Arben Duka (1957-2021) | The "general" of poetry and text!


Arben Duka (1957-2021) | The “general” of poetry and text!
Lyrical poet, outstanding intellectual, thinker, author of many song texts at Festivals in TVSH.

Born on December 5, 1957 in Labove, Gjirokastra. Duka graduated from the Military Academy and “A. Xhuvani” University. Perhaps his biography is the richest literary and artistic. Duka is the author of over fifty volumes of poetry published and republished up to five times. Co-author of about three thousand songs of all genres starting from 1974.

He has been awarded dozens of awards as an author and co-author in the song genre, where seven first prizes at the National Song Festivals on Albanian Radio and Television stand out. In addition to song lyrics, he is the author of thousands and thousands of humorous and satirical verses in many daily and periodicals.

For about seven years, Duka has covered Kaso Kosa’s interviews in the “Intervista” newspaper, being distinguished even in prose. There are many hit songs over the years that bear the signature of Arben Duka, making it impossible due to a long list.

Duka he is also the author of the text of the State Police Anthem. His creativity has a positive and inspiring influence on the poet’s many lovers wherever Albanians live. He holds the titles “Honor of Gjirokastër”, “Honor of Odria”, “Honor of Swimming”, “Honor of War Veterans”. While he does not have and has never asked for state decorations.

The songs that bear his signature in RTSH Festivals from 1978 – 1990:
Fest . 17th / 1978 – “Cel kjo toke si trendafil” (3rd prize)
Fest. 18th / 1979 – “Me dhe drite nga syri yt” (3rd prize)
Fest. 20th / 1981 – “Nusja e maleve” (3rd prize) and “C`lumturi na dha kjo jete” (3rd prize)
Fest. 21st / 1982 – “Ne lindem ne pranvere”
Fest. 23rd / 1984 – “Prane te ndjej kudo” (3rd prize) dhe “Cel si gonxhe dashuria” (Winner of the 1st prize).
Fest. 24th / 1985 – “Ne moshen e rinise” (Winner of the 1st prize)
Fest. 25th / 1986 – “Shalli i kalter i rinise”
Fest. 26th / 1987 – “Ne mes dy yjesh ngjan si hene” dhe “Lot me ty o djale se ta di merakun” (2nd prize)
Fest. 27th / 1988 – “Mes dashurive” (3rd prize)
Fest. 28th / 1989 – “Per njeriun jeta flet”
Fest. 29th / 1990 – “Zgjohu nga gjumi dallandyshe”
Fest. 30th / 1991 – “Na kujtoni”

Some of his book titles are:
1. Nektari i këngëve
2. Njëmijë puthje
3. Ç’të bëj me fjalën?
4. Letra dashurie (në pesë libra të veçantë)
5. Unë isha një i vetëm
6. Intervistat e Kaso Kosës
7. Vetëm ty të kam
8. Gjiri i Virgjëreshë (i botuar gjashtë herë)
9. Ç’ja thoshte bilbili (Humor e satirë)
10. Pushtetarë dhe zagarë (Humor dhe satirë)
11. Grek o grek kokë goricë (Satire)
12. Rroj se nuk vdes dot
13. Labovë moj Labovë (poemë)
14. Kristale të thyer
15. Dashuria është abstrakte
16. Aromë vajze
17. Heroi i dashurisë
18. Fisnikëria e ka një emër (Kushtim për I. Hasanbelliun)
19. Vipa dhe rripa (Humor dhe satirë)
20. Taksidarët e gjakut (Satire)
21. Njeriu me bllok
22. Aliu dhe Saliu
23. Rebelohuni (Satirë)
24. Biri i shqiponjës (Poemë për Heroin e Popullit-Jaho Gjoliku)
25. Sa doli Xhuvelëria, plasi sheshit kurvëria (Në dy volume)

. The outstanding poet changes his life on December 14, 2021.


Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013

Reference: Selection of information collected online, as well as the file of Festival songs (1978-1990) by E. F / December 2021

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