Profile of the famous singer Ema Qazimi-Bogdani!


Ema Qazimi – Bogdani
“Merited Artist” & “Grand Master”
Her profile would be portrayed like this: singer, actress, performer, virtuoso and performing artist, who has captured the hearts of Albanians for about four decades in a row. She, as a public figure for Albanian spectators and those outside the borders, has become a star of the stage and the screen with her outstanding and unrepeatable artistic individuality. It is precisely this extraordinary contribution full of virtuosity, with rare values of a famous but simple and fuss-free artist, that leads us to testify that Ema Bogdani is a great Albanian artist.

Actress born to sing. An indisputable personality of stage art in the field of Albanian song interpretation, for nearly four decades she has been one of the best ambassadors of the best values and traditions of our national Art and Culture, both inside and outside the country.

Ema was born on November 18, 1954. Around the 60s, at the age of 14, Ema started singing on the big Albanian stage. She became part of the music activities at the level of Albania, as in the Festival of Songs on Radio, later on in Radiotelevision. She is a participant in 25 Albanian Radio and Television Festivals, starting with the Festival of the Year 𝟏𝟗𝟔𝟖, when she was only 14 years old.

In 1972, she completed the “Jordan Misja” Art High School in Tirana, in the Music Theory department. In the years 1973-1977, she finished her higher studies and graduated in the acting department, at the Faculty of Performing Arts, at the Tirana Academy of Arts (today the University of Arts). After graduating from the Academy, she first worked as an editor at Radio Tirana and then as an actress at the “Teatri Popullor” (today the National Theater) in Tirana.

Ema, after managing to consolidate herself as an artist, starts her career as a professional singer at the Tirana Variety Theater, later the Tirana Cultural Center. She worked in this institution until 18.11.2014, until she retired, marking a full 37 years of work as a professional artist. In her long artistic journey, more than 100 songs of Albanian light music are recorded. Most of them have become hits over the years and years in a row, being sculpted as one of the initiators of art in this genre in Albania.

Emma’s songs and her entire artistic repertoire are a great asset of Albanian musical art and this creativity is all recorded and filmed that today should be in the archive of Albanian Radio and Television. She is a participant in about 4,000 artistic performances, through Festivals and Artistic Recital Concerts, Decades of May, Music Surveys, etc., touching almost all corners of Albania with her art.

With the songs “Letter to Mother” (music by Avni Mula) and “Partisan`s  Star” (Agim Krajka), for the first time she participates in the 6th Song Festival where she receives second and third prizes. Hysen Kocia doubles with the first and Vace Zela doubles with the second. Then she continues to participate almost regularly in this festival.

Thus, in December 1972, at the 11th Festival, she participated with the song “Kush me njeh mua”, composed by Agim Prodani. On this occasion, Bogdani wins the third prize of the festival.

A year later, in 1973, at the 12th Festival, Ema Qazimi sang two songs: “Gjurme te arta” with music by 𝐊. Prodani and text by 𝐋. Deda. This song is the first to be dubbed by Vače Zela. But the other song “Shoulder to shoulder as mountains” composed by Agim Prodani was soon dubbed by Qemal Kërtusha.

In 1974, at the next festival, the 13th, Ema also appeared with two songs. With the song “Derdhëm gjak e hodhëm rrenje” composed by Kujtim Laro and written by Xhevahir Spahiu, which took third place at the festival, and this song was later dubbed by Thëllanxa Akcani. While the other song, “Kenga zjarr” composed by Tish Daija and written by Aleksandër Banushi was later dubbed by Avni Mula and received the second prize.

Emma’s appearance through two songs at the RTSH Song Festival was already an unwritten norm. Thus, in 1975, at the 14th Festival, she appeared with the song “Buka e duarve tona”, a song written by Xh. Spahiu and composed by K. Prodani. This song was later dubbed by Alida Hisku. While the second song with which she was presented, titled “Dashuria me e madhe” written by Fatmir Gjata with music by Agim Prodani, did not have the luck of the first one, but this also won the third prize and was later dubbed by Lindita Theodhori.

In 1976, at the RTSH Song Festival, Ema also sang two songs, the song “Buka dhe çeliku” with music by Agim Prodani and written by Pandeli Koçi, which was later dubbed by Zeliha Sina. This song won the second prize. The other song that received the third prize was “Kenge per Tiranen” with music by Nikolla Zoraqi and lyrics by Dritëro Agolli. Also, this song was later dubbed by Gaqo Çako.

