Petrit Llanaj (1937 – 2000) | Commemorative!


Petrit Llanaj (1937 – 2000)
Actor and director of documentary and feature films.

Born in the city of Vlora on January 2, 1937, in a family with patriotic and social traditions. He graduated from acting high school at “Aleksander Moisiu” in Tirana and then started working as a lecturer at the High Institute of Arts.

It was a great example for artists who were in their first steps. Llanaj started performing in cinematography in 1967 in “Triumph over Death” as well as in several other films with leading roles.

Among his most prominent roles are those in the films, “Guerrilla Unit” (1969), as Agroni, or in the role of the secretary of the organization in “Conscience” in 1972, “Threads to be cut” made in 1976, where he performed the role of Petrit, “Martyrs of monuments” (1980) as Vangjo.

As a director, Llanaj holds his signature in three films:
“A difficult journey” in 1977 (co-authored with Xh. Dafa), where he was also the screenwriter of that film, “When you are separated from friends” in 1986 and “S
pring again” made in 1987.

Llanaj achieved success in his career with the film “Guerrilla Unit” of 1969, where he played the main role, Agron, alongside the great actor Ndrek Luca and Drita Haxhiraj.

The director and actor Gezim Kame was his friend and collaborator, at the same time they were fellow students at the Institute of Arts and roommates.

“He was truly a man with a great soul,” Kame will say.

Here is an episode regarding the censorship of the film
“Man of the Day” produced in 1985, written by Vito Koçi and directed by Petri Llanaj. 

“The shooting locations were determined, and the writing of the technical-directorial script was completed, but the film was suspended by the Ministry and removed from production. The reason was that the screenwriter Vito Koçi should be isolated, according to the famous class war” .

Petrit Llanaj is also the director of the documentary “Troku” (1984), for which he was honored with the first prize.
Other documentary films were: “First Inspirations” (1976), “Another Time”, “Near Life, Near People” (1975) etc.

He passed away on November 3, 2000, at the age of 63, (about the cause of death nothing is said precisely, even there are sources that give the year of the change of life as 2001, such as Abaz T. Hoxha in his Encyclopedia, or 2003 as Josif Papagjoni in his book Encyclopedic (?)

City Lights – (1983);
Martyrs of Monuments – (1980)…Vangjo;

An Incident in the Port (1980);

Threads That Are Cut – (1976)…Petriti;

Consciousness – (1972)…The Secretary of the Organization;

The Guerrilla Unit – (1969)…Agroni;

Victory over Death – (1967);

As director:
Spring Again – (1987);
When You Are Separated from Friends – (1986);

A Difficult Journey – (1977)

As / Regjizore:
“An Incident at the Port” – 1980;

Published for the first time in January 2013 on “Albanian Cinematography” Facebook Page.


Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013
Reference: Encyclopedia of Albanian Cinematography / Toena 2002 / A. Hoxha / p. 243


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