In memory of the well-known director Esat Oktrova (1930-2001)


Esat Oktrova (1930-2001) Director, Merited Artist He was born in Pogradec on April 28, 1930 and moved to Tirana on March 21, 2001. He received his first lessons in the city of Pogradec and in high school in Korçë. Then he continued the "Jordan Misja" Artistic Lyceum in Tirana. At this time, his career in the field of acting begins, especially in the Soldier's Estrada in Tirana, where his indisputable talent stands out. After graduating from the army, he continued his higher studies at the Higher State Institute of Theatrical Art in Moscow, at the Faculty of Directing, after which he was appointed first as a director and then as Director of the theater "Migjeni" in Shkodra. Esat Oktrova entered the "Migjeni" theater with a consolidated training as a director. He knew the best traditions of Albanian theater since he studied at the Drama department of the "Jordan Misja" artistic lyceum and the achievements of world theater through the spectacles of the most prominent theaters of different countries, which he was acquainted with during his higher studies at the Faculty of the Director. In that faculty he acquired a contemporary professional culture for the theory of directing as well as for other arts necessary for the preparation of stage performances such as: music, visual arts, architecture, fencing, history of world theatrical thought, etc. Esat Oktrova worked in the theater "Migjeni" from 1960 to 1967. In his creative activity in that theater, the following stand out: I. Plays staged in the theater "Migjeni" 1. "Histori Irkutase", drama by A. Arbuzov 2. "Këneta", a dramatization of the novel with the same title by Fatmir Tëta. 3. "Teacher", part by G. Kellbakian. 4. "Old man of the mountains" (Bajram Curri), drama by Ton Shoshi and Zef Pali 5. "Lies with long legs", comedy by Eduardo De Filipo 6. "White and black" drama by Fadil Paçrami 7. People of our generation" drama by Vasil Kumani 8. "Simple people", drama by Ibrahim Uruçi 9. "Doll's house" (Nora), drama by Henrik Ibsen 10. "Migjeni", drama by Ton Shoshi 11. "How did the steel horse", dramatization of the novel with the same title by Nikolaj Ostrovsky. 12. "Zekthi", dramatization of the novel with the same title by Etel Vojnič. 13. "Before dawn", dramatization of the novel with the same title by Shefqet Musaraj. 14. "Zekthi", re-staging of the spectacle. 15. "Nora", work on sword battles in the drama and staging by Andrea Skanjeti. II. Revivals of theater repertory plays staged by other directors. 1. "The Seven Shaljanets", drama by Ndrek Luca 2. "Strengata", drama by Aleksandër Ostrovski 3. "Servant of two masters", comedy by Karlo Goldoni 4. "Trumpetjerja", drama by E. Sallinski 5. "Zekthi", co-author in the shooting of the telefilm for Albanian Television, based on the theater show "Migjeni" 6. Directing three concerts for the Children's Song Festival in Shkodër III. Author of works written for the "Migjeni" theater, by Esat Oktrova 1. "Këneta", his dramatization from the above-mentioned novel 2. "Zekthi", his dramatization from the above-mentioned novel 3. "Before dawn", his dramatization by the aforementioned novel 4. "Si u kalit çeliku", its dramatization from the aforementioned novel. IV Work as the director of the Migjeni theater In 1966, Esat Oktrova was appointed director of the "Migjeni" theater, a task he held until September 1967, when he was transferred to the High Institute of Arts (today the Academy of Arts) in Tirana. During this period, he tried to keep the work of the theater going, always being in close support and cooperation with the newly appointed director Serafin Fanko, who replaced him. V. Work as a director – teacher In the beginning of the 60s of the last century, the Albanian theater (and that of Shkodra) preserved the heritage of the amateur theater, its naturalistic character and the lack of professionalism. Esat Oktrova in the theater "Migjeni" did a great pedagogical work with the actors to detach them from the old way of interpretation that was characterized by declamation, shouting, naturalistic and folkloric play and to introduce them to the path of contemporary interpretation. realistic, professional and of high artistic level. For this, parallel to the creative process, the director equipped them with contemporary knowledge of the actor's craft, thus turning the theater into a school for performers. The talented artists of the theater "Migjeni" such as: Tinka Kurti, Lec Bushati, Bep Shiroka, Roza Anagnosti, etc. have affirmed that Esat Oktrova completed the acting school that they did not have. VI. Performances of Esat Oktrova on the stage of the theater "Migjeni" Oktrova performed the role of Zekthi in the play with the same title, later dubbed by Serafin Fanko. VII. Evaluations for the creativity of Esat Oktrova in the theater "Migjeni" 1. At the second national theater festival, both plays presented: "Histori Irkutase" and "Këneta" received the first prize as spectacles. "Histori Irkuta" also received the first prize for the best director. 