Photo gallery | Supporting Actors, (KT list)!


Part 2 | List of names K – T Actresses of secondary roles that the reader may not have known before, and that may be interested in getting to know them through photos. The link for the first part of the actresses filed by AJ! Thus in the Albanian films of Kinostudio "New Albania", apart from the now well-known actresses, colossi or stars of the Albanian cinema, these films have offered our spectators another group of actresses of secondary roles who do not have the luck to perform in many films or in the role of protagonists despite their acting skills. Precisely for this grouping plus those that came from the amateur movement, for the interest of the reader, this page has designated a wide photo album, along with a little information. Of course, the list of names is very long, almost endless, and if it is impossible to mention them all, this album will be enriched from time to time with new photos and related information.

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PROUD ARIFI She was at the time of Kinostudio "New Albania" one of the small actresses of the constellation of children who were often active in different feature films and television, whose role was very important. In 1976, he played in the movie "Poppies on the Walls", in the role of Sulos, in a role that deeply touched the audience, even for the character's tragic fate. Then he even had a protagonist role in the movie "From the middle of the darkness" (1978). 6 years later, in 1984, he acted in the film "Students of my class". From that time on, the actor did not choose the path of cinema.

LEONARD DALIU Do you remember the role of the young man, the son of Hasan Hyse, who was caught in a group of demonstrators and brought to the office of Qazim Mullet, in the brilliant comedy "The Prefect"? The joke addressed to Qazim Mulleti: "Kapil, son of Kapil, but Hason's son, are you ours?" He is the actor of secondary roles, Leonard Daliu. In addition to this role, he also acted in the film "The Weight of Time"; "Return of the Dead Army" as well as in "Sounds of Oblivion".

LEONARD PORO Well-known actor of the "Bylis" Theater in Fier. He performed many theatrical performances on the stage of this institution, where he stood out for his acting skills, for his plasticity and especially for his timbre of voice. From all Albanian artists, he is remembered in the role of Miço Stroni in the television series "Emblem e dikurshme"

LEONIDHA HEBA He is a well-known actor through his performance in several Albanian films, although the relevant information is missing. It should be mentioned that during the second world war he managed to survive in one of the famous concentration camps. Performed in the films: Sperthimi – 1974; Threads that are cut – 1976; New breakfasts – 1981.

LISENKO MALAJ (1953 – 2018) Director, actor He was born in Vlora on December 3, 1953. He graduated in dramatic arts at the High Institute of Arts in Tirana. He first performed in I. Zhabjak's film "Carnivals" (1980). In 1982, he worked as an assistant with the director Esat Musliu, Kristaq Dhamo, Dhimiter Anagnosti, Spartak Pecani, etc. respectively in several films such as "Rruga e liberise" 1982, "Gracka" 1983, "Decision" – 1984, "Stones of my house" – 1985, "Te mos heshtesh" -1985. His first film as a director was "Three days from a life" – 1986. The film "Overseas Mission" – 1988 was his most successful film. In 1992, he shoots the film "Death of a Man", which will be his last. After 1992, he emigrated with his family to Italy. For the realization of the documentary film "Spring two steps away" – 1985, he was awarded the Third Prize at the 6th Documentary and Cartoon Film Festival. Other films as a director: "Shpresa" – 1988, where she also acts as an actor, "Pirate's Cave" – 1990. She passed away on March 4, 2018 in Italy after a serious illness.

LUIGJINA LEKA Actress of the first years of Albanian cinematography, about whom there is no complete information, even though she belonged to the first generation of actresses who started the path of Albanian cinema. He was born in Shkoder. Spectators know her well from her performance in several feature films, mainly in episodic roles. Appeared for the first time in 1961 in the film "Debat" in the role of Hope. Then she interprets the role of Mare in "Toka e jone" (1964) alongside the great actress Marie Logoreci. Starting after this year, he disappeared from the scene for about 15 years; It returns in 1979, where they activate it in an episodic role in the film "Beyond the stone walls" (in the role of a woman) and two years later in "A night without light" (1981).

