Actor Profile of Viktor Çaro!


Viktor Çaro
Actor of the theater “Z. Sako” – Gjirokaster and Albanian Cinematography. Known not only in Gjirokaster but throughout the country thanks to his many engagements and participations in many theatrical or cinematographic roles.

Born in Gjirokaster on February 1, 1953. Completed his studies in the period 1970-1974 as a music and drawing teacher. Meanwhile, he also studied acting at the High Institute of Arts in 1975-1978. From that period until recently, Viktor Çaro has been an integral part of the accomplishments of this institution and even in 1991 to 1997 he was appointed its leader.

In his more than 40-year career, Caro has performed over 100 roles in variety theater and cinematography, where most of them were first roles.

His productions in the theater would find collaboration and at the same time finalization with the names of the biggest directors in the country such as: Kadri Roshi, Pirro Mani, Esat Oktrova, Timo Flloko, Birce Hasko, Gezim Kame, Ndrek Luca, Pjeter Gjoka, Bernard Kokalari .

From the theatrical performances we can mention:
“Fytyra e dyte” / “Atje ne Ebro” / “Duke u gdhire viti 1945”
“Kufiri i gjakut” / “Hodo Gravica” / ”Pyesni malet” -Majori / “Per pak toke dhe nje grua” – Ganiu / “Kjo nuk duhet harruar” – Beni / “Operacioni”- Keli / “Qyteti i akuzuar”- Shoferi i vincit
“Pranvere e vonuar”- Gjoleka /  “Kalores ne kohe”- Astriti
“Filomena Marturano” –Alfredo / “Dy krime e gjysem dhe nje bulldog” –Sardi / “Shqetesimet e Anes”- Saimiri / “Beri mire qe vdiq”- Nokia / “Ishte kohe lufte” – Nasi (1986) / “Beselam pse me flijojne” – Beselami / “Kerkoj shtepine time” – / “Pabesia” – Azemi / “Nuk ka te ngopur”-Latifi / “Lagjia e varfer”- Fatmiri / “Perballe vehtes”- Nevzati / “Shtepia me dy porta- Harrila / “Koka e tjetrit”- Majori / “Jashte deres” /  “Paqe e pergjakur” / “Pas vdekjes” / “Mbroj te verteten”-Gjergji
“Kenge djepi e shtirur” – Ouli / “Erashka” – Timoleu / “Dredhite e zotit kapter” / “Te paret dhe te fundit” / “Emigrantet” / “Henat e fundme” “Genjeshter per genjeshter“-Efektiv policie / “Nje krevat per tre” -Inspektori.

In addition to stage activity, he has also performed several important roles in Kinostudio`s film: “Liri a Vdekje” (Idriz Guri) – 1979 / “Goditja” (Genci) – 1980 / “Brothers and friends” (Jani) – 1980 / “First day of appointment” (Besimi) – 1981 / “Dritat e qytezes” (Harizi) – 1983 / “Gracka” (Gjergji major) – 1983 / “Dora e Ngrohte” (Azemi) – 1983 / “Hot Autumn `43” (Nasi) – 1985 / “Balkan Pazar” – 2011

For his accomplished and successful performances, Viktor Çaro has been awarded 2 diplomas at National Meetings of Theaters as well as the Title “Andon Zako Çajupi” from Gjirokaster Municipality.

It was published some time ago on the page Albanian Cinematography – October 2020

Albanian Cinematography in activity since 2013
Reference: The official page of the Theater “Zihni Sako”, Gjirokaster on Facebook.

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