Comedy Actor Xhemal Myftiu (1936 – 2012)!


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Xhemal Myftiu
January 28, 1936 – June 8, 2012
Actor of the State Theater (Tirana)

Born in Tirana on January 28, 1936. Myftiu became active early in the Amateur Theater Movement of his hometown, especially in the Palace variety group of Culture “Ali Kelmendi, as early as 1956.

He had a natural talent as a comic actor full of grace and stage grace.

Characteristic slightly colored voice, spontaneity of action, figurative gesture, expressive mimicry, the ability to find types and characters from rural areas in the area of Tirana and in general those of central Albania, the charm of the plastic and pantomime movement, the necessary premises and guarantees were made to approach him as a professional actor in the State Stage, in 1964.

Myftiu had an artistic career of over 50 years, creating a gallery of diverse comic figures on the pop stage, starting from short pieces and various genres of pop theater, and up to comedies with one and many acts, such as “Three Grooms”, “Basket of Lobsters”, “Noble bourgeoisie” etc.

Xhemal Muftiu also performed in several feature films, among which we can mention: “Estrada on the Screen”, “Why does this drum beat”, “Concert in the year `36”, “When the masks are removed”.

Myftiu passed away on June 8, 2012.

Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013 
Source of information: “Encyclopedia, Albanian Theater and Cinematography” – Toena 2009 / J. Papagjoni (p. 321)

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