Muhamet Sherri (1948-2011)
Actor of “Bylis” theater, Fier as well as of Albanian cinematography. With a calm and fatherly appearance, with a very characteristic timbre of voice, with his light steps in contrast to his large physique, these are the characteristics of the multi-faceted actor Muhamet Sherri.
Born on March 12, 1948, in the city of Fier. originally from Cameria, his parents came from there in 1944. Sherri`s life has been full of surprises, sometimes pleasant and sometimes unpleasant, sometimes life has caressed him and sometimes slapped him, but he has never fallen.
After completing the mandatory military service in 1970, he began his studies at the Higher Institute of Arts (today the Academy of Arts) in the Drama Department in Tirana. From 1973, started working as an actor in the “Bylis” theater in Fier.
Sherri performed in more than 40 roles in the theater, receiving several awards at the Theater Festivals in 1978, 1983 and 1986. In addition to his involvement in the theater, Muhamet Sheri also performed 12 roles in cinematography.
Here we can mention his first role, the role of the brigadier in the film “Brazdat”, the role of Bush in the film “The General Gramophone” in 1978, the role of Ndreka in the film “The End of a Feud” in 1983, the role of the innkeeper in the film “Ballad of Kurbin” in 1989, etc.
Sherri has always been welcomed by the art lover, not only in Fier, but in all corners of the country, even outside the borders, with applause and ovations.
“This has saved me a lot of love and sadness,” he said.
Muhamet Sherri’s golden time in cinematography will be the period of 1976-1984, where Muhamet with his vocals, his warm voice, his strong and masculine physique, attracted the attention of directors and operators with names like Viktor Gjika or Pali Kuke.
The years 1977 and 1978 were when he played in various filming locations for the films “General gramophone” and “The road of letters”. During the shooting of these films, he has many pleasant and bitter details, where the difficulties of the actors were increased even more by the savings, the plan or the famous actions before the shooting, the idiocy of the monist system, or the instructions from “above” by the leaders of Kinostudios “Shqiperia e Re”.
His last role is the role of Kostas, a Greek farmer, Papuli, as they affectionately call him, is a role of a wise, good, benevolent man, who conveys very humane messages to other characters, especially Greek ones, who have a negative mentality towards the Albanians and, forced by the economic conditions, have taken the gray roads of migration in the neighboring land.
Muhamet Sherri was an actor with a 35-year career, receiving awards from 1976, 1981, 1989 at the last Festival in Tirana with the drama “Beautiful old house” by Pellumb Kulla. He also received an award in 1986 with the role of Hodo Ruzaj in “Gjemimi i atij dimri”, with the role of Xhafo Idrizi in “2 krisma ne Paris”, so Sherri has never been considered a “provincial” actor.
For Muhamet, both Film and Theater have made no difference. Here’s how he answered this question:
“Each with its own beauty, its own advantages, the beauty of the theater is that you have the emotion inside the hall directly with the spectator, within 2 hours, the emotions are completely released, while the cinematography has another advantage that you remain in the fields, generations look at your work. For example, there is a film that I played in “The Way of Letters” in 1977, in “The General Gramafone”, “Gunat permbi tela”, “On the verge of life”, “The end of a blood feud” and others that I don’t remember now. They remain, but of course the drama that is beautiful is filmed and it remains recorded, which has been performed several times, such as “2 krisma in Paris”, a drama that has been shown hundreds of times and the audience welcomes it, or “Maria Oktober “, “Who killed Castiji” a model show, “The Witches of Salem”, “Pusi” etc. which continue to be in the TVSH archive.”
Muhamet Sherri passed away on February 14, 2011!
To mention these Movies in the actor’s career
1973 — Brazdat as Brigadier
1976 — Freedom Forest as Ballist
1977 – – Gunat over the fence wire as Dalip Kamberi
1978 — The path of letters (TV Movie) Shepherd
1978 — The General Gramafoni as Bushi
1979 — We came from the war as Malua
1983 — The end of a blood feud as Ndreka
1985 – – On the brink of life as Pano Manza, Rina’s father
1988 — Reconstruction as The Brigadier
1989 — The Ballad of Kurbin as Innkeeper
1983 — “Two shoots in Paris” by S.Kelliçi…. Xhafo Idrizi
1982 — “Comrade Niqifor” by P. Kulla
1976 — “Thunder of that winter” by T.Laço… Hodo Ruzaj
“E beautiful old house” by P.Kulla;
“The other’s head” by Marcel Eme;
“Who killed Castija”;
“Maria October”;
“The Well”;
“Witches of Salem” (2008)
“Neighbors” by R.Pulaha, etc.
Published for the first time in March 2017 and revised in the following years.
Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013
Reference: Forums & Albanian newspapers online – actor interviews, information from 2007 – 2010.
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Formuluesit e shkrimit me lart qe i kushtohet aktorit te shquar Muhamet Sherri kane lejuar nje sere gabimesh dhe pasaktesirash qe i bejne dem punes se vyer ne kete websajt. Ne rast se nuk ndihet nevoja te ndreqen, le te mbeten, por them se i bejne dem edhe portretit te artistit tone te paharruar. Mbettë perhere i ndritur kujtimi i tij! Pellumb Kulla
Pershendetje mjeshter !
Patjeter qe ka vend gjithmone dhe perhere ne kete sajt per plotesimin, ndreqjen apo zgjerimin e informacionit, si edhe ne kete rast per artistin tashme te ndjerin Muhamet Sherri. Aq me mire kur informacioni vjen nga artistet vete sic edhe jeni ju i nderuar z. Kulla. Eshte privilegj! Faqja eshte gjithmone e hapur dhe mirepret cdo koment, opinion, verejtje etj., mjafton vetem qe te jene te nje komunikimi te qyteteruar.
Pa dyshim qe e vleresojme dhe e marim ne konsiderate verejtjen tuaj, por a mund te na thoni se ku dhe cfare duhet plotesuar dhe ndrequr, ne menyre qe portreti i artistit te paharruar M. Sherri t`i paraqitet publikut perkrah saktesise te informacionit edhe nje nivel maksimal i kenaqeshem!
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