Photo gallery of the "Dead River" theater | 49 years since the show premiered!


Premieres of the People's Theater. Facts and evidence for all generations. 49 years ago, on the stage of the People's Theater, the play "Dead River" by the author Jokov Xoxes, dramatized by Kudret Velca, would premiere. (1975 – 2024)


Director: Drita Agolli Scenography: Agim Zajmi (AM) & Fatbardh Marku Makeup: Zhaneta Petushi Hairdresser : Ermini Kotini Music: Limos Dizdari Television director: Albert Minga


Performed by: Reshat Arbana……Pilo Shpiraku, musketeer Robert Ndrenika…..Kozi Dynjaja, villager Besa Imami (AM)……Pilo's mother Prokop Mima (AM)…….villager Petraq Xhillari……..villager Tomorr Guce……. peasant Shkelqim Basha……Leksi, brother of Pilo Shpiraku Margarita Xhepa……Dafina Roza Anagnosti…..Vida, daughter of Pilo Shpiraku Gjon Karma (AM)……Sulejman Tafili, Kosovar Pandi Siku……..Kosovo Mimika Luca… ……. Ahmet Pasha…….Mr. Gaqo Xanica Ilia Shyti…….Papu Anastas Kristofori…..Kol Shpervjeli, the headman of the village Luan Qerimi………… Fuati, bey of the village Ndrek Shkjezi……… Sulejman Dibra…..myftari Pirro Malaveci… …… Roland Trebicka…… Gjovalin Gjoka….Llazi, son of Pilo Shpiraku Lazer Filipi (AM)……..Koci, innkeeper Marika Kallamata……….. Avni Resuli………. Xhemil Tagani…… Antoneta Papapavllo…… the wife of Koz Dynjase Drita Pelinku… Esma Agolli……… Edmond Budina… Liza Vorfi…… Sait Bosnjaku…… peasant Lazer Vlashi……… Pavlina Mani…… Suzana Zekthi….. Rina, the bride of Pilo Shpirakut Sokol Angjeli………….Jani, son of Koz Dynjase Vladimir Saliu…….. etc. © Reserved material | The exclusivity on this page is dated June 7, 2024 _______________ Albanian cinematography in activity for the online community since 2013

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