2. The play "Old Man of the Mountains" was selected from all the theaters to be shown at the 50th anniversary of Independence in 1962. 3. The play "Zekthi" was the first theater play that served to prepare the first film. Albanian television, VAT production. 4. The play "Irkutsk History" has been evaluated by researchers as a turn of the theater (not only of Shkodra) towards contemporary interpretation and direction. This play, "Swamp", "Old man of the mountains", "Lies with long legs", Doll's house" (Nora), have entered the fund of theater history. 5. Evaluations of many performances mentioned above were reflected in the central press bodies of the time, such as: "Bashkimi", "Drita", "Puna" newspapers; magazines: "Ylli", "Miqësia", Nyontori" "Alxpiëria e new", which was published in foreign languages) etc. All these made the achievements of the "Migjeni" theater known at the national level. 6. For the creative results of this period, Esat Oktrova received the title: Merited Artist. VIII Activity of Esat Oktrova for the school of performing arts and nationwide theater as a director, lecturer, researcher and theorist. In September 1967, Esat Oktrova was transferred to Tirana as the head of the Drama Department (today the Faculty of Performing Arts) at the Higher Institute of Arts (today the Academy of Arts). From 1968 to 1973, he was appointed head of the Department of Theaters and Variety in the Ministry of Education and Culture. In 1973 he returned again to continue his duties as chairman (dean) in the Drama Department. IX WORK AS DIRECTOR AND TEACHER If in the theater "Migjeni" Oktrova distinguished himself as a director-pedagogue, where in addition to creativity he also carried out pedagogical work with the troupe to realize his idea that the theater should also be a school, in the Drama department he distinguished himself as a leader and at the same time a teacher-director to continue the idea that the school of performing arts should also be a theater, so closely related to the creativity of performing arts. To realize this idea, he had to fight empiricism and practicalism in the teaching work of this institution with a few years of academic life, to raise its theoretical level. 1. For this he dealt with the design, review and continuous improvement of curriculum plans, especially professional subjects: acting and directing both for the school and for the postgraduate courses led by him. 2. He set an example for the drafting of lectures written by lecturers. 3. On their basis, the first texts were drawn up, where Oktrova made a special contribution: a) in the text "Actor's skill" he was the main author (with co-authorship), processor and scientific editor, b) the text "Problems of the director's skill" , was published postmortem by the family. 4. He was the initiator of the organization of the scientific sessions of the branch of dramatic art, where he prepared statements for prominent artists such as A. Moisiu, N. Frashëri, etc. 5. He has shown special care for the improvement of teaching methods with studies and their implementation in teaching practice. 6. He fought to give the school a national physiognomy, to prepare actors to adapt to the demands of the theater with a national physiognomy. He achieved this by relying on national dramaturgy, on the activation of prominent theater actors in teaching, on student meetings with actors, directors and theater personalities. 7. Conceptualizing the performing arts school as a theater, together with the pedagogical team, he organized the students' exams as theater performances where teachers and students performed together, as was the case with the plays: "Early Spring" and the comedy "Tufan in Dovlet" , which were awarded with prizes at the Theater Week. 8. He is the founder of the Department of Directing in the Faculty of Performing Arts. For this, he conducted the relevant study, drafted the curriculum and was its first leader. 9. In addition to the management work, he has been a teacher of two main professional courses: "Acting skills" and "Directing", in all profile courses for actors and directors and in both post-graduate courses of directing and critics and screenwriters. 10. He has led two one-year postgraduate courses. X Plays staged at the High Institute of Arts (Academia) 1. "Beginning of spring", dramatization from the novel with the same title by Fatmir Djata, performance with teachers and students. 2. "Tufan ne dovlet", comedy by Luan Qafëzezi, show with teachers and students. 