Calendar of events in the performing arts
February 23!

February 23 marks the birth of three artists from the staff behind the cameras, sound operator Saliko Hoxha (1943 – ); writer, publicist, filmmaker Luan Qafëzezi (1953 – ); as well as the painter and cinematographer Mihal Rama (1950 – ).

Saliko Hoxha
Voice operator.

Born in Tirana on February 23, 1943. Attended secondary school. He started working at Kinostudio first as a driver with the chronicles and later as a driver of the Tonvagen (moving sound equipment) there from the end of 1958.

Hoxha first worked as a microphone holder and writing technician and later as a sound operator in chronicle and documentary films. In 1971, he made his first feature film as a sound operator “War Mornings” and later 5 other films such as “Stars of long nights” – 1972 / “When the masks come off” – 1974 / “Poppies on the walls” – 1975 / “The Monument” – 1977 and others.
At the same time, he deals with studio recordings of chronicles, documentaries and cartoons. Mr. Saliko is no longer alive!

Luan Qafzezi
Writer, publicist, filmmaker.

Born in Tirana on February 23, 1953. Graduated from the High Institute of Arts. Worked for a while in some House of Culture in the villages of Tirana.
In 1986, he started working at the Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re” as a sub-director in several films and later as a dispatcher and inspector at AlbaFilm Distribution.
In 1993, moved to the film department on television, making the documentary films “On the way of the film” – 1993 / “The man of the free language” / “The poet and the inquisition” / “City lights” – 1993.

Then Qafezezi shot in SHBA documentaries “Nation, Religion and Homeland” / “Joy in the diaspora” / “A painter in New York” – 1994 as well as the television film for children “Feminine dreams” – 1995.

In 1992 he published the poetry volume “Love without credit” / the notebook “Great masters of film” – 1993 / as well as the third book “Portraits of filmmakers” – 1996.
From 1992, he directed the magazine “Film”.

Mihal Rama
Painter and feature film operator at Kinostudio.

He was born in Tirana on February 23, 1950, where he graduated from the High Institute of Fine Arts. Started as an assistant operator in the films “After the Tracks” – 1978 / a costume painter in the film “We came from the war” – 1979 / again an assistant in the films “Autumn`s Reproaches” – 1981 / “The Road to Freedom” – 1981 / “The End of a bloodshed” – 1983 / “Blue field, red field” – 1984.

In the film “Bitter Spring” he was a co-author on camera.
Until 1994, he independently shot the films:
“Women’s Substitute” / “After the last meeting” / “After the facade” / “The last Sunday” / “Obituary” / “Plastic bullet” honored with an award, and the documentary film “Funeral Business” in Venice as a director, screenwriter and director of photography (co-author) in 1999.

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