In memory of an unrepeatable artist! | Koço Devole (1945 – 2020)!


Koco Devole (1945-2020)
Comedy actor, cartoonist, screenwriter, director and presenter of shows. A complete artist.

The Stage Art has lost another colossus from the field of humor. After loosing Mr. Tano Banushi (in the 90s), Albanian humor during 2000 lost the colossus of a golden generation, Skender Sallaku, Fadil Hasa, Aleko Prodani, Vasillaq Vangjeli, Gjosho Vasia, Paulin Selimi, Veli Rada, Melpomeni Cobani, Met Bega, Vegim Xhani, Muhamet Liko, Leka Kruta, Gezim Kruja, Fuat Boci.. … all the great names of Albanian humor, irreplaceable, Koco Devole was undoubtedly a part of this generation. All generations of art lovers will remember with nostalgia this name and the characters he embodied, but also as the conductor of festive evenings of the New Years Eve with the various variety shows.

He was born in Kuçova on November 28, 1945, from a family originating from Poloska and Korça. Devole remains one of the most popular personalities of Albanian humor. His roles on stage and screen are among the best known to the Albanian public. In 1946, together with his family, he moved to Tirana. Devole studied mechanical engineering at the University of Tirana for two years. In the second year of high school, he competed for drama at the Academy of Arts, and did not win, calling him untalented!

However, he would find another way to get into the art of the stage so as not to leave it and even taking a place of honor in this genre. In November of 1966, he was called up for mandatory military service, where he worked as an actor and director of the Central House Theater of the Army alongside well-known actors such as Aleko Prodani, Roland Trebicka, Zef Deda, Sejfulla Myftari.

In addition to being an excellent comedian, Devole is a cartoonist, screenwriter, director and show host.

Devole also worked in the magazine “Hosteni” as a cartoonist, alongside cartoonists with names such as Zef Bumçi, Bardhyl Fico, Enriko Veizi, Bujar Kapexhiu, Shtjefën Palushi, etc., as well as humorous writings with the most prominent names of Albanian humor such as Spiro Çomora, Dionis Bubani, Niko Nikola, Filip Çakuli, etc.

During the years 1970-1977, Devole was sent to forced labor several times for ideological “errors” in the performing arts. In 1978, Devole started working at Albanian Television as an editor, screenwriter and director of artistic programs.

In 1997, with the seizure of power by the Socialists, then Director of RTSH dismissed him as incompetent. Devole is forced to emigrate with his family to the USA. On November 26, 2002, together with a friend, he was arrested by the Italian police. Accused transportation of 3 kg. heroine. After eight months, on July 24, 2003, he was released from the Italian prison and after the trial in the Court of Rimini, he was acquitted and then received compensation for the months in prison.

In 2004 – 2005, he worked as a director and screenwriter in the show “Fiks Fare” as well as in the comedy show “Portokalli”. Koço Devole is the author and director of many stages shows with the variety troupe of Tirana, Fier, Berat, etc.

Devole was a screenwriter, conductor and actor in the RTSH New Year’s Eve concerts in the years 1980 – 1997. He has been a director and actor in many of tele comedies: The Last Hunt (1992); Black Bag (1986); Dead or Alive ; The Bag with a million dollars (1993); Big Appetite (1995); Hero`s pistol (1996); On vacation in Rome (1996); Three friends without the maid (2000); Millionaire (2005); Karafili and Cleopatra; Comrade Sillo is looking for a wife; Once upon a time , Albania (2009)….

In 1997 together with Agron Llaka in “Albanian Tele bingo” his humor had a real shine.

Koco Devole passed away on November 6, 2020.


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