Profile of screenwriter and editor Muharrem Skenderi!


Muharrem Skenderi (1928 – Writer, screenwriter and editor of chronicles and documentary films at the former Kinostudio "Shqiperia e re". He was born on May 3, 1928. He was the head of the 8th grade of school. He started in Cinematography as an editor of chronicles and documentaries in 1962. Initially, he was involved in the writing of film magazines and from 1972-1985 he worked as an editor and wrote a considerable number of texts and scripts for documentary, cartoon and artistic films independently or as a co-author of the script in the feature film "Guerrilla unity" and later in the scripts of other films such as: "Stars on the tree"-1978; "Balloons"-1979, while writing the script for the children's film "Youngest city in the world" – 1974; Wrote the scripts and directed the filming of the documentary films "Precious Stones" – 1974; Wrote 20 other scripts for the documentary films "Kurbneshi" (1967); The antiquity of a city" – 1972; "Partisan Mothers"-1974; "Biography of a Factory"-1974; "Light in the tunnel" -1976; "Biography of a Mother" – 1977; "Anes Bunes"-1977; "The life of a tribune" -1980; "Letter from Koman"-1984; "Overview of an exhibition" -1985; "Frane Bardhi" -1987 etc. He has also written several scripts for cartoons: "Eagle and Falcon" -1978; "Lustra-lustra" -1979; Among the most successful films made based on his scripts are considered "Life of a tribune"; "report from Kurbneshi" and "Fran Bardhi". NOTE: Unfortunately, we do not have any recent information about Mr. Muharrem Skenderi. Published for the first time on Facebook in May 2020 ________________ Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013 Reference: Encyclopedia of Albanian Cinematography – Toena 2002 / A. Hoxha / p. 356-357.

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