3. "Learning from history", drama by Luan Qafëzezi, performance with teachers and students 4. Keneta", dramatization, course work with students for actors at the People's Theater 5. "Together with the dawn", drama by Kol Jakova 6. "Like this I love you", comedy by Pëllumb Kulla 7. "Tufan ne dovlet", comedy by Luan Qafëzezi In the theater "A. Moisiu", Durrës 8. "Marga", drama by Loni Papa 9. "Njeriu me top", dramatization of the novel with the same title by Dritëro Agolli. In the theater "Bylis", Fier 10. "Poem for the earth", drama by Esat Oktrova and Luan Qafëzezi. X Nationwide activities Festivals and Concerts 1. Directing the concerts of the national folklore festivals of 1968, '73, '78, '83 in Gjirokastër (directing the opening of the festivals, placing the selected groups on stage, and the costume parade in stadium of Gjirokastra, concerts with selected numbers in the Opera Theater and Sports Palace in Tirana, direction of groups from different districts, etc.) alone or with co-authors. 2. Directing several concerts at the national level for jubilees and anniversaries (concert of the 500th anniversary of Skanderbeg's death, the 30th anniversary of the League of Writers, the 100th anniversary of the League of Prizren, etc.). 3. Directing several concerts of the artistic speech, of the decades of May, of concerts with artists from the districts who gave performances in Tirana, etc. XII The artistic creator written for the stage Esat Oktrova has continued to write dramatizations. 1. "Fillim pranvere", dramatization from the novel with the same title, which he staged himself on the stage of the Academy 2. "Njeriu me top", dramatization from the novel with the same title, which he staged at the People's Theater, Gjakovë. 3. "Poem for the Earth", a play written with the co-authorship of Luan Qafëzezi, staged at the "Bylis" Theater in Fier. XIII Scientific study activity and publications Esat Oktrova has left a rich legacy both in the field of theater problems and in the field of theater pedagogy in these directions: 1. With papers in scientific sessions at the faculty and academy level, at the national and international level (in Lugano, Switzerland) for prominent figures of the scene such as A. Moisiu, N. Frashëri, etc. 2. Letters for the anniversaries of prominent theater artists such as: K. Roshi, S. Prosi, S. Pitarka, V. Manushi, P. Stillu, B. Nelku, R. Arbana, etc. 3. Studies for certain problems that came before the Faculty of Performing Arts, such as: – Study for harmonizing the subjects of general culture with professional ones – The need for opening the director's profile – The ways to secure new contingents of directors – The need for harmonizing the academic, scientific and creative pedagogic activity of pedagogues – Admission criteria for drama and directing students competitions. 4. Scientific articles on directorial art and acting problems, critical studies on special spectacles, international festivals published in the newspaper "Drita", "Bashkimi", magazines "Nëntori", "Scena e Ekrani", etc. 5. Studies and portrayals in the form of articles and imaginary conversations about prominent Albanian artists, such as: A. Moisiu, K. Roshi, M. Popi, S. Prosi, T. Kurti, D. Pelingu, etc. Published in the newspaper Drita and the magazine Albania Radiotelevision, etc. 6. Interviews in the print media, Radio and Television about his activity and the theater. 7. Leadership of theoretical works of graduate students and opposition for obtaining scientific titles of pedagogues, management of theater festivals and round tables where nationwide theater problems were discussed. PUBLICATIONS OF BOOKS AND STUDIES 1. "From life to the theater and from the theater to life", a collection of studies by the theater critic I. Hoxha. Publishing House "N. Frashëri", Tirana, 1985 (with co-author). 2. "A. Moisiu", illustrated album (with introduction and explanations), N. Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana 1981 (with co-author) 3. "Mjeshhtiri aktori", SHBLSH, Tirana 1985. (Main author, processor and scientific editor). 4. Eight studies on the director's skill published in seven issues of the magazine "Theatre" (Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 of 1978, number 5 of 1979, numbers 5, 6 of 1980 and the magazine "Studime mibi artin" , Academy of Sciences 1997). 5. The fundamental publication "Problems of the director's skill". Published postmortem by the family. "Afërdita" Publishing House, Tirana 2002. INTERPRETATIONS Esat Oktrova has performed the main role in Kinostudio's feature film "New Albania": "Hearts that do not age". WORK APPRAISALS 1. For the contribution made to the Faculty of Performing Arts (where she worked until the last day of her life), Esat Oktrova has been evaluated as one of the founders and directors of our drama school. 2. For his studies, research and extensive knowledge of Albanian and world theater, he is known as a theater researcher and theoretician. 3. For the results of his pedagogical, scientific and creative work, he was honored with the scientific title "Professor", with the title "Honorary Citizen" of Pogradec, his birthplace, as well as with the title "Honorary Citizen of Shkodra, the city where he started his activity and career artistic. _________ Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013 Reference: / Photos are a contribution of the administrators of this page.

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