The Comedy Actor, Muharrem Hoxha


Muharrem Hoxha is an actor of the comic genre, he doesn’t have any relevant art school, but with God-given talents.

Born on 5 Novembre 1954, originally from Golloborda, a resident of the city of Durres for more than 50 years, a whole life. He finished high school in 1969, where he was active with the school in artistic activities.

Anyway, from early on he showed his talent as a comedian by being active with the amateur groups of the city of Durres. During the period 1973 – 1986, he worked at the “Youth Palace” in Durres, collaborating with well-known comedy actors such as Fadil Hasa, Ramazan Njala, Enver Likmeta and especially Gani Kalaja. In this city he also worked with other actors such as Roland Koçi, Sanie Hoti, Hysen Bashkhysa, etc.

Up until now, he has been in the amateur ranks “because of his bad biography” but then, in 1990, he was called to the professional variety show of Durres, playing a hundred roles in about 80 shows and short material for variety shows, sketches, one-act comedies as: “Dajre dhe para” (Vathja); “Mos me leni pa paje” (little  brother); “Si i behet hallit tim” (Grandma) with monologue “Tifozi” as well as in comedies “Tangoja e fundit”; “Nuk paguajne” by Dario Fo; “Dy vellezer e gjysme” by Gj. Vlashi as half-brother; “Vajza pa prike” by N. Ostrovskit” .

In the year 2000 he played in the premiere of “Votoni per Rremen” showing his best roles and qualities, as a comedian. Muharremi has also worked in the Puppet Theater for 14 years and has also been involved in the New Year’s evenings show and in programs for children and adults.

He was also active in several films at Kinostudio: “Women’s Substitute”; “The First Cruise”; “An Event at the Port”

He also starred in the children’s film “White Sails”, which was shot in Italy. His activities and collaborations with actors and directors from several cities ours have made him one of the most popular comedians not only in the city of Durrës where he works, but also in other cities.

In Shkodër he collaborated with actors such as Zyliha Miloti, Paulin Preka, Zef Deda, Gëzim Kruja, Drane Xhaj. He also played with the actors of the city of Korça, where we would highlight Zamira Kita, Aleko Prodani, Petrika Riza, Klaudeta Riza, Marko Bitraku, Alban Prodani, etc. We cannot leave without mentioning the cooperation with comedians in the city of Elbasan such as Ilmi Belshaku, Dimitraq Topuzi, Antoneta Doka.

Muharrem Hoxha has also participated in various comedies since the 1990s: “Pak fresk sonte” 1994 as the neighbor / “Fundi i marrezise” 1995 / “Gjithe fajet i ka paraja” as the barber; “Dashuri me krisma” 1997 as Bushi; “Borxhliu” 1998  “Tirana, year zero” 2001 as the barber / “Para nga qielli” 2009.

Awards for him as a comedian:

In 1983, in the city of Lushnjë, he was awarded the prize “Laureate of the festival”. He received the same award in Fush-Arrëz, in 1989.

In 2000, “Man of the century”, “Pride of the city”, for Durrës. “The best actor” in the festival of “Dibra e Madhe” with the troupe of Korça with the show “We invite you to the father’s wedding”.

In 2003, he was honored with the “Naim Frashri i Argjendë” Order. In 2010, he received the “Naim Frashri i Artë”.

Published for the first time in January 2014 and revised in the following years.


Albanian Cinematography since 2013

Reference: Wikipedia / Book: “History of Dibran Culture” & “Encyclopedia of Albanian Theater and Cinematography” – Toena 2009 / p. 185-186

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