Profile of the actor Arben Imami!


Arben Imami
“Meteors of the stage”, in the sense of those of our actors who, regardless of their performance skills, have had a short career just like the lighting and path of a meteor!

This category also includes the actor Arben Imami who was active in several Albanian films and later went into politics.

Born on January 21, 1958, in Tirana, in addition to being an actor, he is also known as a politician and deputy. Arben Imami studied at the High Institute of Arts in Tirana as an actor, in the years 1977 – 1981. Institution in which he was also a teacher in 1990. After finishing his studies, he immediately started working at the National Theatre.

When he was still a student, he made his screen debut in 1976 in the movie “Illegals” in the role of Leka, a small role but which marks a complete departure for the actor himself.

Then there will be another episodic role in “Man with Cannon” as one of Mere Fizi’s sons, Abazi. Until 1980, he would perform regularly in feature films, including his usually episodic roles in “The Monument / Monumenti”; “Girls with red ribbons”; “Face to Face / Balle for Bale”.

Precisely in 1980, there will be the protagonist role of Bardhyl in “In every season / Ne cdo stina”.

He will return to cinematography in 1986 on the TV movie “Te shoh ne sy”, a film which is considered the last in Arben Imam’s artistic career as an actor.

In the 90s, he will take part in the student movement and will be one of the founders of “PD” (Democratic Albanian Party). Then he entered the political career. In the period 1999-2000 he completed his studies for “Fellowship in School of Foreign Service”, at Georgetown University Washington DC, USA.

Career as an actor:
Ilegalets (1976), Leka
Man with Cannon (1977), Abaz Fizi
The Monument (1977)
Girls with red ribbons (1978), Sandri
Face to face (1979), Arben Struga
In every season (1980), Bardhyl
See you in the eye (1986) TV, Gjergji.

Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013
The text is based on the information obtained from the “Encyclopedia of Albanian Cinematography” – Toena 2002 / A. T Hoxha / (p. 167)

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