Profile of the actor Vasjan Lami!


Vasjan Lami Actor of the Albanian National Theater and Cinematography was born on May 21, 1957 in Tirana. He is a well-known actor both on the stage of the Theater and in Film. He graduated from the High Institute of Arts in Tirana in 1978. Immediately after his studies, he was appointed as an actor in the People's Theater (today TK), the same year (1978), which he is still a part of today. He also completed a post-graduate specialization in France. With a long artistic career of about 80 roles, he has performed alongside the luminaries of the Albanian scene, such as Sulejman Pitarka, Sander Prosi, Pjeter Gjoka, Ndrek Luca, and many other actresses. Interprets roles with a positive attitude, young people with ideals and passions for life and the future. He has also interpreted characters that represent the dark, weak or corrupt sides of society. His first character in the theater is the role of Jacobin in Bashkim Hoxhe's drama "Spring Explosion". Among his best roles can be mentioned: "Pilgrim Monk"; "Coast of sorrow"; Bujari "Friends from the village" (1984); Ricardo in "Monserati" (1985); Tybalt "Romeo and Juliet" (1987); the journalist in "Enemy of the People"; Ortemisio in "The Taming of the Rebellion" (1988); Ladi to "Night with the moon"; Stermetescu in "Titanic Waltz"; Selfie at "Besa"; the doctor in the "Sixth Floor"; Catesby in "Richard the Third"; Lakrua "Danton's Death"; Sadetini in "Allegretto Albania" (2008); In 1997, with the role of Kori in the drama "Quo Vadis", he won Cimi as the best actor in the Theater Festival. While the role of Jason in the tragedy "Medea" (2007) by Euripides highlighted the speculative authority of the man over the woman that he did not protect with the undeserved punishment of Medea. In recent years, he has also been engaged in directing in the theater. In cinematography, he performed about 15 roles in feature films and television, starting in 1981. In films, he mainly performed second or episodic roles. While his first film role is in "Autumn Rebuke". Among his many roles in cinematography, we can single out the roles in the film "Trap", "Shadows that remain behind", "When the doors of life were opened", "People under the storm", "Last night", "Sako's wedding". . "Red Flowers, Yellow Flowers", "Moonless Night" etc, MOVIES: Autumn Rebuke (1981)……Dr. The Old Man and the Hasmi (1981)……the warrior Gracka (1983)….Sadiku Fushë e blërtë red field (1984) The shadows left behind (1985)……..Astritis When they open doors of life (1986)…..journalist One Morning Phone (1987)…..Mevlani A Long Year (1987) Mission Across the Sea (1988) People in the Stream (1989)…… …….Besim Golemi The Pirate's Cave (1990)……….Martini The Waiting Years (1990)…………Seko Behind the Facade (1992) …….Klementi, Chief of Archeology Lamerica (1994) Sako's Wedding (1998) Frozen Waltz in Pristina (1999) (TV) Funeral Business (1999) Moonless Night (2001) Red Flowers, Red Flowers black (2003) Yllka (2005) the last coffee (2010), short film. _________________________________ It was first published on Facebook in May 2016 and was revised in the following years Reference: "60 years of national theater" (1945-2005); page 102/ "Encyclopedia of Albanian Cinematography" – AT Hoxha / p. 227-228 / "Encyclopedia – Albanian Theater and Cinematography" – J. Ppagjoni / p. 261 as well as information extracted from the online Albanian newspaper;

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