In memory of the actress Besa Imami (1928-2014)


Besa Imami (1928-2014)
Veteran actress of Albanian Theater and Cinematography. “Merited Artist” & “The Honour of the Nation”

She was born on August 8, 1928 in Gjakovë, Kosovo.
In 1937, her family will move to Tirana. The occupation of the country will cause her to become active in the fight against the occupier, being a member of the anti-fascist organization “Debatik” and later of the Communist Youth organization. With the liberation of the country, she will start working in the prime minister’s office and at the same time she will participate with amateur theater groups in the artistic life of the capital.

In one of the competitions between these groups in 1945, where she also played her first role in public, that of the maid in the part “Man, man” she will be selected by one of the founders of the “Teatri Popullor” (today the National Theater) the director well known Pandi Stillu to be part of the newly formed troupe of this Theatre. So from September 1946 until September 1, 1988 she will be an actress in this Theater giving the public over 90 roles. Here we can mention: the role of Queen Teuta in “Artani” by Selman Vaqarri, the role of Office Mother in “Bashke me agimin” by Bashkim Kozeli, the role of Prenda in “Cuca e Maleve” by Kola Jakovo, the role of Klara Gaberi in ” The process of Leipzig” Gjergj Dimitrov”, the role of Rusha in “Halili and Hajria” by Kole Jakovo, the role of Laja in “Lulet e sheges”, the role of Mother in “Monserat”, the role of Gjinerva in “Deep Roots”, etc.

She returned to the stage in 2004 to perform in the drama “Shelter of the Forgotten” by Ruzhdi Pulaha in the role of a mountaineer.

In cinema she will become known to the general public with the role of Donika Kastriot in the film “Skënderbeu” made in 1953. Then she will other roles followed, such as the role of Marta in the film “Brazdat” in 1973, the role of Mother Tana in the film “At the beginning of summer” in 1975, the role of Gurgen’s Mother in the film “Ballad of Kurbin” in 1989, etc.

Her most recent role is that of a Muslim woman in the film “Eduart” in 2006.

She also performed in the opera “Rustic Cavalry” by Pietro Maskanji staged by the Opera and Ballet Theatre. She married the translator Petro Zheji and in 1961 gave birth to their only son, Artur. In 1961, when she was 33 years old, Besa Imami was awarded the title of “Honored Artist” for her artistic merits.

The Actress pased away on September 21, 2014


2006 — Eduart….The Muslim Woman
2002 — Armless Woman……Gjelina
1989 – – Ballad of Kurbin..Mother of Gurgen
1979 — The Radio Station…Mother of arrested employee
1975 — At the beginning of summer….Mother Tana
1972 – Conscience……Mother of Art
1953 — Skenderbeu ..Donika Kastrioti


24/03/1949 — “Deep Roots” by Xh. Gou and A. Jusso…..Geneva
26/12/1949 — “Moscow Character” by Sofronov
11/11/1950 – – “Halili and Hajria” by Kol Jakova…..Rusha
22/05/1955 — “The Clash” by Xhemal Broja
25/12/1955 — “The Trial of Leipzig-Gjergj Dimitrov” by Lev Kompanjec and Leonid Kronfeld. …Klara Gaber
01/02/1956 — “The Fisherman’s Family” by Sulejman Pitarka (A.P)
02/06/1956 — “Enemies” by Maksim Gorky
23/12/1956 — “Success in Life” of V. Rozov
05/11/1957 — “The Russian Issue” by K. Simonov
03/02/1958 — “Majlinda” by Xhemal Broja
30/11/1959 — “In the storm” by Fadil Paçram
10/03/ 1961 — “Ambition” by Besim Lëvonja (Merited Artist)
29/04/1962 — “Over the ruins” by Fadil Paçram
26/06/1962 — “Artani” by Selman Vaqarri…..Queen Teuta
09/ 01/1963 — “The Gardener’s Dog” by Lope de Vega
06/19/1963 — “The Sinking of the Squad” by Kornejcuk
01/11/1964 — “Monserrat” by Emanuel Roble….Mother
05/28/ 1964 — “Doctor Alexi” by Ibrahim Uruçi
03/04/1966 — “The great insurmountable wall” by Xhan Huan
03/07/1967 — “Cuca of the mountains” by Kola Jakovo……Prenda
17 /09/1967 — “Lit Earth” by Drita Agolli
21/01/1968 — “Heroes of Linas” by Sulejman Pitarka (People’s Artist)
08/05/1968 — “Events in the factory” by Fadil Paçrami
04 /02/1971 — “A bride for Stasi” by Teodor Laço
23/05/1971 — “A short winter” by Sheri Mita
10/05/1972 — “The general of the dead army” by Pirro Mani (Artist of the People) 18/12/1974 — “Along with the dawn” by Kola Jakov… Office
11/06/1975 — “Dead River” by Kudret Velca
15/05/1976 — “Pomegranate flowers” by Kolë Jakovë…Laja
25/04/1979 — “Dammed gorge” by Teodor Laço
24/10/1979 — “The Last Tragedy of Dea” by Kiço Blushi
13/12/1983 — “Attitude” by Zef Bushati and Petro Koç
25/03/1989 — “Rajmonda” by Artur Zhej
— /05/2004 — “Shelter of the Forgotten” by Ruzhdi Pulaha… Mountaineer 

Awards and Titles
Meritorious Artist May 31, 2005
“Honor and Endurance” award at the Balkan Comedy Festival held in Tirana in May 2005 September 15, 2014 in Gjakove: “Honor of the Albanian scene”


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