Dervish Biba, the actor of the "Bylis" Theater!


Dervish Biba Actor of "Bylis" Theater, Fier as well as Albanian Cinematography. He also covered the director's position. He was born in Qafé-Murre, Peshkopi, on May 21, 1942. He graduated from pedagogical high school in 1960. Then he works for about 5 years as a teacher. In the period 1965-1969, he studied acting at the Higher Institute of Arts in the drama department. From 1970 to 1973, he was an actor and director at the House of Culture "Haki Stérmilli", Peshkopi; Between 1973 and 2002, until he retired, he was an actor at the "ByIis" theater in Fier. He has performed about 70 roles on this stage, many of them are main roles, of profile and character format, mainly in dramas and very few in comedies. In 1979, he co-directed with PéIIumb Kullén in the comedy "Shoku Niqifor" written by P. Kulla. He stood out in the role of Zyko in the drama "Sleep of that winter" by Teodor Lacos (1976). In 1981, he played the role of the Prosecutor with temperament in the drama "Dy krisma né Paris" also by Péllumb Kullés and Sheri Mités, in which he combined the harsh tones, psychic impulses and kidnapping, but maintaining the vértésiné and organicity. Among his most prominent characters are: Dad's ghost in "Love with ghosts" by Di Maggio. Death in "Njeriu eshté njeri" by Miterer, Father of Gjon Zaveri in the drama "Pse" by S. Fanko, Sadiku in the comedy "Sa mire beri qé murir" by IIir Bezhani, 2004. He has performed on the stage of the theater "Bylis" several dramas, such as: "House in the alley", "The second face", "A girl asks for answers", etc. Dervish Bibé's acting is characterized by a sensitivity fused with the correct logic of the action, where self-restraint, disdain for reasons stand out. of the strong reactions of the character, the clear relationship with his emotional situation as well as the frequent outbursts, which are followed by an appearance of internal motives. Other roles: Luu Shllopi in Maku Pone's "Fundi i sinorore", the priest of Peru in "The Witches of Salem" by A. Miller, the father in "Pazari i Saqellaris", etc. While in the feature film, he performed in: "Red Faith" (1982); "The road to freedom" (1983); "The Trap" (1984). He was also the director of the 8th Song Festival for Fatosa and Pioneers in Fier in 1978. It was published for the first time on Facebook in May 2020 ____________________________ Albanian cinematography in activity since 2013 Reference: "Encyclopedia, Theater and Albanian Cinematography" – Toena 2009 / J. Papagjoni / p. 48.

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