As today, on this date, February 27, this year marks the 62nd anniversaries of the premiere of Moliere’s comedy “Noble Bourgeoisie” on the stage of the People’s Theater precisely on February 27, 1963. 1963-2025
Comedy-ballet in 5 acts.
Decorated with the First Class Work Order
Albanianized by Enver Fico
Director: Pandi Stillu (AM)
Painter: Hysen Devolli (AM)
Ballet master: Miltjadh Papa
The actors who performed in this comedy:
Mihal Popi………bourgeois Jurden
Sulejman Pitarka……philosopher
Behije Cela….Jurden’s wife
Aferdita Taci……….Lucia
Mimika Luca……..
Violeta Manushi……….
Lazer Filipi……
Thanas Gjoka……
Pjeter Gjoka…..Doranti
Liza Vorfi…….Dorimena
Prokop Mima…..
Qenan Toro………
Kadri Roshi……
Gjon Karma……

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