The RTSH Song Festival in the Republic of Albania for a long time was the highest state cultural event in terms of music, however, Ema, due to a tour in Greece in 1977, in the 16th Festival did not had the opportunity to participate.

But the following year, in 1978, at the 17th Festival, she returned again. This time with the song “Shqiperi o vendi im”, a song written by Hysni Milloshi and composed by Avni Mula. With this song she got the second prize and as usual for her songs, this too was dubbed later by the author himself, Avni Mula. The second song “Këputa nje gjethe dafine”, with which he appeared in a duet with Liljana Kondakçi, was dubbed by Gaqo Çako, who had won the first prize at this festival. The song “Trändeline dhe kenge” written by Hysni Milloshi and composed by Avni Mula, was the song with which Ema Qazimi performed in 1978 at the 18th Song Festival at RTSH. This was the first time that Ema appeared with only one song at this festival, since the beginning of her participation in it.

For the 19th Song Festival at RTSH, Nikolla Zoraqi had prepared a song for Emma entitled “Nen yje prisnim Vitin e Ri”. This one was dubbed by Gaqo Çako, while the other song with which he appeared was titled “Per ty celin mijera mengjese” and was prepared by Avni Mula, who also dubbed it.

In 1980, at the 20th Song Festival at RTSH, she appeared on stage with the song “Flaka e betimit”. The text of this was prepared by Zhuliana Jorganxhiu, while the music was as usually by Kujtim Laro, its dubbing was done by Alida Hisku. The second song “Krenari e brezave” won the first prize. This was written by Gjokë Beci, composed by Feim Ibrahimi and dubbed by Liliana Kondakçiu.

An indisputable success for Ema Qazim was the 21st Festival where she sings the songs “Kur çelin bozhuret” a real hit, a soulful ballad written by Limos Dizdari and text by Gaqo Apostoli, as well as the other song “Dashuria jone” music by Flmur Shehu and text Zh. Jorganxhi, the first dubbed by Myfarete Laze and the second by Lindita Theodhori. They both made it to the finals, but the second song was awarded the second prize.

At the 22nd RTSH Festival, she sings Hajg Zaharjani’s song “Zemërzjarrta moj” dubbed by Luan Zhegu.

At the 23rd Festival, she sings the song “Fjala e ngrohte”, a creation by Feim Ibrahim and lyrics by Gjoke Beci, dubbed by Aferdita Zonja.

At the 24th Festival, Ema sings Agim Prodani’s song “Lidhur ne nje bese”.

At the 28th Festival, she performed with Thoma Simaku’s song “E zgjodhe vete te verteten”.

Ema participates in the 32nd song festival with Diana Ziu’s song, “Ti o shpirt qe mban nje bote” and in the 33rd Festival with Adrian Hila’s song “Jeta ime”.

In the 34th Festival she is on the Festival jury and in the 35th she is a special guest. It returns to the 37th Festival with the song composed by Ema herself “Mama” dedicated to her mother.

Ema received all, 6 first prizes “Shtepia ku lindi Partia” at 9-th Festival , “Gjurme te arta” at 12-th Festival, “Buka e duarve tona” at 14-th 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭ival, “Keputa nje gjethe dafine” at 17-th Festival, “Krenari e brezave” at 20-th Festival

She has received endless second and third prizes, in almost every festival starting from the 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 21st! In all these festivals, Emma’s songs have almost been evaluated with two or three second and third prizes.

In all “Musical Surveys” who participated has been the winner. Let’s mention a few songs: “Mujo Ulqinaku”, “Djaloshi me kemishen e kuqe”, “Dheu im flori”, “Bija ime”, “Ditelindja dhe deti”.

Ema also participated in “Spring Festivals” (Kur vjen Pranvera) where in the first one she was one liked pretty much by public with the song “Gol bukur gol” by Agim Prodani, with which she took second place. The song “Cobani” by Luan Zhegu took the third place.

Ema Qazimi has done duets with only two singers, Liljana Kondakçi, with whom she has 6 duets: “Keputa nje gjethe dafine”, “Mbete kange e brezave”, (A. Peci) “Kenge per Emin Durakun” (sung in Kosovo), “Ti me je si nje gonxhe”, “Nate ne bregdet” (K. Kote), as well as a duet with Luan Zhegun “Fejesa jone”.

