Collage of songs by the composer Enver Shëngjergji.


Collage of songs by the well-known composer Enver Shengjergji

1972 – Fest. 11 | “Last evening” (ALIBALI)

1974 – Fest. 13th | “The girls of my village” (Awarded with the first prize. Alida HISKU)

1975 – Fest. 14th | “To grow up a farmer” (Fatma ZYBERI)

1978 – celebration. 17th | “The dance opens” (ALIBALI Union)

1980 – Fest. 19 | “Under the olive crown” (Awarded with the third Prize. Lindita THEODHORI)

1983 – Fest. 22nd | “Happy New Year” (Parashqevi SIMAKU)

1985 – Fest. 24th | “Apple flowers” (Awarded with the third prize. B. ALIBALI)

Duration: 12 min.

Albanian Cinematography

September 18, 2023


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