Albanian "Paganini", Mark Kaftalli (1933-2014) | Commemorative!


Mark Kaftalli
Composer / Instrumentalist, conductor and virtuoso violinist. Albanian “Paganini”.

He was born in Shkoder on December 14, 1933. Author of 750 works such as civic songs but also lyrical such as operettas. He completed the violin course at the House of Culture, in the years 1949-1952. Later, in the years 1952-1955, he performed his mandatory military service at the Army Ensemble in Tirana, where he continued his violin studies.

In the years 1955-1969, he worked under the tutelage of the composer Preng Jakova for teaching harmony and composition. It was presented for the first time in the House of Culture of the city of Shkodra with the large orchestra and choir of this institution. The career until his retirement has continued without interruption for 30 years in the Theater “Migjeni” as an artistic leader. The great composer and instrumentalist from Shkodër, Mark Kaftalli, for the first time in 1962 realized the first “Light Music” Festival in Shkodër with an orchestra composed of 15 instrumentalists. In the first festival of amateur composers, he won the first prize with the song “Valle čka drue” with lyrics and music created by himself. Mark Kaftalli’s career continued with hundreds of concerts throughout Albania.

For over 30 years, as a violinist, he has directed the orchestra of “Kafe e Madhe”. Since the creation of the “Prenk Jakova” Music School, he worked as a violin teacher preparing the younger generations.

Kaftalli has participated as a violinist in various artistic formations on tours outside Albania. Since 1967 and until he passed away, he was a member of the League of Writers and Artists of Albania.

Kaftalli has been honored with numerous awards, as well as orders: “Naim Frashëri” of the second class in 1969 and “Naim Frashëri” of the first class in 1983. This potential figure of music does not have the highest titles that he deserves. Master Kaftalli also stands out as a composer with many values in several genres of music such as: children’s songs, civic songs, light music songs and operettas.

With his virtuosity as a violinist, he inherited the masterful interpretation of the famous Shkodra years. For several years he directed and led the professional pop orchestra of the city of Shkodra. As a composer, he has participated in many song Festivals on Radio-Television, folk song and children’s song festivals.

He composed over 750 songs, transcribed and harmonized over 400 folk songs from Shkodra. Mark Kaftalli is also the author of seven operettas.

Master Kaftalli, the Municipal Council of Shkodra awarded him the title of “Gratitude of the City” in 2008, while on the 100th anniversary of independence he was awarded the diploma of “Gratitude”.

Passed away at the age of 81 on October 16, 2014


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