Photo from the drama “Under the Stage Lights” | 38 years since its premiere!


Premieres of the “Teatri Popullor”  

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38 years ago on the stage of the “Teatri Popullor”, as today on this date, October 12, 1986, would be the premiere of the play “Under the lights of the stage” by master Ruzhdi Pulaha.

The show was decorated with the Order of the Flag!
File as below
Director: Pirro Mani (AP) and Andon Qesari
Scenography: Shaban Hysa
As. director : Gjergj Gjika
As. stage: Shefki Cela
Music : David Tukici

Characters and performers:
Arseni………Ndricim Xhepa
Bajua……..Kadri Roshi (AP)
Durimja……..Violeta Manushi (AP)
Zarina………Roza Anagnosti (AM)
Luli…… …..Eva Alikaj
Destani………….Edmond Budina
Rapi…………Agim Qirjaqi
Rolandi………Gezim Rudi
Mitro ……….Anastas Kristofori
Vaso…………Ahmet Pasha
Bedriu………Fitim Makashi
Vera……… …Elvira Diamanti
Kaso………..Merkur Bozgo
Bujari………Pirro Malaveci
Thomai……..Xemil Tagani
Nuci………..Roland Trebicka
Flaguri…….Shefqet Bregu
Autori……..Sokol Saraci

The drama “Under the lights of the stage” deals with important problems of the day in the time of socialism. At its center are the communists, specialists and vanguard workers who, in the fight against bureaucratism, incompetence, mediocrity and outdated organizational and management practices, advance production and scientific thinking.

Through dramatic situations and circumstances where the worries of work and those of family and society are interwoven in a harmonious way, the drama affirms people and the advanced sense of time.

It is an affirmation that is made through a struggle with many obstacles and difficulties, a struggle through which the characters’ characters are revealed and unfolded and the intensity of the events increases.

Uncompromisingly opposing bureaucratism, subservience, mediocrity and micro-bourgeois meanness, the drama strongly affirms the respect, care and all-round support of the Party and our entire society for good and advanced people.

© Reserved material | The exclusivity on this page is dated October 10, 2022


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