In memory of the actor Bep Shiroka (1933-2010)


Bep Shiroka (1933-2010)
Actor of the Theater “Migjeni” Shkoder and Albanian Cinematography.
He holds the title “Merited Artist” He is a comic and dramatic actor who rarely has his own Albanian stage. The brilliance of his half-century career from theater to film, his life and leading roles in cinema and theater turned the actor into an idol of jokes and humor!

Born in Shkoder on September 25, 1933. If the Albanian public identifies him with two films, “The Happy Couple” (1975) and “Concert in the year 36”, (1978), the appreciation of his fellow citizens of Shkodra goes beyond cinema… It goes beyond the 160 premieres of the “Migjeni” Theater in 40 years of career, where in most of them he performed the main role.

Bep Shiroka, an artist who started his path from painting, who was born and lived in a city where art nourishes the soul as much as air, and where he left a mark that time can never erase. Theater or cinema actor? Drama or comedy? Questions that receive affirmative answers in all cases where compliments for the contribution, nostalgia, adoration towards the actor are equally present as in his life.


Bep Shiroka and Bekim Fehmiu a photo in the “Migjeni” Theater after the visit of the world-famous Albanian actor to Albania in the 70s

He started with painting and scenography with 35 such works, even honored with “The first prize” for the scenography of the drama “The Poor Neiborhood” by Fadil Pacrami in v. 1969.

The great artist, Bep Shiroka belongs to those cases who have art in their genes, but who dreamed of doing something else in life. The path of performing arts was a random choice. He is the son of Kole Shiroka, who was known as one of the organizers of Shkodra’s famous carnivals, while his mother had humor in nature. Coming from the famous family of “Daiajve”, the mother bequeathed much of her nature. From his father he inherited his love for painting and music. The first and the last role for the actor Bep Shiroka, are both performed on the stage of the “Migjeni” Theater in Shkodër.

The first role in 1960, that of Vok Mirash Husi when the actor was 27 years old in the drama “Nora of Kelmendi” by Andrea Skanjeti, while the last role in 2008, at the age of 75, when with a sensational, dignified return, but unfortunately for the last one, he went up to the stage of Migjen as if to say his farewell with “Dry Bottarga” by Stefan Çapaliku. Both of these stage borders (1960-2008) carry special value for the actor. The first role because it introduced him to the mysterious path of acting, the last because it showed how long, beautiful and dignified, magical and exciting this path had been. The ability to adapt to both comic and dramatic roles has been one of actor Bep Shiroka’s strengths.

At the same time, a fantastic comic actor, with jokes and humor that the Albanian cinematography and scene of theater have rarely encountered, and on the other hand, an extraordinary dramatic actor. In 1965, he graduated from the artistic lyceum “Jordan Misja” for acting. In fact, as an actor he was previously part of the “Migjeni” Theater troupe.

Thus, after the first role in v. 1960, interprets a year later (1961) the role of Victor in the drama “Irkutas History” by Arbuzov, where his qualities are best shown in the dramatic plan. In the “Migjeni” Theater, he played both dramatic and comic roles. He stands out in the dramas “Cuca e maleve”, “Perkolgjinajt” and stands out in the role of Dash in “Cartridge in the dowry” by Fadil Kraja, embodying the type of mountaineer burdened with patriarchal and gloomy judgments, who on the way to spiritual liberation starts he emotionally recovers his relationship with his wife.

He has also performed a series of roles in the hero format, such as the role of Gjergji in the drama “Shpartallimi” by Fadil Kraja. Among the other roles interpreted by the master of the actor, we can mention Bushi in “Lion of the house” by Fadil Kraja, Rushiti in “Baca i Gjetajve” again by Fadil Kraja, the role of a 600-year-old man in “Invitation from afar” by Stefan Capaliku, …….

In 1983, he brought the character of Inspector Gull to the stage in the drama “The Inspector’s Visit” by John Presley, reaffirming his acting qualities, especially in maintaining the coherence and perspective of the action, skillfully preserving the dramatic tension, suspense, ironic position and strength imposing by the accuser. .

Year after year, his interpretation reaches the highest levels of acting.

Thus, in 1995, in the role of the brave in “Çmurosja” directed by Serafin Fanko, he became, thanks to the epic and mythological vision, the figure of the chief of the tribe, the authoritative and wise man and the respected father in the family.

Other roles are: Franku in the drama “Franku”; Grace in “With Closed Doors” by Jean Paul Sartre.



Bep Shiroka has also masterfully performed in feature films , where he naturally distinguished himself in “The Happy Couple” in the role of the fanatical father with which he won the “Special Award”, a role he also played in the “Migjeni” Theater.

This is the role that he loved the most. It was actually a short humor, which then turned into a comedy. The short humorous skit was seen by the talented comedian, the “People’s Artist”, Tano Banushi, who immediately said “Let’s make it a comedy!” . The success of the film is related to many components, but it is indisputably related to the brilliant performance of the actor from Shkodra.

Quite natural in interpretation. The fact that he has interpreted himself, a man with strong values, but gentle as a person, who often violated his convictions and stubbornness for his family, is one of the keys to the success of the role.

In 1978, he gave life to another role that will always remain in the history of Albanian cinema, that of Gendarme Vesel in the film “Concert in `36 year” giving it a great humorous feel. Stage presence, mime and gesticulation are considered the actor’s strongest weapons.

Bep Shiroka closed his eyes forever on July 1, 2010. For his artistic merits, Bep Shiroka has been awarded the high title “Merited Artist”

Riflemen’s Valley – (1970)…Ram Sokoli
The Happy Couple – (1975)…Fanatic
The Days That Brought Spring – (1979) (TV) ……
Concert in 1936 – (1979)…Gendarme Veseli
Like Everyone Else – (1981)…..Father of Jeta
Threat – (1981) … Aleksandër Zvetko
A night without light – (1981)…….
Red faith – (1982) … Bajraktari
The flame of the mountains – (1982….
Green field, red field – (1984) ……..
When the doors of life open – (1986)… Bardhyl’s father
Historian and chameleons – ( 1989)…….


Albanian Cinematography since 2013

References: “Encyclopedia Theater & Cinematography – Toena 2009 p. 440 / Shiroka Bep, “Speak a little but say a lot” Theater N.4 1979 (p. 141-142)
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