participated in film creation with realized roles. Cinematography was in its infancy and he had a great drive for roles. Even in films he was as dedicated as in the theater. He did not divide the roles into small or big, but he played at that level. With that love as if they were special roles. This was the peculiarity of his creativity. Special roles For more than 2 decades from 1950, Seit Boshnjaku performed in over 50 roles on the stage of the National Theatre. Although he retired in 1966, Seit the Bosnian continued to perform roles for more than a decade. Prela in "Our Land", Huis – "The Process", Abazi – "The 7 Shalians", Gjeloshi – "Dragoi i Dragobi", Luka the old man – "The Good Brave…", Oktavi – "The Gardener's Dog", Lleshi – "Cuca" stand out. of the mountains" Doctor – "Arturo Ui", etc.. Note: The dramas have been staged several times with different actresses. In addition to the theater, he has also participated in 7 feature films. Why does this drum beat – (1969) Shkesi Our land – (1964) Special task – (1963 Debate – (1961) Lieutenant Franko. Former emblem – (1976) an episode in Series 1 – Bey __________________________________ Albanian cinematography in activity in 2013 Published in December 2014 on the page with the same name and revised in the following years Reference: "Telegraf" on line.

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