The Great Artist, Dhimiter Orgocka (1936-2021)!


Dhimiter Orgocka (1936-2021)
Profile of a complete artist who is becoming a national value. Prominent actor and director of Albanian Cinematography and theater “A.Z Cajupi” – Korce.

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“I know very well that talent and discipline lead an artist to achievements” – Dhimiter Orgocka – “Merited Artist”.

On the screen of the cinema his debut is in v. 1968 in the movie “Open Horizons” in the role of Uran, one of his most prominent roles, the embodiment of the people’s hero Adem Reka. The film will premiere on March 12 of the same year.

Born on October 24, 1936, in Korce. He completed his studies at the University of Tirana for Language and Literature. In addition to being an actor, he was also a director with a rich career in the “AZ Çajupi” theater in Korça, for 40 years of his career he staged 105 premieres in this theater but also in Fier, Elbasan, Pristina, Skopje, etc.

As an actor, he counts 82 roles performed on the stages of Albanian theaters around the country, where he has also received awards. So, an already very well-known name in Albanian Cinematography and the theater scene. Years of work as an actor and director left their mark in artistic history.

Dhimitri is part of an extraordinary generation of great artists who, with the colors of black and white, give colorful emotions to the public and the spectator, whose impressions are still fresh today. He is the husband of the deceased, another prominent Korca actress, Dhorke Orgocka.

Dhimiter Orgocka started working as a director right after school, at the “A.Z Cajupi” Theater in Korce, directing hundreds of premieres and performances. His first work as a director was “The house in the alley” (1968) by Teodor Laco. While his first role as an actor, always on the theater stage, was in Fatmir Gjata’s drama “The Big Love” in the role of Gjergji.

From foreign dramaturgy, he staged works such as the tragedy “Othello” by Shakespeare, “Volpone” by B. Jonson, “Opera per tre grosh” by Brecht, “They were all my sons” by A. Miller. , “Tanja” by Arbuzovic.

In 1979, he gave a classic form and appearance to Moliere’s “Stinginess” comedy, where the dynamic of the action, the lively humor, the truth in the characters’ thinking, especially that of Harpagon, performed by Koco Qendro, and that of Frosina stood out. played by his wife, Dhorka.

In 2004, he restored this comedy to the stage with a directorial version where a more conventional language stands out. With the comedy “Zonjusha 39 vjece” by A. Saqellaras, it deserves the evaluation as “Best Show” in the International Comedy Festival “Balkan” Korce 2002.

Orgocka has also promoted by putting on stage for the first time about 15 Albanian authors with their works their original. It stands out with R. Pulaha’s well-known comedy “Lady from the city”, bringing the lively atmosphere of life in the village, types with folk costumes as well as efforts for further spiritual and social emancipation of people. Then he gave an epic-dramatic look to the play “Maro Mokra” (1978) by Ruzhdi Pulahs, with themes and subjects from the National Liberation War. His direction stands out for its epic-heroic tone. He used an iconic and static type of mise-en-scène, but often, especially in comedy, it is broken by taking the form of a lively and rhythmic movement.

He greatly appreciates the conflict and the dramatic behavior of the characters, the effect, the internal tension, the harshness, the strong clashes of features that can be seen in the drama “With the tongue of the gun” (1974) by Hamza Minarolli, or in the other drama “Sons of Bato Gora”(1976) of R. Pulaha. He also excelled in the dynamics of the action and in the drawing of characters, as seen in the comedy “The House in the Alley”. This show will win the first prize at the “Balkan” International Theater Festival in 2003.

Meanwhile, as an actor from world works, he has performed in many leading roles, from which we can mention: “Othello” by Shakespeare; Harpagon in Moliere’s “Stinginess”; “Tartuffe” and “Don Juan” in comedies with the same titles as Moliere, Alfieri in “Women’s School” etc.

While the national ones can remember Alex in “Aleksi” by I. Uruci; Bato Gora in “Sons of Bato Gora”; Stavri Lara in the dramatization of the novel “Marches” by F. Gjata, etc…

Due to problems with his brother’s biography, he was removed from the theater and sent to work in a leather factory. The pain increased when his beloved wife, Dhorkë Orgocka, was also sent to production. He had to leave the stage for the sake of the massification of art, he lost roles because he had to work as a director and put on 4 premieres a year at the Palace of Culture in Maliq.

