Photo gallery of the movie "The investigation continues"!


The investigation continues. The film is a production of Kinostudio "Shqiperia e Re" – 1988 Below is an information sheet and a wide photo gallery from this film: Screenplay: Fatmir Mborja Director: Mark Topallaj Cinematographer : Pellumb Kallfa Painter: Shyqyri Sako "A. M" Composer; David Tukici Film director: Qirjako Bollano Sound operator: Xhevat Behri Editing director: Eglantina Kume Editor: Roland Gjoza Costume designer: Vjollca Liza Makeup artist: Bujar Gjashta As. director: Gjergj Xhuvani & Gazmir Grezda As. operator: Sokol Meksi & Leonard Dori Nen. Film Director: Xhemal Koci Pyrotechnician : Skender Batku Editing : M. Ohri Sound Engineer: M. Berxolli Administrator: V. Kola Lighting Brigadier: V. Kastrati Costume Designer: D. Kolpeja Props Designer : A. Laska Consultant: Ylvi Myrtja INTERPRETERS: Luiza Xhuvani Petrit Malaj Gezim Rudi Shpresa Berdellima Mark Topallaj Valter Gjoni Vangjel Toce Sokol Progri Salvator Gjeci Eglantina Frroku Antoneta Papapavli Shefqet Bregu Besnik Ferra Fatbardh Lika Justina Aliaj In episodic roles: Bilbil Kasmi; Lec Vuksani; Harrilla Vjerdha B. Qesja; Tomorr Guce; Agron Mema B. Hoxha; S. Matoshi; P. Vasili F. Kumbulla; M. Priest; Xhaferr Xhafa was accompanied by the small instrumental band of RTV. Directed by: Genc Tukici _____________________ Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013 Photos are a contribution of the site administrators

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