Kleopatra Skarço -Dokle,
Singer / actress. The daughter of the Ionian waves and the bride of the “lumjane” songs of Kukës.
The example of the Albanian union, North-South.


She was born on December 17, 1949 in Narte, Vlora, and this is precisely the place where she appeared on stage for the first time with the Narte Ensemble.

With the patience and prudence of the girl of the waves near and far from Joni, full of talent, muse and passion, with her voice, she would very quickly become one of the most admired and popular singers, not only in Albania, but in the whole world Albanian.

Kleopatra has been energetic and talented, with the emotional interpretation and the power of the sounds of the folk from Vlora, as we have seen her on stage and in various artistic and musical events over the years. It is not for nothing that they have called her the Queen of the Vlora Song. It has thus become a valuable national and historical value of Albanian art and culture.

In 1966, she won the first prize at the National Festival of Artistic Ensembles, with the song “A Garden with Oranges”. That same year, she toured China with the Albanian Song and Dance Ensemble for two and a half months.

In 1967 she was a debuting and even won the second prize at the 6th Song Festival in RTSH with the song “Feste ne Malesi” .
A year later, in 1968, Dokle won the second prize at the 7th Song Festival at RTSH with the song “Drite ne Malesi”.

The participation and success in Festivals in RTSH continue when in the edition of v. 1969, wins the second prize again with the song “Festa e Dritave”.

The year 1969 will mark a series of achievements for the singer from Vlora, she starts working as a professional singer with Estrada e Vlora and receives the Art Medal at the National Festival of Artistic Ensembles.

The second prize at the Festival seems to haunt her, this is what happens when in v. 1970, in the 9th edition, she wins it again with the song “Nene dhe shoqe”.

A year later, in the edition of 10th Festival on RTSH, wins two of them with the two songs “Ne te Dy” and “Interesant”, thus achieving a record for second prizes won, full of 7 if we add the one won in the 1972 edition of the 12th Festival, from the period 1967-1972.

The year 1971 will find her on a tour in Romania with the Song and Dance Ensemble of Albania and Kosovo with the Laberia Ensemble.

In 1974, Dokle was awarded the Medal of Arts for outstanding merits at the Festival of Artistic Ensembles in Tirana.

And while this same year she becomes a Professional Singer in the Variety of the city of Kukes. With the same troupe goes on a tour for a month in Kosovo in v. 1980.

In 1982, recorded 25 popular songs with the Radio Television Symphony Orchestra.

Her success will continue when in 1987 when she becomes a professional singer in the Shkodra City Estrada. Goes together with this troupe on a tour in Macedonia in v. 1991.

In 1994, will take part in the well-known show “12 in Hollywood”.

Her long and successful career includes her activity in 1997 as a professional singer in the Estrada of the city of Tirana, and in 2000 participates in the International Festival of Yalta with the Skenderbeu Ensemble of Korce.

Then in v. 2003 is represented in the great television spectacle “Marathon of the Folk Song”, while in v. 2006 represents Albania at the Balkan festival in Bulgaria with a bouquet of Vlora songs.

Her musical repertoire is wide and varied with songs of light music, but especially Vlora and Kukesi folk songs.

Kleopatra was also active as an actress in the movie “When it dawned a day” – 1973

Participation in the Song Festivals in RTSH:
6 times (1967 – 1973)
1 – 1967/ The 6th Festival in RTSH with the song “Festë Në Malësi”.
2 – 1968 / The 7th Festival at RTSH with the songs “Kur Te Kalosh Mbi Trase”; “Friends in Laberi”.
3 – 1969 / The 8th Festival at RTSH with the song “Dritat E Jetes”.
4 – 1970 / The 9th Festival at RTSH with the songs “Nene Dhe Shoqe”; “Festivali i dritave”.
5 – 1971 / The 10th festival at RTSH with the song “Ne mbremjen e vallezimit (Ne Te Dy)” duet with Pellumb Yzeiri and the song “Permes Dritash”.
6 – 1973 / The 12th Festival at RTSH with the songs “Te Dua Bregdeti I Kaltër”; “Kenga e lumenjve”.

Awards and titles at Festivals:
Record: 7 times Second prize!

It was published for the first time on the page “Albanian Cinematography” (Facebook) on October 1, 2019.

Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013
Reference: Information collected in various Albanian networks and portals, online.Photos contributed by site administrators.

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