Dedicated to two icons of Albanian music, Vaçe Zela, Nexhmije Pagarusha.
Vaçe and Nexhmije, two ordinary names, but the talent and pleasure they gave to Albanians everywhere, inside and outside the national border, made them extraordinary. As you look at their portraits, and listen to the songs of their repertoire, it seems as if they have the same features, Vace looks like Nexhmija and vice versa, Nexhmija’s features seem to take those of Vače.
A very beautiful place, Malisheva, the almost fairytale village of Pagarushe, where Nexhmija comes from, this woman with a special personality, with an open and courageous opinion for the time when it was not very easy, especially for a woman, to become an artist.
The same is true of Vače, a girl from Lushnja, with a desire and passion for reciting and singing since childhood, and later thanks to her special voice, talent and courage to sing in a difficult time with absurd restrictions and strict rules, she would become a great artist, a special voice of the Albanian song microphone, she would become a part of that missing freedom.
Two Albanian women who were gifted by nature with a brilliant voice and which they share with everyone, entering the human soul with the simplicity and magic that the song itself gives.
Vaçe Zela and Nexhmije Pagarusha sang for all Albanians, from whom they were appreciated with endless applause, prizes and titles once.
Even both of them received the maximum satisfaction and appreciation of everyone, fortunately they were alive. The year 1948 would officially mark the beginning of the career of Nexhmije Pagarusha,
still a 15-year-old girl when she was employed as a singer at Radio Prishtina.
Meanwhile, the still younger Vaçe, 10-12 years old, would catch the eye of the spectators and those present in Lushnjë as she sang popular songs of the area of Myzeqe, in the concerts organized by the city where she started to become active with small artistic groups. Well, it was not easy for either of these two ladies of Albanian music to achieve the deserved success, evaluations, titles, until then to become the symbols they are today.
Both lived hard times in Albania and Kosovo, but they gave everything without hesitation. They were real, they sang live, not with the help of technology or inventions as is often the case today.
Both of them stood above all, as they penetrated the souls of people with their songs and voices, and they are known to weave the souls of every suffering Albanian with the threads of their talent, both of them do whatever it takes for a few moments, as much as the song lasts, to fill Albanian hearts.
A duet song was specially written up there in the skies of infinity, for Vaca and Nexhmija… and here, Nexhmija and Vace, in the month of February, only one day later, they meet again together like they used to in the 70s- to, but now in another dimension, in an endless life.
God chooses the best!
They were extraordinary here on earth, but the size of these ladies required an extraordinary space, so they ascended to heaven.
Today, both are in heaven in the duet of immortality, accompanied by a choir of angels, for the only one of the Awards that they had not won. Nexhmije and Vaçe, the Albanian song will miss you, which without you, especially today, looks like a musical pentagram without notes. Thank you Vaçe and Nexhmije!
February 2020 | Alrights reserved for the author ©
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