Profile of actor Kastriot Çaushi.


Kastriot Çaushi Albanian theater and cinematographer. He was born in Tepelene on June 14, 1954. Between 1973 and 1976, he completed his higher studies at the Academy of Arts for an actor. After finishing his studies, he started working as an actor in the "Skampa" theater in Elbasan, a year later. From 1977 to 1982, he was a member of this troupe. Then in v. In 1982, he was appointed a lecturer at the Higher Institute of Arts in Tirana, in the Drama department. There are several roles that he has played on the stage of the theater, but the most prominent, the one that left an impression from a passionate interpretation, was the role of Rome in Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet", staged by the People's Theater in 1988. As a well-known actor, he will become well-known mainly in the roles played in the cinematography, which plays the main roles in 17 feature films. He made his debut on the screen in 1976, completely unknown in the field of acting, (still a student), when the director Kristaq Mitro approached him in the main role of the film "The Bride and the Revolution". Thanks to his elegant appearance, attractive portrait and an excellent game, in 1980 he manages to give life to the example of the heroic deed of the hero of the people Vasil Laci in the film "The Emperor's Bullet", the assassin of the emperor Viktor Emanuel II. The actor's success also came later, now even with a more complete interpretation, when he played the character of Qemal Staff under the name Kujtim Stefa in the film "Autumn Rebuke" in 1981, a role with which Kastriot Caushi also won the Festival Cup. of the III Albanian Film as the best actor. Close to this interpretative tendency are two other important roles of his. Arturi in "Apassionata" (1983) and Iliri in "Shirat e veshte" (1984). Thus, during this period of time, K. Caushi had managed to give the stage with grace and finesse the type of intellectual, honest brave, but also in the midst of contradictions and doubts in the face of making a difficult decision. It was completely different with the interpretation in the movie "Last Love" in v. 1994, where he went beyond the previous model of an active and contemplative hero, presenting in this film a figure with a negative and dangerous demeanor, merciless as a trafficker of prostitutes. After the 90s, he mainly plays roles with such negative qualities. For a decade, from 1997 to 2007, the rector of the Academy of Arts will be elected in two mandates. In the time period 1999 – 2003 he was the chairman of the Steering Council of RTSH. He currently serves as the dean of the Faculty of Performing Arts at the Academy of Arts. He is the co-author of the University texts, the basic elements of acting skills (1998) and "Actress, role, figure" (2001). He holds the title "Professor". Films: Bride and Curfew, (1976)….Fatmiri Radiostationi, (1979)… Partizani Liri a pometo, (1979)….Member of Cete se Cercizit New mornings, (1980)…….Partizani The emperor's bullet, (1980)……..Vasil Laci Dawns of the great season (1981)…. Gori Muzaka Red Besa, (1982)….. Kelmendi Apasionata, (1983)……Arturi Rains of Autumn, (1984)…. Iliri Vendimi, (1984)……Kujtimi Three days from a life, (1986)…..Sandri Flutura in my cabin, (1988)……Fiancé of Flutura The colors of age, (1990)…..Kristaqi The last love , (1995)……Prostitute trafficker Red flowers, black flowers, (2003)…… The pain of love (2008) series……in the role of prof. in pictures In search of whom (2009) series …..Almir Bali _____________ It was first published on Facebook in June 2016 and was revised in the following years. Reference: Encyclopedia of Albanian Theater and Cinematography" (2009) p. 70-71 as well as online news from various newspapers in Albanian.

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