LUKE KAÇAJ (1926-2001) In fact, his name is connected in the field of music, being a brilliant tenor, one of the best in opera. He was sent to study at the "Tchaikovsky" conservatory, where he shone incomparably on various stages of the world. Very early on he had to bear the burden of comparison with the great Shalyap, or "Albanskij Shalyap". After liberation, in the years 1947-1950, he worked in the General State Choir and the Army Ensemble as a soloist and chorister. In the years 1950-1955, he completed his higher studies in canto at the PI Tchaikowsky Conservatory, in Moscow, and in that year he was appointed a soloist at TOB. In TOB, he neatly performs unforgettable roles from Albanian and world operas, becoming one of the most popular and favorite artists in Albania. In 1966, he was appointed a canto teacher at the High Institute of Arts and made his valuable contribution to the preparation of the new generation of singers. In 1969, he also performed in the Albanian film "Perse bie kjo daulle" in the role of Gjon Marashi, a conservative father of the bride, Katrine "who had broken the habit". This career was interrupted in 1973, when Luk Kaçaj was imprisoned. He was released from prison in 1991 and continues to be active in the Albanian musical life. Lukë Kaçaj changed his life on September 7, 2001 in Laç. After his death, the President of the Republic, Bamir Topi, gives

CINNAMON VIOLETS Actress of secondary roles who was active in several films of Kinostudio, such as: "Carnivals" – 1980; "Gezhoja e veter" – 1980; "City Lights" – 1983; "Dream of a chair" – 1984; "Eja" – 1987. But the only role that distinguishes the actress is that of Donika in the film "Concert in v. 36"- 1978, the role of a lifetime, if we can say so, which she performed with a lot of professionalism and which gave the actress an impetus to be active in other films as well.

MERIT JHANI Many actresses categorized as secondary or episodic roles have a marked lack of information. The same thing happens with the actress Merita Xhani, whom we know from her performance in the television series "Emblem e dikurshme"

MET SHEHU We find his activation in the film "Counselors" in the role of Neziri as well as in "Streets that seek sun".

MINELLA CONDO He was active in the television series "Emblem e dikurshme" in a role in the group of Albanian geologists.

MIRELA ÇOMANI In the photo is the actress Mirela Comani in the movie "Hard Coast".

FOLLOW LUKE The generation that grew up with Kinostudio's Albanian films, have seen him play in several films. This is the actor of the amateur movement originally from Shkodra. His profession was head nurse in the ENT department in Hospital n. 12th in Tirana. Although his special appearance, facial features and characteristic voice, the directors have made him to be part of 2-3 movies of the cinema studio, always in negative roles, episodic roles. The role with which he is identified is the one with the nickname "The Crab" in "Fije qe priten. This is how we see him interpreted in the films: Operation "Fire"; "Fije qe priten" (Crab); "Decision" etc. The actor has changed life before 60!

PASCAL THE PRIEST He was born in Cologne. In addition to acting in Estrade, he was also the director of this troupe. He was also active in some of Kinostudio's films such as: "The first night of freedom" – 1984 "Who dies on foot" – 1984 "Shadows that remain behind" – 1985 "The last love" – 1994 "Bolero" – 1997. Artist doesn't live anymore.

PETRAQ MARJANI Actress of secondary roles who is remembered in the interpretation of several Kinostudio films, among which: "Streets that were looking for sun" and "Teammate"

PETRAQ TACI The actor was seen playing in the films: "My Wedding Toast" – 1978 in the role of the bride's brother and then in "Footprints in the Snow" – 1984.

PETRI TUNA Another actress of secondary or episodic roles for whom there is a lack of information. We find the actor performing in two films: in the television series "Emblem e dikurshme" in the role of the parish guard and then in "Gjurme ne bore"

QEMAL MEHMETI (1935 – 2002) He was born in Shkoder on January 4, 1935. After graduating from the High Institute of Arts, he was assigned to Kavaje, in the palace of culture as an artistic leader, making an important contribution to the progress and quality growth of cultural and artistic life in this institution, in the formation of artistic groups, companies and actresses. and the young singers of the city; He was also involved in organizing, directing and staging many shows, concerts for children and adults. From his artistic past, it should be noted that he was also an actor in the theater "Skampa" in Elbasan. In addition to his activity in Kavaje and Elbasan, he was also active in several Kinostudio films in secondary, episodic roles, from which we can remember: "Our Land" – 1964; "Operation Fire" – 1973; "The alleys that were looking for sunshine" – 1975; "Counselors" – 1979; "Intendenti" – 1981; "Time does not wait" – 1984 Changes life in Durres on March 29, 2002

