Vangjeli Pikoli (1929-2021), "meteor" of the Albanian theater!


Vangjeli Pikoli (1929-2021)
Actress of “Teatri Popullor”. It belongs to that generation that didn’t have the luck to perform long on stage, just like the path of a meteor.

She was born in Korce on February 9, 1929. Finished high school in her hometown and became active in artistic groups. As an anti-fascist Youth activist, she was imprisoned twice together with her sister Pavlina.

In July 1944, she went underground, becoming a member of the Assembly of the National Liberation Army.

In 1948 she married Perika Pikoli and they moved to Tirane. As soon as she finished high school in 1948, she started in the People’s Theater as an actress.

There were about 20 years of activity on the stage of this theater until she left in 1974 when Pikuli was transferred. Although Vangjeli Pikoli performed very few roles, and very few of those roles were leading, she is remembered by an older generation as a talented actress who did not have the luck to show her full ability because she had to work in a time when in the popular theater there were star actresses of a high level of acting.

Pikuli has performed about 25 roles on the stage of the People’s Theatre, among which the roles such as: Gorillovas, Zhenja, Saida, Tefta, Elena, Jan Mai Ti and some others can be distinguished.

In Albanian Cinematography, we find her name in the first films as a performer in “Her Children” (1957); “Oshetime ne bregdet” (1966).

In the first short film “Her children”
Vangjeli Pikoli in the movie “Her children” as a nurse.

In 1970, the family moved to the city of Berat. Vangjelia was appointed director of the “Tekstilisti” Cinema, a duty she performed part-time until 1981, when she retired.

The actress passed away on July 2, 2021, and everyone is silent without anyone remembering the news of the death of this lady who was once one of the stars of the Albanian theater.

This is the state of Albanian informatics, very “rotten” on the political side, as far as art and our artists are concerned, only silence!

The exclusivity on this page bears the date: June 2020

Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013
Reference: “1945-2005 60 years of the National Theatre” / Publishing House 55 / F. Slatina / p. 53 as well as a selection of online information.

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