Naim Frasheri passed away very quickly and although his career was not long. He is considered the greatest actor of all time in the Albanian theater!

Born in Leskovik on August 15, 1923. The beginning of his career was quite busy. In 1936 entered the Tirana State Gymnasium. In 1942, joined the Anti-Fascist Youth. In 1945, entered the Dramatic School directed by the director Sokrat Mio, where he performed about 72 roles.

Meanwhile, Frasheri began his professional career as an actor precisely in 1945, even though his love for the theater was born long before 1942.

At the beginning of ’44, the Youth Artistic Group was created. There they prepared the drama “Partizanët” by Fatmir Gjata, where the future Icon will play the main role. The play premiered in Tirana on November 28-29, 1944.

It can be considered as the first meeting with the spectator as the first debuts, the first contacts on the stage of the theater: a monologue that Naim recited at the age of 7 in front of his parents in the elementary school of the Kavaja city and after several small parts that were given to him during war in different neighborhoods of Tirana, as well as the role of the commissar in the drama “Partizans”.


First steps for him will be difficult. After a year at the People’s Theater (TK), when he came from Romania, the director Pandi Stillu gave him  the role of Misha in “Portreti” but it was not successful, as some question marks appeared regarding his perspective.

This was the most difficult period for the upcoming actor. Self-belief finds him facing the disbelief of much of the theater.

But… finally again the director who loved the actor especially in the first steps, Pandi Stillu, entrusted him with the role of Fyodor in “Invasion”, a very good role, but also a difficult one. Naim needs a lot of work, not only to create this role, but also to break the terrible wall of opinions and have a place in the collective of this theater.

Frasheri achieves his goal quite successfully. It is not for nothing that the expression that a good and well-prepared actor stands out in the theater is said. Well, Naim Frashëri was like that, a master of the theatrical genre where he would successfully play a series of leading and successful roles. Valery in “Tartufi”, Smithi in “Ceshtja ruse”, Gjoni “The Good Brave with Many Friends”, Jonuz Bruga “The Fisherman’s Family”, Leka “Perkolginajt”, Nikola “Enemies”, Sasha Ribakov “Kremlin Clocks”, Lubeni “Leipzig Trial”, Ferdinand “Intrigue and Love”, Howard “Deep Roots”, Hamlet “Hamlet”.


Unfortunately Jonuz’s role was his 80th and last. Just after that, maybe only three or four days, Frasheri passed away, on a Tuesday morning in February 1975.

Hamlet was one of his biggest roles, but he himself left many roles, which he had loved so much. Precisely, when Frasheri was at the peak of his career, he was under a lot of pressure, until they removed him from the theater and took him to teach at the Academy of Arts.

At that time, the actor was quite depressed.

Naim Frashëri will passe away at the age of 52, on February 18, 1975! He remains a great actor. He is undoubtedly one of the people who once made himself a spectator and a fan of the film. They have also called him “A meteor of the Albanian scene”, and even more “A worthy successor of Aleksandër Moisiu”.

Of course, it was a disaster for the Albanians, who lost a world-class actor at a young age and when he had a lot to give, an actor with special values.

Naim Frasheri often emphasized that perfection in art is never achieved, but for many of his admirers and followers, he had touched this perfection.

Frasheri was a dramatic theater actor and then a comedian with a cutting sense of humor and an excellent actor of Albanian cinematography.

Although not many roles in the film, about 8 of them, he has interpreted them skillfully, showing the professionalism of a real actor to the viewer.

Frasheri also made a valuable contribution as a teacher. He has been honored with many different titles and prizes. Remain among the icons of the Albanian theater and Cinematography.

He was also decorated with the high order “Hero of Socialist Labor”, and holds the title “People’s Artist”.
On May 31, 2010, he was awarded the title of Honor of the Nation!

Skenderbeu – (1953)…..Pali
Her Children – (1957) …. Teacher
Tana – (1958) …. Stefani
“Fortuna” (1959)……Qemali
Triumph over the death” (1967). …..Doctor Artani

Other roles in Teater
Partisans (…..)
Tartufi (Valeri)
The Russian Issue (Smith)
The Prefect (…)
The Enemies (Nikolla)
The Kremlin Clocks (Sasha Ribakov)
The Leipzig Process (Lubeni)
The Deep Roots (Haward)
The Perkolgjinajt (Leka)
Halili and Hajrija (….)
Intrigue and Love (Ferdinand)
The Fisherman’s Family (Jonuz Bruga)
Hamlet (Hamlet)
The General of the Dead Army (General).

Published for the first time on the “Albanian cinematography” page in 2013 and revised in the following years.


Albanian Cinematography a public page in activity since 2013. 

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