REZANA STEEL Announcer, presenter and actress. She actually graduates from economics, but her life takes a completely different direction. He is randomly selected and starts as an evening announcer in TVSH, in parallel with school in the Gymnasium. In his first year at Gymnasium, he caught the eye of the filmmakers of the time, who offered him a competition for the role of Mel in "Ladies from the City". However, even though she doesn't manage to win, she plays another role, albeit episodic, in this comedy film. This was also her first film. Then he also performed in several other artistic and television films, among which we can mention: "The Fall of Idols" (Diella); "Ladies from the city", "They were four" (partisans); "Teammate" (TV in the role of a teacher); "A Boy and a Girl", the last film in 1989; Her desire was not to become an actress, so she did not study at the High Institute of Arts, because Rezana thought it was a difficult profession that required a lot of commitment and time. Thus, she practices the profession of teacher (mathematics-physics) in the villages and surroundings of Tirana, such as in Krrabe, Yshberisht, etc. On the contrary, from cinematography for Rezanen, television and presentation were part of her desire. For some time, she has also been an announcer and presenter of Festivals on RTSH, When Spring Comes, etc. She has been performing as a presenter at the 15th Festival since she was in her 3rd year of High School. Her example and inspiration was the announcer Zerina Kuke. Rezana should also be remembered as the presenter of Vaietese in the big Festive Night of the change of the Years. A little before v. In the 1990s, he was removed from television because of an incident (a hair part in the make-up room that was forgotten in the stream) even though it never came true. He currently works in the Municipality of Tirana since 2005-2006 in the directorate of communication with citizens, public relations.

ROK DAJÇI As we have pointed out before, there is a significant lack of information for a group of actresses. This is also the case for Albanian cinematographer and Albanian theater actor Rrok Dajci. However, an attentive follower remembers him at least in the films "Gezhoja e vjeter" in the role of the director of the enterprise as well as in "Plaku and Hasmi"; "In every season" (lulishtari) or even in the drama "Visit of the old lady".

SALI DOÇI (1945-1995) Actor, director of Bajram Currit's Variety Theater   He was born in Tropoje on April 11, 1945. In 1967 he graduated from the Higher Institute of Arts as an actor in dramaturgy. His acting skills were distinguished since the school period. After graduation, he was appointed as a director at the Palace of Culture in Bajram Curri as the first intellectual to graduate from this department. In this institution, he creates a successful variety show troupe. He stands out for his work with passion in the various cultural activities of the Tropoje area. There is a considerable number of materials such as skits, comedies, dramas by foreign and local authors that have been staged and directed by Sali Doci, which are shown with the amateur troupe of the House of Culture in the district's enterprises, in areas around . Also worth mentioning are the many concert shows directed by him. Actor and director Sali Doci was active in two very well-known films of Kinostudio "New Albania" such as "Ruge te bardha" (1974) and "The Fall of Idols" (1977). He did not have the good fortune to continue his artistic career that had taken off, after falling ill and on February 7, 1995, he changed his life prematurely at the age of 50. Holds the title "Honorary Citizen of Bajram Curri"

SHEFQET BREGU News presenter and actor. In addition to the presentation of the "TV Magazine" of the time in VATS, he also performed in several Kinostudio or television feature films. We remember him in: 1983 – White lilies 1988 – The investigation continues 1989 – After the last meeting

STRAZIMIR ZAJMI He is an actor of episodic roles. He didn't have the luck to act in many films, regardless of his skills, which he showed with his first very successful role, that of Jace in Kinostudio's masterpiece, "Poppies on the Wall" in 1976. After a 9-year break, he returns to the screen in in 1985 with two films "Guret e shtpise sime" – in the role of Neco, as well as "And one day comes" – in the role of Baki Branice's eldest son. In 1988, he performed another very episodic role of a driver in the film "Butterfly in my cabin".

TATJANA LESKA He was born on August 22, 1961 in Tirana. He graduated from the High Institute of Arts in the field of acting. She has not been lucky enough to act in many films, but she is remembered for playing the role of Ana, the protagonist in the film "In our house" – 1979, when she was still in high school and was awarded an award. Other films: "Militanti" – 1984; "When the doors of life open" – 1986; "A long year" – 1987.

TAULANT HITS Actor of the children's generation. He acted in three Albanian films: Three people cross the mountain – 1980 The second of November – 1982, And one day comes – 1986

CONCRETE TONE One of the veteran actresses of stage and screen, in particular of the Estrada Theater of Tirana, where she worked for a long time. He was active in the first films of Kinostudio, of which he is remembered in: "Debatik" – 1961; "The first years" – 1965; "Grooves 1973"; "When the masks come off" – 1974

The link of the first part, the list of actresses from A – Z __________ Organize Albanian Cinematography – July 2021 (2nd part of the list) Page administrators Pjerin B and Erald B Reference: Information selected from literature on performing arts as well as various online news.

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