Lin Ndoka (1926- ), comedian, founder of the State Theater!


LIN NDOKA (1926 – )
By “browsing” the pages of the Performing Arts Almanac, we have gone through the names of Albanian artists of different genders, actresses, directors, staff behind the cameras, singers, composers, playwrights, screenwriters, writer….

..and we come up to a name, again another actor “covered by the dust of oblivion” with very little information, no profile photo, barely two lines and it is not known whether the honorable gentleman for his contribution. However, we cannot ignore any of our artists, because of the lack of information and sometimes with errors in dates and numbers…….

Lin Ndoka is a comedian, the founding actor of Estrade of State.

Born in Shkoder on February 11, 1926. Finished his higher studies at the military academy in Belgrade and then in Zagreb, but his talent as a comedian made him move closer and closer to the theater stage and in 1950-1951 acted as a professional actor in the Army Theater in two premieres “Argjila dhe Porcelani” and “Behind the Second Front” directed by Zina Andri.

Lin Ndoka is one of the founding actors of the State Theater, in 1952, where he worked continuously for 16 years, performing in all its premieres, as well as in several comedies with one or more acts. In 1965, he staged the play “Pinoku”, one of the first masked plays for children, for which he was awarded with the prize.

In 1971, he was an actor in the Puppet Theater of Tirana, where Ndoka performed for 10 years in over 30 premieres, until he retired in 1981.

Lin Ndoka has also performed second and episodic roles in several theater performances, as well as in some feature films. His interpretation stood out for a free, spontaneous humor, without exaggerations, with characterizing power, which led to the drawing of types with distinct psycho-physical physiognomy.

Exclusivity on this page: February 2020

Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013
Reference: “Encyclopedia of Theater and Albanian Cinematography” – Toena 2009 / J. Papagjoni / p. 323.

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