February 27th marks the birthday of our Facebook page “Albanian Cinema” which turns 12 today since February 27th, 2013, when it was first opened!
Data 27 shkurt shenon ditelindjen e faqes sone “Kinematografia Shqiptare” ne Facebook e cila mbush sot 10 vjet qe nga dita e 27 shkurtit te v. 2013, kur u hap per here te pare!
We sincerely thank all the administrators and co-authors who worked and contributed throughout these years, as well as those who continue to work and manage this Website!
Falenderojme nga zemra te gjithe administratoret e
bashke-autoret, qe punuan dhe kontribuan gjate gjithe ketyre viteve, si dhe ato qe vazhdojne te punojne e menaxhojne edhe kete Ueb Sajt!
Albanian Cinematography is a serious website that presents everything about Cinema, the stage and Albanian art in general. The right place where the stage art and its disciples stand!
Films, Theater, Documentaries, Comedy, Humor, Music, Song Festivals in RTSH, Artist Profiles in various fields as well as a special place from World Cinema (classics, Italian neorealism, French films, Hollywood melodramas, etc.)
Kinematografia Shqiptare eshte nje faqe serioze qe paraqet cdo gje rreth Kinemase, skenes dhe ne pergjithesi artit shqiptar.
Vëndi i duhur ku qëndron arti skenik dhe dishepujt e tij!
Filma, Teatër, Dokumentarë, Komedi, Humor, Muzikë, Festivale të Këngës ne RTSH, Profile Artistesh ne fusha te ndryshme si dhe një vënd i veçantë nga Kinematografia Botërore (klasike, neorealizmi italian, filma francez, melodrama hollivudiane etj ).

“K.SH” was born from the passion of a group of friends for Albanian performing arts, especially Cinema, with the good will to present it and pass on to the future generations, to all Albanian art lovers, the undeniable work and creations of our performing arts, of the artists and actors whom this page remembers with honor and respect.
“K.SH” ka lindur nga pasioni i nje grupi shokesh per artin skenik shqiptar, ne vecanti Kinemane, me deshiren e mire per ta prezantuar ate dhe percjellur tek brezat e ardheshem, tek te gjithe artedashesit shqiptar punen dhe krijimet e pamohueshme te artit tone skenik, te artisteve dhe aktoreve te cilet kjo faqe i kujton me nderim dhe rrespekt.
2013 – 2025!
A colossal amount of work has been done at “K.SH” throughout this time, especially in its early days, long hours, late nights, year after year to get to this professional public site that we have today, frequented even by artists from various fields actors, directors, staff behind the cameras, singers, composers, … nothing but pleasure and privilege!
Nje pune kolosale eshte bere ne “K.SH” gjate tere kesaj kohe, sidomos ne fillimet e saja, ore te zgjatura, nete te vona, vit pas viti per te ardhur deri ketu ne kete faqe publike profesionale qe kemi sot, te frekuentueshme madje nga vete artiste te fushave te ndryshme, aktore, regjisore, stafi prapa kamerave, kengetare, kompozitore, piktor ….vecse kenaqesi dhe privilegj!
Share your opinion with the public about the page
“Albanian Cinematography”!
We welcome you!
Ndani edhe ju me publikun opinionin tuaj ne lidhje me faqen
“Kinematografia Shqiptare”!
Ju mirepresim!
Na ndiqni / Follow us: Blog: https://albaniancinematography.blogspot.com/ Vimeo: Kinematografia Shqiptare (vimeo.com) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ksh.faqjazyrtare Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/kinematografiashqiptareartisporti YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDRYQ5xCyGkfELm3mX8Rhtw
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