Apart from Albania, it has become very beloved and affectionate in the community of Albanians in Kosovo, among the Albanians of Macedonia and Montenegro, among the Arbëresh people of Italy and the Arvanites of Greece, among the Albanians in America.

She has given dignified concerts in several countries in the outside world, such as: Italy, Greece, France, Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, USA, etc.

Recital Concerts: There are 4 of them in total
1 – “The path of my song” – Tirana, 1986. This spectacle marks the first institutional realization in the genre of Albanian Light Music Art. It was given in almost all the big cities of Albania, Vlorë, Elbasan, Korçë, Shkodër, etc.

2 – “Roots of My Oak” Apulia Region, Arbëreshët of Italy, 1990

3 – “Ema la piu famosa cantante Televizione Albanese” concert show, the city of Castelamare Di Stabia – Naples, Italy, 1992

4 – “MAMA” – television show (also author of the libretto) – RTSH, Tirana, 2001

These spectacles have appeared many times for Albanians in the entire Albanian space, everywhere in the world, and have always been welcomed with great enthusiasm as rarely anyone else.

Some of Emma’s songs will remain engraved: “Kenge per Čerçiz Topulli”, “Vite te Zjarrta”, “Kenge per Mujo Ulqinaku”, “Portret heroine”, “Baballaret”, “Trendeline dhe kenge”, “Rinia jeton” , “Keputa nje gjethe dafine”, “Cobani”, “Marinari”, “Shqiperi o vendi im”, “Kur celin bozhuret”, etc.

The song composed by Ema herself stands out, with a meaningful title “Mama”, a hymn of love for all those children who have missed and miss this beloved figure for everyone.

“Grand Prize of the Decade of May” – Tirana, 1969.
“Merited Artist” – Tirana, 1984.
“Mediterranean Song” Festival Cup – Trani, Italy, 1992.
Grand Prize “Golden Microphone” At the “Kosovarja” festival – Ferizaj, Kosovo, 1999.
“Grand Master ” – Tirana, 2010.


Song Festivals on Radio Television (TVSH) / Songs Festival of Gjirokastra
Folk Festival of Songs Folk dances (at home and abroad)
Concerts with the Albanian Radio and Television Orchestra (at home and abroad) Various artistic troupes of variety shows and district assemblies Concerts, shows, television shows ,

Actress: “Teatri Popullor”
“Vershime pranverore” main role, “Permbysja e madhe” episodic role (Bora), “Kapedani”, episodic role, film of Kinostudio “Shqiperia e Re”
-Tour with the “Teatri Popullor” troupe in Kosovo
-Member of various Juries at the Song Festival in RTSH and of children
-Participant in discussions and critiques at Variety Festivals
-Participant in discussions and evaluations Post-Song Festival in RTSH
-Invited to promotions and literary-artistic activities in the League of Writers and private activities.


She has a long career and of course her repertoire consists of a large number of songs, but the ones worth mentioning are as follows:
“Rinia ime” / “Këngë për Çercis Topullin” / “Gjurmë të arta” / “Portret heroine
“Për ty çelin mijëra mëngjese” / “Vite të zjarrta” / “Nën yje prisnim Vitin e Ri”
“Buka dhe çeliku” / “Sup me sup si malet” / “Baballarët” / “Kush më njeh mua”
“Nuk ishte kohë për dashurinë” / “Buka e duarve tona” / “Dashuria jonë
“Ditëlindja dhe deti” / “Çobani” / “Bliri” / “Gol bukur gol” / “Forca Shqipëria”
“Këputa një gjethe dafine” / “Shqipëri o vendi im” / “Krenari e brezave”
“Kur çelin bozhuret” / “Lidhur me nje besë” / “Marinari” / “Ne vajzat”
“Këngë për Tiranën” / “Pranvera vjen e gjen pranverë”
“Unë jam nënë e nuk jam flutur” / “Ti o shpirt që mban një botë”
“Trëndelinë e këngë” / “Të dua o jetë” / “Zemërzjarrta moj”
“Kolazh serenatash” / “Mama” / “Ikin stinët”


The text was formulated and published for the first time in November 2014


Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013 

Reference: Selection of various news about the artist from Albanian newspapers and portals “on line” as well as “Wikipedia”. Some of the photos without the logo were taken from the YouTube channel of Prof. Ramazan Bogdani, the honorable husband of the artist.

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