Profile photo of comedian Rexhep Ustai!


Rexhep Ustai Actor of Estrade Theater, Tirana, who became active after v. 90, mainly in several different telecomedies. In addition to many funny numbers and skits in different varieties with the variety show troupe from Tirana, where we can single out "Goals and the realization of the plan", "Parliamentary humor", "For a crazy day", the parody "Xixellonja", etc., the actor performed in several telecomedies, especially after v. 90s: "An extra father" / "Big appetite" / "1 million suitcase" / "For vacation in Rome" / "Money from the sky" / "My wife's weight" / "Pirouet" (serial), are some of these telecomedies that were activated although in secondary roles. In the cinematography, he was active in the movie "Like everyone else", 1981.


His jokes are quite entertaining, as we can remember that "I will score an own goal" in the skit "Goals and the realization of the plan" or in the series "Piruet" where he says: "His daughter has an accident, a complete "fakir" ie kafir"!!!. Currently he continues to be active, his most recent show is on RTSH with the New Year's program in "Gaz dhe Gez" 2021. Exclusivity on this page January 8, 2022 _________ Albanian cinematography since 2013

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