On the movie screen, his debut is in 1968 in “Open Horizons” movie in the role of Urani, after other roles we can mention: Bato Kolaneci in “Stars of long nights”; Lieutenant Antonio in “Alleys that seek the sun” etc.

There, from 1993, he initiated and started to lead the cultural association “Iliria” with which he will continues his activities to the day he passed away. He started the international Monodrama Festival in Korça years ago and remains the leader of this important stage activity. The hardest blow of his life would come in 2002 when he lost his wife and stage partner, Dhorka.

In v. 2007, the Cultural Center in Maliq, will be named after him and him would get the title of “Honorary Citizen”. Until the last casts, he will be present in the artistic activities. In Korça, he will either stage a theater piece, or take part in the Monodrama festival.

For his merits, the Municipal Council of Korça has voted him with the title of “Honorary Citizen”. He was also elected Honorary Member of the cultural associations of Devolli and the Gora area.

National and international awards everywhere. Ambassador of Peace, and also one of the 100 intellectuals of the year in 2014. He won the “Best Role” award in S. Zweig’s Monodrama “Amok” at the 8th Theater Festival in Kiev, Ukraine in 2005. Also won the “Grand Sulejman Pitarka” award for directing the drama “Groom for Kristina” by S. Demulli at the 5th Festival of Albanian Theaters in Macedonia “Dibra 2006”.

Then in 2007 he won the Cup at the International Monodrama Festival in Vaclav, Poland with the same monodrama “Amok” as two years before. He was also honored “as the Actor of Europe” at the International Festival in Oteshevo (Macedonia).

His tireless work in decades will receive the deserved appreciation from the decoration of the president of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Bujar Nishani, exactly 2 days ago on October 21, 2016.

“GREAT MASTER” with the motivation: “For the extraordinary contribution given to Albanian art, as an actor and successful director of dozens of shows realized in the Albanian theatrical and cinematographic scene”. Orgocka passed away on January 1, 2021, after being in the hospital for several days.

Holds the title “Merited Artist”.

“Open Horizons” – (1968) as Uranus
“Stars of the Long Nights” – (1972) as Bato Kolaneci
“Alleys that seek the Sun” – (1975)  as Lieutenant Antonio
“The Flag on the Wave” – (1977) (TV)
“After the Tracks” – (1978) as Skender and the Luani’s Father
“The Gramophone General” – (1978) as God Misir
“Nothing is Forgotten” – (1985) as Aunt Fanja
“Strange Wedding” – (1986) as Riza Ostrovica
“Still Spring” – (1987) as Damo Bregu
“People in the Stream” – (1989) as Bani Bashari.

Activity at the “AZ Cajupi” Theater: The best shows as a director:
The first work as a director in “House in the Alley” (1968); / “Othello” by Shakespeare, “Volpone” by B. Jonson, / “With the language of the rifle” (1974) by Hamza Minarolli / “Sons of Bato Gora” (1976) by R. Pulaha / “Lady from the city” by R. Pulaha, / “Maro Mokra” by R. Pulaha / “Opera for three “groshe” by Brecht, / “They were all my sons” by A. Miler, / “Tanja” by Arbuzovic. / Moliere’s “Stinginess” was brought back to the stage in c. 2004 / “39-year-old lady” by A. Saqellaras / “The Accused City” etc.

Some of the most prominent roles as an actor: The first role in “Great Love” Othello in Shakespeare’s “Othello”; Harpagon in Moliere’s “Stinginess”; Tartufi in “Tartuffe” and Don Juan in “Don Juan” comedies with the same titles as Moliere, Alfieri in “Women’s School” Alex in “Aleksi” by I.Uruci; Bato Gora in “Sons of Bato Gora”; Stavri Laren in the dramatization of the novel “Marches” by F. Gjata, etc.


Published for the first time in October 2016 – “Albanian Cinematography” – Facebook.


Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013

Reference: Various Albanian portals; interviews of the actor himslef 2006-2015-2016. / Part from the book “Encyclopedia, Theater and Albanian Cinematography” – Toena 2009 / Papagjoni. J / p. 332-333. 

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